He laughed harshly as he spun on his heal " I know you love art and wish to become an artist one day, I know you will never forgive your father for what he did to you and your mother even if you've accepted him into your life. Don't get me started on not knowing you Maya, I've known you for 11 years, we've grown up together."
"I said something noone else knows! Riley knows that stuff! Finn knows that stuff! Even my father knows that stuff and he barely knows me!"
He rolled his eyes "fine you win, I'm done fighting with you." He said Headed back to the car
"I'm still me! I haven't changed! But-" Her voice caught. "I need you."
He stopped short before he got in the car and sighed " you're insufferable you know that right?" He walked over to her pulled her into an ebrace, not letting her escape
"I…I…I just try to hide my past," Maya whispered, tears welling in her eyes.
"you're going to get tear stains on my shirt…." He muttered "and that's the problem Maya, you try to hide the problems and your past from those who want to help, me, Riley, your mom, my dad. We all want to help. Whether you let us or not is up to you." He said gently, all anger gone from before
She didn't say anything for a little while. "I…Sometimes it's better to be alone…No one can hurt you."
He nodded "yeah, and you can't hurt anyone else." he muttered "Exactly how I felt when mom left us."
Maya's phone started to ring, and she broke away to answer it.
He watched her as she answered the phone and glanced around the vacant parking lot. He pulled out his own phone and texted his dad that he and Maya were fine and visiting Riley, they'd be home by 7:00.
Maya's phone slipped from her hand, landing on the ground. She fell to her knees, hair covering her face.
He glanced up and rushed to her side "Maya what's wrong…" he looked around frantically and saw the phone on the ground "Maya, tell me please, what happened?"
"Riley…" She choked, tears streaming down her cheeks. "She…died."
He crouched down and buried his head in his hands, tear slowly running down his cheek. He said nothing, did nothing, just cried for his friend in silence
Maya wiped her eyes and stood up, picking her phone up and seeing that her case stopped it from cracking.
Lukas sat back and tried to calm his breathing and choked back his emotions, his mother always told him he was over emotional, too sensitive to be man, to weak to support a family
"I'm….I'm going home," Maya said, voice on the edge of cracking.
He nodded and stood, handing her the keys and getting into the passenger side in silence
"I'm not going to your home," Maya said. "I can't go there right now."
He nodded in understanding "think I'm going to let you drive my car without me in it? You're funny. I don't care where we're going, just drive please." He said, emotions drained
Maya said nothing. Then she spoke up. "I don't want you there."
"then drop me off somewhere and swear to bring the car and yourself back by 9:00" he said simply, watching her from the corner of his eye as he glanced out the window
Maya tossed the keys back to him. "I'll walk."
He rolled his eyes "why are you so difficult." He got out and walked to the driver's side "if don’t come back by 9:00 I’m coming to find you.”