forum See You Again // One-On-One // CLOSED
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Deleted user

"You won't find me, Lukas. You don't know where I'm going, and I'm not going to tell you."

Deleted user

Maya ran to an alleyway, then leaned against the wall, breath heavy.


"Who shall find who, who knows." Lukas drove to his favorite spot off on the outskirts of town, a little sanctuary he found a while ago when he got mad at his dad. A small lake and meadow that looked amazing at any time of the year.


He sat down by the edge of the lake and layed back "can you here me? I'm talking to you…" He muttered to the woods around him


"tell Mom I said hi if she's up there Riley, and you need to talk to Maya, she's upset. Again, I know. I tried talking to her but you know I suck at talking to her."

Deleted user

Maya reached her favourite place. Few people knew about it, but if they did, they didn't show up often.


He sighed and took off his shirt. He tested the water and dived in, letting the coolness wash over his and his scars, the visible and the invisible ones

Deleted user

She looked around to see if there was anyone around. When she saw no one, she walked to the fountain.

Deleted user

Maya heard her phone ringing, but ignored it. She knew it would be Lukas, and she didn't want to talk to him. She looked at the stars.


He called his dad, telling him he and Maya would be late. He drove around town for a bit then abandoned the car in an empty parking lot and walked

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Maya let out a laugh and wiped her tears away. "I can't believe I'm crying over you, dad. You never cared about me."


He walked around a bit more the slumped near a building "where is she Riley?" He whispered " Wherever you are Maya, I will find you. Always." He promised

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"It's funny. For years, I thought about what I would say. I had it all planned out in my head. And then when I saw you again, that all just left my head."


He sighed and stood to call Maya once more before heading to the cafe they usually hang out at "Hey Carroll," he waved to the barista.

Deleted user

"Riley's gone. She didn't make it. I didn't think she would, but it actually happened."