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"You can't see the planets from here. It's not the right day."
"You can't see the planets from here. It's not the right day."
"…darn it…fine what about the moon? Anything interesting about it?"
"*No. It's just the moon. It's not the most interesting."
"*that's just depressing….hmm, tell me about the northern lights, we haven't discussed those."
"They're called Aurora Borealis, and they don't show all the time."
"It's on my bucket list to go see them" He sighed "coming home yet?"
"I don't know yet."
"Alright, so more about space then….what about black holes? Those seem like fun"
"Also not visible from Earth."
"no duh, doesn't mean their not their."
"You have always been a terrible speller."
"Shush, fine…They're not there, better?"
"*Of course they're not there. They're not visible to us."
He slammed his head against the wall "ugh you're killing me, anything else we haven't gone through?"
"There's not that many things that are visible to our eyes." Maya clicked her phone off and looked at the sky, bringing her knees to her chest.
"no, sadly there isn't. Even things visible can be lost in darkness." He sighed and stood, heading into the house.
"Hey Dad," he muttered
"Where have you been?! And where's Maya?" His father yelled, getting up from his chair and facing his son
"I've been out and Maya went off by herself." Lukas explained
"And when will she be back?"
"A few hours."
"Vous pouvez me trouver si vous vous souvenez de votre Français. Suivez la route jusqu'à ce que vous atteigniez River Boulevard. Il y a un chemin caché que vous devriez suivre. Il fait sombre, mais commence à devenir plus léger que la lueur de la fontaine apparaît."
He glanced down at his phone and sighed
"Maya, I'm still taking French….I got like half of that…the rest of it is gibberish…English girl, English! Or are you going to make me Google translate it?"
"If you don't know French, you don't deserve to find me."
He shrugged "Google translate it is" he copied and pasted the text into the search.
You can find me if you remember your French Follow the road until you reach River Boulevard There is a hidden path that you should follow It is dark, but is starting to become lighter than the glow of the fountain appears.
"Gotcha now," he smiled and headed to the car, already knowing exactly where she was
Maya layed down on the fountain, letting her phone drop from her hand and onto the floor.
He got out of the car, pulling on a hoodie as the brisk, cool air chilled his spine. He also pulled out another hood for Maya. Scannimg the area, he found the path and made his way towards it, having to wrestle with some overgrowth.
Maya closed her eyes and started to sing a song softly. The cold air made her shiver, but she ignored it.
He reached the clearing and leaned against a tree "How the heck are you not cold?" he mutter, watching her from his spot
Maya peeked at Lukas and then closed her eyes again. She was cold, but she was used to it.
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