@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
The woman caught Cas's eye, misinterpreting the situation.
"W-What… w-what are you do-oing with the boy?" she asked, barely able to speak.
The woman caught Cas's eye, misinterpreting the situation.
"W-What… w-what are you do-oing with the boy?" she asked, barely able to speak.
Cas rolled his eyes. "Hey, I'm technically an adult! And he's not doing anything. Run along."
The woman looked between Cas and Halm, then turned and ran away.
"This isn't good," Halm said again. "This is really, really bad."
Cas sighed and lay his head back on Halm's chest. "Yeah… she's probably going to go get the police."
"Let's just hope she isn't too religious… if news of this spreads around, people are going to think I kidnap people. Oh god, if people start praying for me to take away people…" Halm took a deep breath, troubled by the thought.
"M-Maybe we should go and people will just think she's crazy?" Cas suggested weakly.
"Yeah… yeah, okay." Halm brought Cas close to himself, beginning to walk away. He was obviously troubled by what had just happened.
"You okay, Halm?" He asked quietly, casting a worried look up at Halm.
"I'm… fine. It's just that I can only get my main food source from answered prayers, and if everyone starts praying to me to take someone away from them…" He sighed deeply. "Things are gonna get a lot harder to do."
"Yeah… how often do people pray to you?" Cas asked. "If they don't pray to you, do you starve?"
"A small part of the population, but the ones who do are very loyal. It just so happens most of them think I'm a dark deity who'll help them do evil deeds. And I can survive off of just one or two people praying to me, but I have to eat human food to keep from starving." Halm adjusted his hold on Cas a little.
"I think it's best we head back home."
Cas nodded, a little worried about what people were asking Halm to do. He decided he'd better not ask. "Just like… teleporting? Or…?"
"Similar to that." He sighed, trying to find a big enough shadow. He spotted one, walking over to it. He then walked into it, and in a moment they were back in front of the house.
Cas blinked, surprised at how quickly they'd gotten back. "Wow. Efficient." He hummed, holding Nix close to his chest. "I suppose that means we won't be visiting earth again in the near future?"
"At least not for a couple of days," Halm said. He was holding Cas similarly to how he was holding Nix, actually, Cas close to him protectively.
He nodded in understanding, closing his eyes and sighing. "What else are we going to do today, then?"
"Well, we could go visit a couple of the other gods, if you wanted to." Halm didn't really care, willing to do whatever Cas wanted to.
"Sure. Anyone you like in particular?" He asked. He didn't want to see any bitchy gods today.
"Hm… Marcos is really nice." Marcos was the god of the moon, Celeste's sister. He smiled a little.
"And he won't treat you like Celeste did." He still wasn't happy about how much she looked down on Cas, like he was a pet.
Cas nodded. "We could visit him then, I guess. Should we like, call him beforehand or something to let him know we're coming?"
"Yeah. I'll take care of that." Halm set Cas down on the couch gently so he could use both of his hands. He reached up, cupping the soul that hung between his horns and carefully pulled them down. The soul was dim, but it brightened in Halm's hand, and started to float a little. Halm whispered softly to it.
Cas watched him curiously, not entirely sure what he was doing, but intrigued nonetheless. He figured he'd ask about it once Halm seemed to be done so he wouldn't interrupt him.
Halm finished whispering to the soul, and it darted off, disappearing into the closet. Halm smiled, watching it, then sat down next to Cas.
"We'll be able to leave once she returns," he said with a smile.
"What did you say to her?" He asked while he watched the soul leave. "Is that how gods communicate with each other?"
"I told her to go to Marcos and tell him we're coming over. Yeah, it's a bit old fashioned, but it's how we communicate." Halm smiled, putting his arm around Cas.
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