Her demeanor changed as soon as he mentioned having her heart broken and she tensed, not replying to him at all. She raised her head slightly to seem more confident and unphased, going back to studying the sirens. He knew exactly how to get on her nerves and he seemed to know all of her sore spots in her history, which she hated. It made it a lot more difficult to seem uncaring and unphased by anything when the person she had feelings for knew how to push her buttons.
Alro who had been listening through the whole thing, shook his head at both of them. It was one thing to have messed up Jerome on a simple thing, he didn't ever care, but sirens, that was different entirely. He just always seemed to be some sort of sensitive when it came to the sirens. Some of them were in fact, there because of Jerome. Sliding over next to Reva, Alro shook his head again. "You know, what would really benefit you to learn all about sirens besides keeping you from being bored? They are after all, sirens because of sad reasoning."
"I know why they're sirens, I know how it happened," She huffed, glancing over at Alro and shaking her head. Her fingers drummed against the edge of the ship and she watched the sirens, not looking over at any of the other crew, "There are more reasons for me to learn about them then just being bored..but I'd rather not say them."
Alro tilted his head in a knowing way, one that signified he understood. "I used to wonder much about sirens a lot, hey I mean one of my good friends became one." He said with a sigh, a small smile on his face appeared. Watching the sirens, his eyes lighted up, not in a good sense you would think, but a sort of remembering one. "I learned many things about those sirens in just a short while from Jerome, and those things should be kept unknown for a long time."
She sighed and shook her head, "Jerome doesn't seem to want to share any information about the sirens, so I'm going to figure things out on my own. I don't care if he doesn't like it." Reva took a step away from the ship and stretched her back and arms, "But right now I'm going to go take a nap." She turned on her heel and nodded to Alro before starting towards the captains quarters.
"It's not of what he doesn't like of it, it's more of what you won't like when you learn of it. There's some things in this world we don't want to know of, including sirens. Even I know that." Alro called out towards her, a look of pity in his eyes. He turned to walk off to another crewmate but before that he called off to her again, "And i'm sure he would be willing to share, he would just be uncomfortable." With that he went off on his own. Leaving the only person to be looking at Reva, Jerome.
"I'm not going to bite him, I don't know why he'd be uncomfortable." She called over her shoulder, heading into the quarters and looking around. Eventually she sat down on the bed and sighed, swinging her legs and thinking about the sirens. They were amazing creatures and she wanted to learn as much as she could about them, even if Jerome didn't like it.
It wasn't that Jerome didn't like it when people learned more things about sirens, it was that he didn't like how people acted after they found out more about sirens. Wanting to be sirens, resenting sirens to the point of death, or even just never staying the same when it came to be near sirens. Out of random Jerome smacked his forehead, remembering that she knew about the secret room in the quarters. He just hope she wouldn't get curious and open it. She doesn't need to be reading the siren book.
Reva rolled so that she was laying down and sighed, looking up at the ceiling and thinking about the sirens. A drink would be nice right now to help her think, she decided, though she had no clue where he would keep the whiskey and she didn't want to go ask him. Eventually she just put her arm behind her head and closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep without any distractions.
Jerome shook his head and waved away his thoughts. With a girl like Reva, it was doubtful that she would even find the book, or even go into to the secret room. Or at least, it was hoped she wouldn't. John and Lemony watched Jerome as he fidgeted around, deep in thought. "The lad is going to give 'imself a blasted headache, I swear I just watched a nerve pop." Lemony said watching Jerome curiosley. John chuckled, "Aye, but that's just how Jerome is." Both nodded to each other, continuing to watch the captain with interest.
Thinking about sirens was keeping her up and she huffed, not liking being awake when she was trying to sleep. She sat up and looked around the quarters after a little while, deciding that she could probably wander around and explore for a little bit so that's what she did. Reva stood up and wandered around the quarters, picking up stuff and just figuring out what everything was.
The captain's quarters was pretty well put together for a pirate captains quarters nonetheless. Although there was not much in the room to begin with, it was a pretty big room. Jerome had it designed specifically that way just in case there was an emergency, or he had a secret needed of keeping in that room. Up on deck Jerome was sitting exactly right above the quarters itself, deep in thought. Not even noticing the 'thump' noise of something dropping by the corner deck, which was right above where his secret room was.
She continued wandering around the room but soon got bored, forgetting about the secret room for a moment. Reva flopped back down before the room popped into her mind and she grinned slightly. Maybe Jerome had something in there that could help her fall asleep, or maybe he just had things that she could look though in there. Again getting back up, she walked to the room and opened the secret door, frowning when she remembered she needed something to hold the door open with.
Jerome always wandered into the secret room at night sometimes whenever he couldn't fall asleep at night, which was a common thing. He always held his most valuable or most secret possessions in that room. At nightfall he would have to be discreet because he didn't want to wake any of the sleeping men. Since it was a two man job for the door, there was always a beam he kept near the door to hold it open while he was in there. It was a pretty well put together system. Thinking back on it, Jerome thought of going in there, but remembered a Reva was in there.
When she first walked to the door she hadn't seen the beam but after a second glance she spotted it and grinned, grabbing it and propping the door open. She stepped away from the opening and made sure it was going to stay before nodding and heading into the secret room, wondering what she was going to find. This was the first time she had actually been inside of it and it was quite exciting, though she could already tell there was quite a lot of stuff in here.
The room held many old relics and artifacts that Jerome found over the years. Things ranging from very old looking coins, to really old looking weapons. Although there were many things, a desk was somehow fitted in there. There were many papers, maps, old ink pens on it. In all, the room looked pretty normal besides the fact that it was filled with such old and strange looking artifacts, but there was one thing that could be seen to the naked eye, it stood out very well. On the floor layed a book which looked like it had been dropped. At the top of it, there was a weared out label that said "SIRENS".
Reva looked around the room with an almost childlike curious look on her face. There was hundreds or papers and coins and everything else. It was amazingly exciting and she started going through everything almost immediately, stopping for a moment when she saw the book. "Bingo." She said, scooping up the book and heading out of the room. She left the door to the room open just in case though, incase she needed to put the book away quickly or she got tired of reading it. As long as Jerome didn't come in she was fairly certain she would be fine though.
The book itself looked and was in fact older than Reva. It had a silvery color to it that was fairly close to Jerome's hair color. The cover of it was a hard and ruff leather, although the spine to the book was smooth to the touch. Under the title of the book there was a little description or warning transcribed onto it, along with a name. It read out, "Those who read this book, read it with caution. It will as guessed, reveal the nature and many secrets of the ever so mysterious sirens. Beware, it will tempt many to be of like a sirens nature, for their secrets are full of temptation. Signed by Jerome Kedos."
She ran her hand over the front cover and sat down on the bed, opening the cover excitedly. This book could tell her everything she wanted to know, and probably more. Every sound from the ship sounded like Jerome walking to the captains quarters as she read and her reading was frequently interrupted. She could only hope that if he actually did come in he would understand why she was reading the book.
Much of the wording in the book was very cryptic, and seemed to have held much more meaning to it than what it was saying. There were many pages, words poured in the more each page was turned, revealing many unknown secrets that were never known before. Above deck, Jerome was spending his time sword fighting with Alro, showing him the basics. "Captain! Why don't ye have a drink with us?" Lemony yelled to him, gesturing towards himself and John. Shaking his head, Jerome grinned, he was in need of a drink. "Let me get some of my medicine and I will!" Jerome shouted back heading towards the captains quarters.
Reva skimmed over the parts of the book that didn't make sense as she read, her eyes glued to the pages and her concentration only broken at what sounded like footsteps. Her head whipped up for a moment and she froze, realizing that it was probably only Jerome practicing and dismissing the nagging feeling that she should hide the book. Calming her jumpiness down she went back to pouring over the book, cramming as much information as she could into her head.
Jerome messed with his hair on his way down to the captains quarters. He usually did when he had a lot on his mind, it was almost like a distraction for himself. Pausing midway to the door, he remembered that Reva would be in there. Thinking on whether to just walk in or knock, he decided to just quietly walk in case she was sleeping. opening the door quietly, he was about to just sneak in and grab his medicine. That is however, until he saw the secret room opened, and Reva reading the siren book.
Hearing the door open her head flicked up and she froze, seeing Jerome. She shut the book and scowled at him, not saying anything verbally but showing with her expressing that if he tried to take the book it wouldn't end well. The book was answering every question she had but it was making more questions for each one answered
Jerome's eyes instantly went cold at the sight of the book. *Why the hell is she reading the siren book, of all damned books." Clearly not caring on whether she was going to be mad or not, he snatched the book before she could do anything, and threw it into the secret room, shutting its door. Locking it with a small key he turned around and looked at her with a look of pure disappointment, one that not many people had seen him give. "Don't people ever read warnings anymore?"
She shot up and glared at him, "Of course I read the warnings, whether I acknowledged them or not is a different matter. Now, give me that book back." Reva jabbed her thumb towards the secret room and ignored the disappointed look, if he didn't want her reading the book he could've hid it better, or he could've just answered her questions.