forum Pirates, a revolution or an apocalypse (O/O Closed)
Started by @gracehustle

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@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Swinging around to face Reva he grinned with a little look of excitement. No one would ever accept to spar with Alro, with such the young lad he was. Gripping the handle of the cutlass in his hand he nodded and grinned once more. "I'm up for it, this should be fun."


“I’ll go easy on you, no actual damage,” She replied with a growing grin, pulling out her own cutlass and standing several feet away from him. Sparing with anyone was fun, even if she had to hold back her skills or fight for her life against even more experienced pirates. “I don’t think Jerome would like it if I put his first mate in the infirmary.”

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Alro shrugged still wearing his sweet grin. "I'd think he would have been more upset of the fact that he wasn't awake to see me beat, he is the one who taught me how to fight let alone just simply spar. Don't go to easy on me." He started walking around in a circle, circling around her. Signifying that he was ready to start.


Reva rolled her shoulders and motioned for him to attack first, “Oh don’t worry, I won’t go too easy on you, but I’m also not looking to hurt you in any way.” She spun her cutlass and her demeanor changed, making her light and springy on her feet and her eyes follow his movements carefully. Already she felt the rush of excitement she got from sparing.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

With adrenaline already rushing through his veins, Alro studied Reva, trying to see if there were any weak spots he could go for. Failing to find any, he decided to at least see where his advantages lay. She looked to be pretty quick, but he was also smaller than her making it easier to get away quicker. Eyeing her stance he moved forward and swung his cutlass quickly towards her not using any tatic.


She blocked the hit easily, her sword in her left hand and protecting her left side of her body more than her right. Reva didn’t have many weaknesses, but once they were found, you had a much higher chance of at least coming out of a duel in a truce. A small grin settled onto her lips and she swiped at his legs, careful to use the blunt edge of the blade so if she did hit him it wouldn’t cut.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

(Just so you know, i'm terrible at writing fight scenes ;-;)
Moving quick and staying sharp on his feet, he moved fast enough to dodge her hit at his legs. He needed to think this time before just throwing himself in this time around. Taking notice of hose she seemed to protect the left side of herself than the right, he swiftly moved to the left and went for her left arm avoiding her cutlass in hand.


(It’s ok)
Her eyes narrowed slightly in concentration and she twisted away from him blade, slightly unsteady on her feet as she went for a slash across his chest and arm. This was getting fun. Even though she was holding back and giving Alro a chance to practice, she was still trying and giving him a goal to work towards.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Watching as she unsteadily went to slash him across the chest and arm, he blocked her easily enough and slightly pushed her sword back. If there was one good thing Jerome taught Alro, it was to always watch your opponent and use what you could to your advantage. Running fast enough behind her he swiped at her left leg.


Reva grinned and let him push her sword back, barely making it out of the way of his sword as he went for her left leg. While he was still behind her, she shot her sword out and went for his waist and stomach, almost taunting him as she started to him nonchalantly.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Also jumped back yet still earning a small cut to the stomach. It wasn't bad but it still stung like hell. He looked back at her at her, annoyed of the taunting. Once more he swiped at her left leg, however this time he tried to trip her to ease her into a fall.


She cursed internally when she saw she actually hit him and might have done some damage but she didn't think about it too much. Still, it made her falter and when he went for her leg, he hit it right on and tripped her as well, causing her to fall onto her back and push away the wonder of just how much damage he did to her leg.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Looking down at her he tilted his head. He thought of offering her a hand to help her up, but decided not too. If there was one thing he knew, it was never help the opponent. They could use that to their advantage. Not knowing Reva too well was good enough reason. Staying in a ready stance, he waited to see if she was to get up and continue this.


“Smart boy,” She said, jumping to her feet with a nod. Her back hurt from the fall but she readied her sword and attacked again, slashing at both his arms and legs. He hadn’t helped her up, which was a smart decision on his part, and she would’ve used it against him anyway.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Alro swung back at her cutlass with his own trying to hit it out of her hands and block it from hitting him. "You have to be if you don't want to lose." He said trying to keep from being swung at more than he wanted. Getting tired was one of the things he didn't want to happen so quickly.


Reva was clearly having fun as their blades clashed and she fought against his blade. She wasn't going at her full power, but she was still trying, "That's true, you also have to be relentless in your attacks and know your strategy." She wanted to help Alro and help him become even better at fighting and defending himself.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Alro knew she was trying to help him become better at his fighting skills, he appreciated it. "I've found that observing the other opponent is one of the best skills when in a fight." He once again swung hard at her blade, clashing with it, hoping that it would be knocked from her hands.


"That's true as well, if you can find their weaknesses, you can take them down in half the time." She gritted her teeth and let her sword clash against his, pushing back against it to try to get him to be off balance. Reva had completely forgotten about the rest of the ship as they duled, focused on the circle of the deck they fought on and ignoring everything around them.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Everyone who had been on deck had slowly made their way into a circle surrounding the fighting two. Jerome had been walking around behind the crew, unnoticeable, watching the fight silently as everyone was loud. A smile rested on his lips as he watched the two, admiring what was happening. Alro had gotten distracted for just one second and lost his balance falling down. Yet, his blade still remained against hers.


As he fell, a slightly smug look appeared on her face and she pushed hard against his blade one more time before jumping back. Now she could hear the rest of the crew and just how much attention their sparing was bringing. It gave her a rush of excitement and she started to slowly circle around him, catching her breath and letting herself rest while she waited for him to get back up or give up.