forum Perhaps that's what makes us human. PRIVATE oxo rp with @Periwinkle_
Started by @saor_illust school

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"Well, only if you want to. We don't have to," she was almost nervous, which caught her by surprise. She wasn't really the nervous type. "Do you want to?"


"Okay then," she pushed herself up from the bed. "Well we were only here for like two minutes, but let's go." She walked towards the door, but turned on her heels when she was under the frame. "Do you think your mom will mind?"


"Okay then," she replied nonchalantly, then she descended the stairs. She picked her stuff back up and together they walked down Saori's street, out of the front of the neighborhood, across the street, and eventually into Gwen's neighborhood. She felt like there were thousands of lulls in the conversation, but she wasn't about to try to fix them all. She only started talking without being asked anything like once or twice.

"Abby will probably be at the house, just to let you know. She's my adoptive mother, and she's super chill."

@saor_illust school

"Okay, I don't mind," Saori replied. In truth, she didn't really mind. In fact, she looked forward to meeting Gwen's mother. Perhaps they could be friends one day.


(sorry, life's got me swamped)
"Good," she said simply as she sauntered down the street. Her new acquaintance would love her mother. After walking across the neighbor's backyards, they got to the back of the house and Gwen twisted the key in the lock to let them both inside.
"Abby?" she called as she looked around the house. Still dirty. "Maybe she's asleep," she said as she turned to Saori.

@saor_illust school

(That's totally fine! I have plenty of other things to keep me busy as well! And I totally understand that tho!)

"Okay… is she usually home?" Saori asked, mostly just curious. She looked around the house and noted that it hadn't been cleaned yet.


"Sometimes, it just depends on how much work she has to do." She moved dishes into the sink in the kitchen as she spoke. "Her job lets her come home once she's finished all her tasks for the day instead of at a set time, so sometimes she comes early and sometimes she comes late."


"She's a drafter, she designs buildings for this big textiles company." Gwen turned to look at her. "Not that I think it's that interesting of a job, but I like that she gets off early most of the time."


After she had collected all the dishes, she shrugged and murmered, "I'll finish 'em later. You ready to go upstairs? I'm warning you, my room is very different from yours."


She turned and made her way up the stairs to her room, which was pretty unconventional. Her bed was in one corner, and the entire surface of it was covered with decor pillows. There were pictures and clippings of magazines up on her wall, and fairy lights were all around the ceiling above her bed. There was a window on the other wall behind her bed, the window being directly in the center of the headboard, which was a dark gray color. The rest of the room was covered in miscellaneous things that somehow all fit together; there were instruments on the wall, plants on shelves, books in stacks, fabric folded on her desk, unfinished paintings behind furniture.

"Here we are," she said as she stepped into the room.


“Thank you,” she said over her shoulder as she dug through a box in the corner of her room. It was somewhere in there, and after a few seconds of being elbow deep in the box, she pulled out another box, this one being wooden instead of cardboard.

“It’s in here,” she said as she popped the top off. Inside were a bunch of small keepsakes, and she pulled the wrinkled piece of paper out from among them and held it out to Saori.


She shrugged and flopped back onto her bed. "No clue. All I know about her is that she couldn't afford to take care of me. I don't even know her name, Abby won't tell me."


"Yeah, I wonder what the point of it was," she replied while folding her hands behind her head. "Seems a bit weird to me. And don't you think I should know what her name was? Why don't I know the stuff I should know?"


"Sounds fun," she answered in a slightly monotone voice. Honestly, she was kind of tired of traveling that road, asking Abby for answers, but then she reminded herself that another person helping might actually work.