Name: Gwendolyn Porter
Nicknames (if any): Gwen, Gwennie
Age: 15
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: Black, wavy, shoulder-length hair with tips dyed cyan like this this. brown eyes, thick eyelashes, really dark eyebrows. tends to be wearing old bracelets but never wears earrings, has a thin biuld and is about 5'4''. Possible outfits: something like this, this, or this.
Personality: ISFP. Introverted, but pretty laid back/chill and not very shy. does lots of artsy stuff. Has a bit of trouble getting close to people, but shes friendly enough.
Backstory: Was adopted by an Abby Porter (age 39 atm) when she was a baby, who also happens to be a lot like Gwen herself. As a result, she's had a pretty normal life, with the exception of being adopted. She's always known about being adopted, since Abby didn't hide it from her, but she didn't really know much else.
Likes: hats, charm bracelets, collecting old paper, ink, art (of course), acoustic guitar, long naps, small spaces, green.
Dislikes: small talk/ surface level conversation (its okay once and a while but not all the time), skirts, showing a whole lotta skin (it's really uncomfortable to her), steep hills.
(alrighty! i just realized that Saori and Gwendolyn are like complete opposites lol this will be even more interesting! c:)
(Yeah it will! So, do you wanna start or me? and should we hash out some of their background first or just jump right in and figure that out later?)
(I'd rather jump right in, but for the starter it really depends on if you want a short wait or a long wait. If you're fine with a long wait then I can start, or if you want a short wait then you can start)
(we can do long wait if you want? that would make it a bit more suspenseful)
(Alright then I will do my best to dig up more creativity from inside my mind to post a starter lol)
Saori was in the classroom, silently waiting. She swung her legs back and forth, waiting for class to start. Her eyes were cast downward, to avoid any eye contact. While she waits, she idly doodles a vague drawing of a sushi plate.
After slamming her locker shut, Gwen made her way down the hallway to her first class. Her boots stomping (she didn't mean to, they were just heavy), she turned the corner and plopped her books down on a desk in the back, then slid into her seat. On the first day of school, she tried her best to be inconspicuous. In, and out. That was her motto.
She was early, so there weren't many kids in the room. Well, maybe about half the kids were in the room. She looked around, trying to find people that she was glad to have in her class. Maybe not people she was friends with, per say, but people with whom she was on good terms.
(I have to go now, I will be back in like a couple of hours tho)
(okie dokie see ya soon!)
Saori jumped at the sudden noise. Looking up, she saw a newcomer. She saw the new girl looking around. She debated talking to the girl in her head, but the logical side of her brain told her that they looked kinda similar. So talk she did. "Hey," she called out lightly, softly.
Gwen looked up from her desk to find a girl with similar features calling out to her. Skeptically, she raised her hand to wave. “Hi,” she replied.
"We look kind of similar, don't we?" she asked, hesitantly.
Gwen nodded. “Yeah we do. That is pretty cool,” she shifted in her seat a bit so she was completely facing the girl.
"Yeah it is!" Saori replied.
“So do your parents look like me too?” Gwen asked, occasionally looking up from her notebook. The more she thought about it, the weirder it was: apparently there are about seven people on earth that look like each other. So what were the odds that two of those seven would be in the same homeroom?
"Uh not really, they're american, not at all asian, though my mom has black hair too," Saori explained. "Who are your parents?"
“Actually it’s parent, single. I’m adopted and I live with my adoptive mother.” She tapped her fingers on her desk. “So we’re both adopted, huh?”
"I guess so," Saori replied.
Honestly, at that moment, Gwen didn’t think much of it. I mean, sure, it was interesting, but that was about it. But this girl did have a really cool hairstyle, which was enough to make her want to keep the conversation going. Little things like that tended to intrigue her the most.
“Huh. By the way, I like your hair.”
(Ok I’m up waaay past my bedtime so gn!)
"Huh? Oh thanks, it's really easy to do, which is why I have it. Personally, I would tie it up if it came to it, but mostly I like it down," Saori looked up at Gwen. "Your hair is cool too!"
She smiled at the girl and stuck her hand out. “My name’s Gwen. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
"Nice to meet you Gwen, I'm Saori-chan!" Saori shook Gwen's hand, beaming.