brink thought for a moment, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "show me the goods, then maybe we'll talk…" he said slowly, ever the crime lord his father was
brink thought for a moment, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "show me the goods, then maybe we'll talk…" he said slowly, ever the crime lord his father was
Vitalis got up and came back a few minutes later and held 6 worms and a slinky, "here are the goods."
Brink looked them over carefully and nodded "fine, what am I giving you though, besides the snakes?"
"Don't know… Maybe a hug?" He asked softly.
Brink blinked "…since when do you hug? and is that really a good idea with the wound?" he tilted his head and wrapped the blanket over his head
"I always like hugs I just never get any. And it'll be fine if we're gentle." He replied and sat down next to brink and gave him the goods.
(The boy just needs a hug.)
Brink sighed sarcastically before nodding "fine." he spread his arms and waved his hands "come here, weirdo."
Vitalis smiled and hugged him.
Brink awkwardly wrapped his arms around Vitalis and stiffly patted his back. After a while, he relaxed and rested his head on Vity's shoulder
Vitalis just sat there and was relaxed.
Brink pulled the blanket over Vitalis’ shoulders and nudged his head “you okay there? Or is this getting awkward?”
"I'm ok and would you say this is awkward? Because we could say we're nicely strangling each other."
Brink grinned “sure, we’re nicely strangling each other.” He reached for one of the worms and placed it on Vitalis’s head
Vitalis smiled, "I'm being attacked."
Brink grinned and placed more of the toy worms on Vitalis’ head, gently pulling away from the hug to look at his work. He let out a laugh and took a picture “perfect!” He said, showing Vitalis the photo then sending urban to Cali and Vasilios before deleting it
"Wow… Thanks for that blackmail." He laughed and nodded.
"Don't worry, it's just to your dads. I deleted it anyways so you should be okay." he patted his shoulder and gently took the worms of Vitalis's head
Vitalis nodded, "well I'm going to bed." He sighed and got up. He went to his room and slept.
Brink pouted “aw oki. Bye bye!” He curled up on the the back portion of the couch, only taking up half of the space and slowly drifted off to sleep
Robin went to bed.
(Wait who’s robin?)
….Batman worked in the bat cave?
(I’m mixing up characters here)
Vitalis went to bed and slept for awhile.
(I know,)
Brink got restless and sat up, perching on the couch for a while before sneaking to the kitchen to make some food
The kitchen had plenty of food
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