forum Passing A Kidney Stone
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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He breathed a sigh through his nose and rolled his eyes. “Fine, but my patience only goes so far, Vity.”


“You’re glad my attention span is shorter than my patience.” He bounced slightly, excitedly waiting for the toy


“Yeah, but I like to think they are, plus they’d certainly act like an angered parent if I killed you.”


“Yeah, no duh Sherlock.” He picked his head up and glared at Vitalis “I want my slinky…” he whined


Brink glared away, thinking that Vitalis just left so he didn’t have to hear his whining. Curling up on the couch with a blanket and phone, Brink continued to scroll for more snakes


“Ow!”Brink whined, shifting over so that Vitalis has a place to drape without bein I top of him. “I’m getting ya snakes! What else do I have to pay?”


"I'm getting two, not one, snakes. I don't owe you anything. hell at this point, you at least owe me two slinkies, that or four worm thingy's on a string."