forum Passing A Kidney Stone
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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"eh, as long as i doesn't split, I'll be fine." he rested his chin on the ground and looked at the tv through his hair that had fallen to his face


"Griffin for sure" he laughed and rolled onto his back, careful not to hurt any of the stitchings. "Don't know, what type of animals do you like that would seem a right fit for your living situation?"


"…did the thing that attack me not count as real? wow I must be delusional then." He sat up awkwardly and faced vitalis. "who made the rule that you can't have a griffin as a pet?"


"and that's why you get it when it's a tiny little thing. it won't attack you if you don't teach it to, duh." he rolled his eyes playfully and propped his head on his hands "fine, we'll start with something simpler. How about a snake?"


He shrugged "I got nothin else to do, why not? Any snake you have in particular or are we scanning through pet websites for the cutest one? Unless you want one of those terrifying large boys that live in the bathtub and kill your children when you're not home…."


"both! and they can be friends and snuggle with each other and it'd e cute!" Brink clapped and got out his phone to look up websites that sold pets


"Any color? oooh! there's a white one for….way too much money but we're irresponsible when it comes to that so she's going on the list as potential snake child!"


"Nope! but that's what banks are for!"he grinned and continued to scroll through the options, occasionally showing Vitalis "Any names in mind for the babies?"


“Sure, I kinda suck at naming things though..,” he glanced up when Vitalis started walking about “how big of a tank do you think we’ll need?”