“Fine…how about……..Mouse?” He glanced up with a tilt of his head
“Fine…how about……..Mouse?” He glanced up with a tilt of his head
"Adorable, want to name the other one corny?"
"that's worse than what'd I'd come up with. Can we name the hog nosed snake Corny just to mess with people."
"Sure! and the corn snake is mouse?" Vitalis asked and laughed a bit.
"yes! They are what they eat!" he flopped back and showed a picture of a deep green hof nosed snake to viatlis. "I can only find green ones, do you know if they have different colored snakes?"
"I've seen orange ones before. But the green ones are cute." Vitalis said and started moving stuff.
He nodded “I don’t see any so we’ll have to get a green one. Do you care if it’s make or female?”
"I don't care, our names are pretty neutral." Vitalis nodded.
“True,” he scrolled through a bit more before finding a cute orange corn snake with black lines “ how about this one?”
"That's adorable." He nodded.
“Alright, what fake name should put on the potential adoption list?” He asked, scooting himself up on Thebes couch and sitting on the arm part
"Hm, put Calixs name, we don't have to tell." He laughed and moved some stuff to make room.
"you sure he won't kill me for it?" he asked, glancing up in slight concern
"Vasilios wouldn't let Calix kill us." He nodded and smiled.
"yeah, you're right…I hope…" he went back to typing in the information, asking questions about age and qualifications. "Hey how old do you think your dad is? or at least appearance wise how old does he look? Not literal angel years, don't want to freak anyone out…though that'd be funny…"
"I think he's like 25." Vitalis said and thought about how he looked.
"As long as it's over 18!" he typed in the rest of the information except for the phone number, using Vitalis's instead of Calix's
"So are we officially parents?" He asked happily.
"Not yet, the owners have to determine if we're right for the snakes before we can take them home. I booked the appointment for next wednesday. He walked over to Vitalis and hung his arm around his shoulder "now how in mayhem did you loop me into this relationship?"
"Well you wanted to have me adopt a Griffin. That's how." He laughed and leaned against brink.
"It's still an open option if you want to be griffin parents, too." he offered, patting Vitalis's head
"We're not being Griffin parents!"
"why?! they're dangerously cute! It's like owning a Pokemon!" e laughed and sighed "fine, no griffins….for now.."
"Let's wait till we're better with animals." He replied.
He rolled his eyes and rested his head on Vitalis' shoulder "Fine, but I'm not patient…"
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