forum Passing A Kidney Stone
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Brink's eyes widened "please tell it's because you have a body in there and not because you actually go to the gym."


“Still…ew.” Brink sighed and lied on the ground again, humming softly and fiddling with the carpet


By the time Vitalis finished with the bag, Brink had climbed on top of the coffee table. his legs and lower body were on top of the table while his upper body was bent under the table in a weird contortionist pose


Brink carefully sat back up and nodded "yeah, a little. But this helps stretch it out." he sat cross legged on the table and looked at the duffel back with a grin.


"I can't promise anything Muffin but it's sweet that you're concerned." he smiled cheekily and stood from the table.


Brink rolled his eyes but still retained his smile “if I die, I owe you ice cream in the after life, deal?”


"if they have ice cream in hell, imma die on purpose." he scoffed, pulling on his jacket and heading to the door