forum Parisienne Romance [One-On-One // @TurtleOfFreedom]
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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“That is seemingly impossible,” Addie teased. Using her reporter voice, she teased, “Local boy unfazed by boyfriend stereotypes… lets girlfriend pay for lunch… feminist or tactless? We’ll just have to see. And now, the weather.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(All of mine do. Lol. So, yeah. It's just a light laugh, usually somewhat u see your breath.)

"Good," Archer said with a chuckle of his own, turning to wink at her before driving away.


//its from the 80s, I think, lol. It was the Guardian’s theme in either GOTG Vol 2 or Infinity War, I can’t remember which
To lunch or something? I was just thinking that we dont have to cover another drive….