forum Paper Bird (o/o)
Started by @lavender_ladybug group

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"I will, and I had had a good time too." He looked down at Sam nudging her leg "it was nice meeting you too little guy." she glanced back at matt and smiled brightly before heading out the door back into the rain

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt frowned at himself for not offering her an umbrella, but she was so nice and pleasant to talk to, he couldn’t help but succumb to the joy welling in his heart. “I can’t wait to see you again..” he mumbled to himself.


Ro stepped out into the rain and laughed, running out into the lawn and spinning in a circle, not caring that her hood fell off. She stood there for a few moments before reluctantly heading to her side of the fence, taking a last look at matt's house and waving, hoping he saw.

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt limped over to his window to watch her leave, getting there just in time to see her wave as he opened the curtains. He waved back, his heart warming even more than he thought it ever could, and he felt his every heartbeat. He loved everything about her, he decided.


Ro headed inside and took off her coat, putting on the hook and sliding to the floor "I've fallen, and I don't think I want to get up." She muttered with a smile "he's beautiful, the most beautiful creature I've seen."

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt closed his curtains again and sank down onto the ground beside the air vent, “Sam..Sam c’mere.” He called, hoping the hamster would listen and roll on over, “Do you like her?”
Sam made no answer.
Matt chuckled, resting his head against the wall “Me too, Sammy, my little wingman.”


After a while of daydreaming, to stood and headed to her desk. She found her supplied and started to make a little atomotron (the wooden moving painting thingys…) Of a small hamster in a ball

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt stood up, and went to his office towards his computer. He felt inspired to write a character loosely based on Ro. A female, but she didn’t seem like a shapeshifter, hm… he leaned back in his chair to think.


She smiled and decided to add a a kitten changing the ball around. Soon it was to.e for her to eat lunch and Ro reluctantly got up from her desk. She headed to the kitchen and started to prepare something to eat.

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt spent hours researching different mythical creatures and cyborg humans that felt right for Ro to be. She was something special, she really was. He wanted to do her justice enough that if he ever decided to show her he wouldn’t seem creepy. Or at least he hoped this wasn’t creepy, he didn’t mean to be.


She turned on some rock music which seemed out of place for the household and Ro's personality. She quite liked rock music and considered it a whirl of hers. She started to prepare a sandwich

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt ultimately decided that Ro should be a human in the midst of a non human society, maybe they were all shape shifters or something. He leaned forward to tap away at his computer document, but paused when he remembered he hadn’t even eaten breakfast yet.


Ro headed to her back porch, covered in ivy and flowers. She sat on her swing and curled up comfortably with her sand which and a book

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt sighed heavily through his nose, looking at the blank word document. His stomach angrily growled at him for missing breakfast, but there was a swelling lump in his throat that muffled his appetite. He was too excited that after all these years of being stuck alone in his house he actually met someone!


Ro glanced around and smiled "we can definatly do something with this yard." She muttered. Her thoughts went back to her morning spent with Matt, recounting how happy she was and how normal she felt being with him. And on several accounts on how she thought how handsome he was. She blushed and took a bite out of her food

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt stood up from his desk to go out to his backyard to hopefully find some inspiration there. It had inspired him to write to her, maybe it would inspire him to write about her. He’d show it to her first, he decided. Maybe this would be the first actual writing he would try to get published! He knew he was getting ahead of himself, but for once in the longest time he was excited for the possible future.


To leaned back in her swing and relaxed "don't get all hyped up, Ro. He's a friend. Don't get ahead of yourself." She laughed and opened her book, reading off from where she had left off outloud

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt sank down into his outdoor rocking chair, content enough to watch the remaining sprinkle of rain. He liked it better now that it wasn’t prohibiting his chance to communicate with Ro. In fact, he appreciated the fact that his plants could get a refreshing drink.


She glanced up as the rain stopped and got up from her swing, heading to the backyard garden. "Are you done Sir rain? Have you cried enough today?"


Ro smiled, hearing Matts familiar voice "why yes, as a matter of fact I am." She headed over to the fence and glanced over "do ally decided to come out after it rained?"


"it is good." She glanced up "it'll come soon, wait a while and you'll see her." Ro smiled softly and headed over to a patch of grass "I was thinking of making a vegetable garden here, what do you think?"

@lavender_ladybug group

Matt smiled, glancing over to the place she gestured, “That would be a perfect place. If you need any tips on a vegetable garden, I’ve got a bit of experience.” He offered.


"I'm open to any suggestions, ive planted plenty of flowers but food plants have never been my forte." She laughed embarrassed and glanced at the small plot of land she would start her garden.