forum Opportunistic Omnivore: Scavenging the Remains of the Divine || OxO || Closed || 18+
Started by @ElderGod-kirky group

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Eurion resisted the urge to look towards Sláine when he felt the trickle of excitement that he received through the bond. It made him feel at least a little more comfortable knowing that the other felt some form of happiness towards the whole ordeal. He hasn’t been keeping his own excitement at bay from the other or his feelings away from the bond because he had wanted to talk and wanted to make things right. It was Sláine who was currently being too stubborn to want or let them talk. But if Eurion could help it, that wouldn’t be going on for much longer. First, he had to get them sorted.

When they reached the top of the stairs the expanse of the city was in view, the castle even seemed smaller. Either way, he didn’t let them stop and wait for long because a moment later he was leading them through an arch that was made of stained glass and into a beautiful open expanse. The inside was decorated with the same banners as the rest of the city, clearing having been done up for Skyfall. There was a fireplace crackling in one corner, the magic stopping the flames from lighting anything on fire and the rest of the space was filled with different seating arrangements, with a bar to one side. There was a soft murmur of chatting but compared to the outside of the place it seemed too quiet. Not that it mattered, they would only stay in the common space for a short while until Eurion could get them sorted with a place.

The assassin headed over to the bar where, after a quick conversation with the Fae man on the other side, was passing over some gold in exchange for a key. At least he hadn’t been recognised yet, and the others hadn’t drawn attention to themselves. Eurion could only hope that they stayed that way until they were fully masked and protected. He wouldn’t properly relax until then.

Moving through the common space Eurion directed them to their living areas. The space overlooked the main expanse of the city with a balcony on the far end, a railing of silver keeping them from falling over the edge. The main space looked similar to that of the common area - with the stained glass windows, fireplace, couches and banners with the Skyfall pattern - that they had moved through, but off to the sides were two bedrooms. Only two. Eurion didn’t say anything on the matter because he was going to fix things with Sláine tonight and they wouldn’t have to worry about one of them sleeping on the couch.

“I hope this is okay.” He said, placing Solise down onto one of the couches from her perch on his shoulders so she could explore, and moments later removing his own bags.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Caoimhe looked around the common area, practically spinning in place to get a look at everything. "The Fae really do go all out, don't they?" he commented. Aideen nodded and said something about that arrogance, the one she accused Eurion of having, and Sláine had to shush them both and get his twin to stop twirling like a maniac. Caoimhe pouted and huffed, but obediently stood still and leaned against the wall next to Sláine, while Aideen snickered at him being scolded and teased him for being a child. Sufficiently distracted with each other, they opened a window for Sláine to sigh and watch Eurion get their rooms. His worry increased the close the man got to the bar, as if their very presence would put alarm bells over him, and it would all be for naught.

Feeling Eurion's emotions was maddening, and had on more than one occasion made it increasingly difficult to keep his side on lockdown so that he didn't pass anything over to the assassin. Maybe it was a little overboard, shutting down his side of the bond to not let anything through to his mate. But his fear and determination to not get in Eurion's way, to be as good as a fly on the wall, made him go through the extremes. It caused him to misread his assassin's intentions as attempts to really cut things off, and he was getting all in his head over the entire situation. Eurion was afraid of him. That's all he could focus on, so he went through every measure possible to not be a burden on Eurion's mind while traveling.

Unfortunately, it just got immediately more difficult.

They got their rooms without a hitch, thankfully, even with Solise still happily perched on Eurion's shoulders. Sláine could only feel relief that nothing had gone horribly, and he hardly registered where they were staying, just glad to have an area to themselves without fear of the Fae looking too closely. But when Eurion set Solise and his bags down and spoke, Sláine finally counted the doors, and a spike of panic shot through him. Two. The assassin had only gotten them two bedrooms. Sláine swallowed, unable to tear his eyes away from the lack of a third room, but forced himself to duck his head and act like there wasn't a problem. Maybe that was all they had. They could work things out. Sláine had no issue with picking a couch to sleep on, given that he'd be awake at several points throughout the night.

Solise explored the couch she had been set on, wings flapping and feathers ruffled to get them resettled from the trip, but also a natural reaction to the unfamiliar area. Caoimhe and Aideen dropped their things by one of the doors as a silent claim to it, then the eldest prince yawned and cracked a few joints. "Better than some of the places we've been in. I'll take it." Aideen hummed and threw herself onto one of the couches to stretch, while Sláine set his things on the floor next to her and dropped his body onto the couch, nearly crushing her feet in the process. The shifter yelped and kicked at him, but Sláine just smirked and batted her feet away, then pinned them down in his lap to keep himself safe. Anything to keep his mind and eyes off of Eurion and the two doors, the one remaining unclaimed room.


Eurion made no comment on the fact that there were only two rooms. Right now it didn't matter and he was more focused on trying to get them all sorted when it came to fitting into the Fae traditions. Considering the twins were already masking their witchy features the main issues would come down to their ears, all three of them and Aideen's eyes that stood out, too. The assassin shrugged off his cape, folding it up and placing it over his bag and bow. He addressed all of them when he spoke again, however, he was looking at Caoimhe when he did so, "We'll have to go out to gather the essentials," He said, "But considering you'll probably have to talk to people you're going to need to mask your ears."

They needed outfits, masks, paint, and jewels too, so they matched the glamour of the festival. If they went out looking how they did now, travel worn and tired then they would stick out even more and were definitely not going to have a good time. Eurion wanted to do this properly. He wasn't going to half-ass a festival of such significance and definitely wanted the trio to enjoy their time here, too. After the rocky start to the beginning of their journey, they needed the break and the time, and Eurion needed to talk to his mate.

His plan was simple enough, it all came down to how stubborn Sláine decided to be when he returned with the necessary items before they went out to enjoy their evening. Most couples wore matching robes, where the colours complimented one another, their masks and paint, too. If one wore blue and the other purple the accents on the outfits would be of the partner's colour, the paint on the faces would match and the gems would, too. It was the easiest way to tell who was together and who wasn't, because those who were at the festival alone wore one singular colour instead of two. Eurion was going to take Caoimhe out so he could make sure Aideen and he matched, and so the witch had a choice in the colours that suited him best, and Eurion would do the same for him and Sláine. Hopefully, he would be able to get Sláine to sit for long enough to explain, to talk, to paint his face in the correct way and get him to listen. He was fed up with having the other avoid him and he wasn't going to let it go on any longer.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Caoimhe perked up a little when Eurion started talking while facing him, confused that he was the one being singled out, but also intrigued and eager to explore further. A quick glance over at his twin revealed that he most definitely was not going to be the one to go out with Eurion, not with the pointed refusal to look in the assassin's direction, and Caoimhe bit back a sigh. The reminder to change his appearance, however, lifted his attention and interest right back up. "Oh, right, forgot about that." With a quick study to Eurion's ears, and also remembering times they had moved, Caoimhe altered his magic to settle over his own ears. They got hazy, then when the magic did its thing, they revealed themselves to be pointed and Fae—as natural as Eurion's. The prince looked to the others with an arched brow, but Sláine waved him off. Later. The youngest would drop his magic while they were out to give himself a break, then reapply and alter his mask to match when the time came. And Aideen; well, she was Caoimhe's responsibility.

Shrugging, the prince went back to his stuff to grab a small bag of coin and tuck it away in the folds of his travel clothes. His scythe stayed where it was, leaning against the wall with their things. All sorted, he walked past the two on the couch, ruffling Sláine's hair and kissing Aideen on the top of her head. "Even with the mask, we might want to be quick," he said as he deftly avoided his twin's annoyed swat. Skirting back over to Eurion, Caoimhe folded his arms and shrugged a little. "Still stick out with our current attire, and I think we'd all like a bit of rest before we join the festivities." Eurion included, especially considering the assassin's wound and hurried pace the rest of the trip.

It had felt like he was marching towards something other than the festival. Like there was something that Eurion wanted to get to, as fast as possible, and it had been in the Fae lands. Caoimhe wondered what that was, but Eurion still needed rest while he could get it now that they were at their destination. So, he tilted his head in question towards the door, curious about many things involving the elusive assassin but also thrumming with that innate glee of seeing something new, someplace new. It was thrilling, and it was his ulterior motive of moving things along.


Eurion made sure that his frustration wasn't sent down the bond to Sláine, holding that back in favour of his soft excitement that he was feeling. The assassin was just as excited and intrigued as Caoimhe because he had never experienced such an event. He had heard of it from his parents long ago, how spectacular Skyfall was but never been in the position to be there when it happened. He was looking forward to the event just as much as everyone else, even if he was currently preventing himself from expressing any of that excitement in the first place. The only person who would be able to tell was Sláine, and Eurion prevented himself from sighing when his prince still refused to look at him, "Agreed, we don't want to be out for longer than necessary."

Because the quicker they got back with what they needed the quicker he could ambush Sláine and make him listen. Make him fucking look at him. He had tried not to let the avoidance get to him, but now he was frustrated. Eurion had at least tried to fix things, no matter how scared he felt of the magic his mate possessed but Sláine? None of it, and as much as he was enamoured with the man he was definitely getting on his nerves now. Did he not want to talk or fix things? Was Sláine going to be the one to reject the bond in the end even if Eurion tried to make things right? Right now he pushed those feelings aside in favour of leading them out of the room, shutting the door behind them as Eurion led them out of the common area and back down into the bustle of the city.

"We'll start with the robes." It would take the longest to get considering they had to find the right fit, the right colours and certainly when it came to matching things to their partners. Caoimhe and Aideen had to match, and Eurion would start there so he had time to think about Sláine and himself. It would also help to see what colours looked best and know the right sizing for his prince. It was why he led them into a store that had rows of multicoloured robes in so many patterns in the windows.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Even if Eurion wasn't expressing his frustration visibly or down the bond, Sláine still felt a sense of shame for avoiding his mate. It was for a justified reason in his mind, even if a bit panic-induced and extreme—but what else was he supposed to do? Anytime Eurion looked his way or moved in the prince's direction, that fucking flinch flashed in Sláine's mind. Every attempt to talk only brought up the image of him pleading with Sláine to leave. To leave him to the mercy of the Gods because he'd rather face them than the prince. It twisted the knife that had been plunged into his heart ever since, shredded the muscle even more with every turn, and it ached. The distance, the avoidance, the willpower it took to not even look in Eurion's direction hurt so much.

It was a punishment, he knew, for letting his fears and panic get the better of him. For letting his mind twist his assassin's request into permanency, into labeling himself a nightmare to Eurion and therefore something that shouldn't be seen or heard, or else he'd inflict himself onto the man he adored. And he didn't want that. Eurion deserved better in every aspect, and Sláine couldn't help but wallow in that feeling of unworthiness. So as the door shut behind the two, he flinched and lowered his head in shame and pain, rubbed the headache from between his eyes. Aideen watched him for a moment, conflicted, then softly encouraged him to drop the mask and lay down while they had time. It wasn't her battle. If Eurion really wanted to make things work, he'd find a way to get Sláine to listen.

Caoimhe hummed in acknowledgement, practically bouncing on his toes as they exited the inn and hit the streets of the Fae city. It was hard to not ogle at everything they passed, but he managed to contain himself and walk at a normal pace next to Eurion. The prince had no idea what all they needed, but he trusted his friend knew what he was doing and went along without question or complaint.

As they turned into a shop, he couldn't help but whistle low under his breath. "Definitely not easy on the eyes here," he murmured, eyeing up all the colors and patterns assaulting him left and right. "So what exactly are we going for? Is there a specific color code or tradition?" The prince looked to Eurion and tilted his head, eyes gleaming. "If not, I am absolutely going to get Sláine the most garish color out there just to fuck with him." There was clearly some sort of tension running through the assassin, even if he hid what kind of tension well. It could've been from a myriad of things, being back in his homelands being one of them. Whatever it was from, Caoimhe wanted to ease it just a little, to help Eurion loosen up and relax even just a fraction.


Eurion led them through the sea of clothes that were far too bright and towards the far end of the store. The colours here were more muted, darker but still stunningly beautiful, just in a different way compared to the brightness that had been out the front of the store. It was easier to pick out things back here, and luckily they had been sorted into sections based both on colour, and ones for couples that matched each other in delicate ways, "Couples match," He started, shifting through the rows of robes, "Your robes will have the accent colours of Aideen's and vice versa," He took one out to inspect the colours of muted, deep reds and oranges, holding it up for Caoimhe, "And Sláine will not be wearing anything garish because then I'd have to wear it, too." And he would be damned if he looked hideous for such an event.

He knew that Caoimhe was going to ask questions, and he braced himself for it. Because they weren't a couple and they also weren't talking at the moment and so it would make it difficult for Eurion to be able to make Sláine wear a garment that matched his own. But the ignoring wasn't going to go on any longer and he was too stubborn to let Sláine keep it up during Skyfall. They had made promises to one another and this time, Eurion knew he was actually able to keep it, so he wasn't going to lelt his prince ruin his fun. And he wanted to spend the festival with him. He wanted to dance and sing and drink and have fun with Sláine and not have to worry about whether or not they would be okay in the morning. It was why he was going to fix things tonight and nothing was going to get in his way.

He held up the matching robe to Caoimhe's, a deep purple to compliment the oranges and the reds. He didn't know what the couple would feel best in and so Eurion wanted to make sure that he got them sorted first. He already knew what he was going to get for him and Sláine. It was why had made a line straight for this section, because the garments of deep purple and blue called out to him and he didn't really need to think about it too much. He would make sure the purple was right for Sláine making sure Caoimhe fit the colour, but to start he focused on the other couple.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Oh," Caoimhe started, his eye roll exaggerated as he started riffling through the robes to look for something he could see his Magpie wearing. "Now I know why you brought me along." He pointed at the held up garment without looking at it. "If you want purple, we look best in darker shades. Like a, uh, midnight or plum sorts. Oo!" As much as they were twins, Caoimhe didn't want to wear a similar color as Sláine, but he had limited options when it came to matching with Aideen. She was very much the type to wear bright oranges and reds, or even a blue to match the streaks in her hair.

He let Eurion do his thing while he looked, a gorgeous maroon catching his eye. "I suggest letting my brother know that you are, in fact, a couple. I don't think he's aware of that." A gentle tease, given that he didn't know the specifics of their situation and wasn't keen on treading on touchy subjects. To soften it even more, he glanced over at Eurion and grinned, the flash of teeth cheeky and completely fitting his impish personality. "We're twins. Identical even. Was I ever in danger of receiving your affections, or was the disaster I call my baby brother just that good at winning you over?" It wasn't a genuine question, he really didn't care all that much. And, if anything, he already knew the answer to that. Eurion had only expressed an interest in Sláine. Now that he thought about it, the assassin had only softened for Sláine, been willing to be alone with him, had even been comfortable enough to tease him along with Caoimhe. Eurion had only ever had eyes for one twin, but it was fun to tease and jest about the nature of their relationship.

A fiery, burnt orange with hints of yellow grabbed his attention once more, and Caoimhe hummed in surprise to see it as the match to the maroon that had captured his eye—the accents were the same orange as the majority of the sister was. He grabbed the maroon robe to hold it up, inspecting it and picturing it on himself, while imagining Aideen in the orange and yellow one with maroon accents. Definitely a maybe, especially when he couldn't see his brother wearing something like that. Eurion, too, didn't seem the type to wear that particular color palette. "Opinion?"


Eurion hummed, placing the ones that he was holding back where he had found them when Caoimhe held up the oranges and yellows to match the other maroon one that he was holding. He tilted his head to one side, eyes scanning the fabric and picturing them on the couple before he nodded with a soft shrug, "Suits you."

In regards to his other questions, Eurion hummed and took his time to respond. He moved to the section that held the deep purples and the plums that Caoimhe had mentioned. He could picture his mate in such a colour, how the deep auburn of his hair would stand out against the fabric and bring the attention to his face. The thought of people looking at Sláine in such a way brought a spark of jealousy to his heart but he shook it away because now wasn't the time. The assassin wanted his prince to look good, wanted him to stand out because Eurion was going to be the one on his arm at the end of the day and that was all that mattered, "I brought you alone, Caoimhe because Aideen would kill me and you know your lover best and therefore, have the best opinion for you," He started, pulling out the deep plum with navy blue accents, "Secondly, I plan on talking to the stubborn ass when we get back and Sláine is my mate, not you- you also have Aideen." He looked over his shoulder and as much as his face remained blank for the most part, his lips twitched ever so gently upwards to one side and his eyes held a glimmer of amusement.

He was grateful for the older twin trying to lighten the mood. It made things easier when it came to knowing at least some of them were going to have fun over the next few days, no matter what happened with Eurion and Sláine. But, he had to be hopeful, and right now he was more focused on picking the best colours for them both. He pulled out the blue one that matched, holding them against each other to compare before showing them to Caoimhe.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Caoimhe clicked his tongue and continued perusing, even when he had Eurion's approval of the robes now drapes over his arm. He just liked looking at all the colors and patterns available. "Uh huh," he said, voice unbelieving even as amusement sparkled in his eyes and a smile stayed on his lips. "And it's totally not because I'm an easy mirror for your mate. I see how it is. And here I thought it was the start of a beautiful friendship." Shaking his head, Caoimhe pretended to sniff, as if starting to cry. But the act has little legs to stand on, and it eventually cracked and fell apart with his snicker.

Ah. So dear old Sláine was the cause for the tension. He had obviously noticed his brother's vehement avoidance of Eurion, and though he excused it in the beginning, it definitely got a little ridiculous as they continued to travel. But, this was his baby brother, and Eurion was his destined partner, so Caoimhe felt an obligation to stick his nose into the situation.

He turned to look at the robes Eurion held up, and scrutinized them as he talked. "I'm understanding that you two are having some troubles. Sometimes Sláine gets inside his own head and spirals. It's not the first and it won't be the last time that's happened. It's like," Caoimhe weighed his hands back and forth, "it's all or nothing with his mind. Complete protection or none at all. I like the colors. There's no real foolproof way to get him to snap out of it, it varies with the situation, but I trust you to find a way. You look a little scary with your determination," he added as an afterthought, snorting. Maybe not entirely scary, but Eurion did look determined, and mainly sounded it with how he spoke of the "stubborn ass."

A thought occured to him, and Caoimhe leveled a playfully flat look on Eurion. "And I meant looks, my dear. I'm very aware of who I am with and who I am capable of being attracted to."


"It's the side shave or whatever it is you have going on," Eurion flicked his hand out, "Don't like it, that's why you didn't catch my eye." For the sake of the teasing they had going on he wasn't about to admit that he found the other attractive, not just because Sláine was his mate and they were twins but for other reasons. Either way, it was the most obvious difference between their looks bar their clothes the majority of the time, and he really did prefer the way Sláine kept his hair, easier to braid that way, more to braid, really.

The assassin kept browsing, looking between the different shades of purple and blue to see which he thought would look the best on them both. Most of them were of a similar plum shade, a couple had more patterns in the matching blue and Eurion couldn't help but flick through them. They were all beautiful, all would look beautiful on Sláine, it was just a matter of deciding. Usually, he wouldn't have a problem but he wanted to do something right, show Sláine that he cared even before he spoke to him. Because it was obvious with Caoimhe and Aideen's matching robes that theirs matched and his prince could deduct what he liked from that. But Eurion was going to talk to him, his prince didn't have a choice. Even if he had to corner the man in one of the rooms to get him to listen.

He didn't look to Caoimhe when he spoke, too wrapped up in the colours, "I'm talking to him when we get back whether he wants to or not. He could spiral every day and I'd still be there, I don't care, he's my mate, and I am not letting this avoidance go on any longer because-" Because he needed him back. Needed to make things right. Needed to hold him and kiss him and it was driving him crazy that he wasn't going to lose him, "And I'm not scary."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Automatically, Caoimhe's hand shot up to feel the shaved portions of his hair, as if he had forgotten they were there and he was actually offended that Eurion didn't like him because of it. He stuck his tongue out at the assassin, muttering about him being rude, and doubled down on his joking descriptor in retaliation. "You're absolutely scary. Tall and scowly. Very scary." He nodded sagely, like he just spoke a piece of wisdom, then started perusing the same section as Eurion to see if he could help.

But, he couldn't help but soften at the man's mini rant about Sláine and the status of their relationship. The prince could tell it was wearing on them both, being separated but still so close to one another. He couldn't imagine how they were feeling, not knowledgeable on the nature of Fae mating bonds, just their existence and the basic functions, but he sympathized. Caoimhe nudged Eurion's shoulder. "You need him," he guessed. If it was him and Aideen, he'd feel that way. "And… he needs you. I can tell. He's always watching you when you aren't looking. And he's gotten more recluse since the whole ordeal, like he's missing some part of him." The prince fingered a deep blue robe with patterns that were even darker, swirling and ever-shifting with the light and shadows. "If you can get him to stay long enough to talk to him, I don't think it'll be hard to get him back. He misses you."

Sláine, of course, had never told Caoimhe any of this. He supposed it was a twin thing; after spending their entire lives together, they were bound to pick up on hidden things and make guessed as to how the other was feeling without too much outward clues. One thing he was sure of, though, was that Sláine had never been so depressed when separated from a partner. Even after a break-up, he could still function better than this, still talked and joked with others. Whatever was going through his brother's mind, it was eating him from the inside out. "You two are good together—even if the only positive interaction I know of is you playing pillow. Things will work out."


Eurion inspected the robe that Caoimhe was touching and a moment later the assassin was picking it up in his hands. It was beautiful, with the way the colours shifted with the light, how the deep blues and purples complimented one another and shifted slightly depending on the way that you looked at or moved the fabric. It was far better than the ones that he was already holding, and so he placed the ones he had in his arms away in favour of the new one. The fabric was soft, and in some way, the colours of the robes for the two couples seemed to almost fit, in a strange way. From how opposite they were it was almost unrealistic but there was a subtle shift to them both that made them almost perfect. Perfect for the group of them.

"I've had a lot of time to think about everything since we left Cara and Adelphia," He pulled the matching robe of purple from the rack, "Sláine is-" He didn't want to get too sappy with Caoimhe, because he certainly didn't need to be teased any further when he was trying to make the night go smoothly and didn't need any more distractions, "I do need him. He's my other half for a reason, and I'm not going to argue with fate. Things have to work out."

Otherwise Eurion didn't know what he would do with himself. Probably go nuts, let himself be subject to the Gods torture even more so than he already was. Ever since that bond clicked into place nothing felt right unless Sláine was by his side, and the cold, emptiness that he felt when his prince wasn't around would never go away. Even if the bond was rejected then that feeling would have still been there. Fate had deemed them perfect, and right now his prince was perfect, no matter his feelings on the magic the other held. His own shadows flickered in the palm of his hand, not as strong as they used to be since he was still recovering, but at least he could feel them again. They warped softly before vanishing back to the cracks they came from.

They would be okay. They were going to be okay. He hadn't spent the last few days thinking about what he was going to say for things to turn to shit now, "And again, I'm not scary. I can't help if my normal look is a frown, you're just sensitive."

@ElderGod-kirky group

The fabric had only reminded the prince of Eurion; it being grabbed wasn't expected. Caoimhe slanted a look up at the assassin and slid out of the way. "If you need to kick his ass or knock him down a few pegs, please do," he said, more than supportive of Eurion wrangling Sláine back into the relationship. He wanted his brother to be happy again, and it was clearly with this scowly and grouchy assassin that so rudely snatched robes out of people's hands. Sláine had looked so soft and happy when they had stopped to rest, when he was laying on Eurion as he slept and then while speaking to him after he woke. Caoimhe and Aideen had ignored their moment because it was oddly intimate, and they didn't want to intrude—now he knew why it felt that way. He wondered when their relationship shifted. Was it immediate, with the strength of their bond?

Watching Eurion, hearing him make declarations about the mending of their relationship, Caoimhe had faith in them and little doubt that they belonged together. A part of his twin had broken at the thought of Eurion being afraid of him, and Eurion clearly needed his mate back at his side. Caoimhe leaned in and peered up at Eurion, purposefully trying to get his attention. "Things will work out. Trust in yourself; you're both stubborn bastards, but Sláine is very susceptible to particular pretty men, I think—"

Eurion's quip finally registered, and Caoimhe reared back in offense. "Sensitive? Did you just—sensitive?" He tried keeping his voice down, but that strangulation only pushed his accent out and his words started to jumble. The prince let out a strained noise, beside himself from Eurion's audacity. "I am not sensitive. I'm just pointing out the facts. You can't deny that you are scary, because you don't look at yourself." And because he couldn't come up with anything better, he stuck his tongue out again and pouted off to the side.

The robes that Eurion picked up for Sláine were equally as gorgeous as the ones Caoimhe had found, those subtle patterns mirrored but still its own garment. Next to one another, even with Aideen's bright colors, all four painted a gradient of matching colors that blended nicely with one another. Great for a group, but also great for the individual pairs. The prince approved, though he was still being huffy and didn't verbally make his opinion known. But, he did stop looking for others after eyeing the selected pair of robes.


Eurion couldn’t help the snort that came out at Caoimhe’s mess of jumbled words, and it was the closest thing to a laugh that he had made since being with Sláine at the inn all those days ago, “You are very sensitive, don’t even try and deny it.” Especially considering the man’s reaction to being called it. If Eurion was scary then Caoimhe was sensitive and he wasn’t about to fight over it when they had more important matters to attend to, such as finding the necessary matching accessories to their chosen robes.

The assassin led the prince to the Fae woman at the front of the store, and after a quick exchange in his native tongue with some gold and silver handed over, the garments were theirs. At least that had been simple enough.

Markets lined the main streets of Indrigos, and many of them had rows and rows of beautiful, bejewelled masks of all colours and patterns for the array of robes that the Fae were dressed in. It was easy to tell the more finely crafted pieces to those that had just been whipped together for the festival. Even here they weren’t immune to scammers trying to make a quick profit, and Skyfall was the perfect time to be able to do so. It was why Eurion didn’t stop at the first few that they walked past. Instead, the Fae walked to a small stall that seemed to be tucked away in amongst the mess of other stalls.

But the masks that were on display were stunning. The elderly woman who sat behind the stall simply smiled at the two men but didn’t say anything for the time begin, letting them look. Each mask clearly had taken time to make, from the way the delicate gems had been individually placed in patterns that were unique to the mask. No one was alike, and even Eurion couldn’t hold back his awe.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Even though it was at his expense, Caoimhe decided to take the snort he got from Eurion as a win. It wasn't a laugh, and he had a sneaking suspicion that Sláine could conjure up more expressive reactions from the scary man, but it was the closest the eldest prince got to a full reaction, so he'd take it. But, as they walked up to the Fae woman and purchased their robes, Caoimhe muttered under his breath loud enough for Eurion to hear, "I am 80 fucking years old, I'm not sensitive." Then they were on their way, off to purchase something else for the festival, and the prince dropped the matter—for now. He'd bring up the scary thing again to tease the assassin at a later date.

Based on the stalls and mass market of masks lining the streets, Caoimhe deduced that they were looking for a mask of some sort. The nosy prince peered at any and all the ones they passed, drawn to all the shiny and bejeweled objects they passed. Some, he noted, were obvious cheap knockoffs that looked hastily put together and most likely marked up for the festival. He turned his nose up at them, but did find others more alluring here and there. But, it would seem that Eurion had other plans, and so they kept walking down the street until they came across a small and hidden stall manned by an elderly Fae woman. Caoimhe peered over Eurion's shoulder as he came up behind the man, not wanting to crowd in the small space but also interested.

The stunning masks were the most beautifully crafted pieces of jewelry he had seen amongst all the others. Now he understood why Eurion picked this specific stall. Caoimhe wondered if it was instinct that drew Eurion here, or past experience. Never mind that, though. They were on a mission to bejewel the group, and Caoimhe tried picturing any of their lot wearing these. Aideen would pass out from wearing something so fine. He had to admit that any of the masks would look quite well on the twins. Masquerades were fun events that they liked dressing up for, and they had yet to don anything like these.

"I wonder if they have chains for you to decorate Sláine with," Caoimhe mused at random, right next to Eurion and low enough to not be overheard. His brother liked that sort of jewelry. "I think they'd go quite nicely with any of these beauties." And anything to mess with Eurion, to get that stoic façade to crack.


Eurion shot Caoimhe a glare from over his shoulder before turning back to the mask. His mind was already racing however with the prospect of his prince in chains. How pretty he would look with them and oh Gods Caoimhe had turned his mind down a path he didn’t not need to be distracted with. Payback, he supposed, for calling him sensitive, because now all the assassin could think about was decorating Sláine in chains. It made it especially better picturing his prince with the mask, the paint, how it would smear when Eurion had his way with him. Not fair. Entirely not fair that he was so quickly wrapped up in the thoughts and fantasies. He shouldn’t have been surprised considering he was totally and utterly whipped for his mate and it was easy to turn his mind into less than innocent prospects given the right word but it wasn’t the time nor the place.

“I’d have to get Sláine’s opinion on that before deciding anything.” Eurion just hoped that his prince would agree, at some point, if things worked out, to let him pretty him up because the image was not going to leave his mind any time soon.

As much as he wanted to linger on the image he forced himself back to the present and thinking about the masks. With the array of shapes and colours and designs there would be one for each of them in some form, it was just the matter of picking the right one. Eurion let his eyes drift across the table, and that was when the Fae woman leaned forward and pointed. With one hand, she gestured to two masks of similar colours to the ones that Caoimhe was holding, with delicate golds and rubies. The other two were of the colours of Eurion’s, only those were decorated in silver, with gems of sapphire. The sparkled in the soft light, drawing the eye and catching the attention of whoever looked towards them.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Caoimhe held back his snicker when he got that glare, knowing that the look had a particular reason behind it. Eurion's mind had absolutely gone down a spiral that was not appropriate for the time or place, and it was entirely the prince's fault. A job well done, and one that he absolutely pretended wasn't intentional. He moved off to the side and shrugged, eyeing the masks and humming innocently. "He wasn't able to bring his own because there's no point with travel, so I don't see him minding at all." A completely innocent thought process, and one he would stick by until the end of time. It was entirely Eurion's fault for letting himself think of other things related to Sláine's enjoyment of adorning himself.

Not at all Caoimhe's doing by bringing it up in the first place, and specifically stating it being Eurion decorating Sláine. Sometimes, in moments like this, it was funny sticking his nose into his brother's private life. The reactions he could get were priceless, and he had stopped being so stingy over the years. Rumors and getting your eyes scorched one too many times did that to you.

Before Eurion could scold him or challenge his innocence on the matter, Caoimhe leaned in to inspect the masks and was drawn to the ones the woman pointed to. She definitely had an eye for her own wares, and what would go well with the robes they were holding. The prince reached out to one of the golden and ruby-encrusted masks, but didn't let himself touch it as he traced over the edge. They were beautiful, and perfect for the ensemble they were developing. The ones for Eurion and Sláine, too, were pretty and matched their outfit. "These are just stunning," Caoimhe breathed, admiring the time and undeniable craft that went into the masks—all of them, not just the ones she expertly pointed out. Gems polished to perfection, finely worked metals, and hauntingly beautiful. Anyone wearing them would be eye-catchers.


Unlike Caoimhe, Eurion let himself reach out and take one of the silver and sapphire masks, weighing it in his hands. They were too stunning not to pass up. As much as the others that she had laid out on the table were beautiful the ones that she gestured to were something else, something more. They matched so beautifully that it was impossible that anything else would be as good and the assassin could see his prince wearing one of these, see Aideen gawking over how stunning the gold was - definitely something that she would have stolen if she had the opportunity. Eurion looked to the woman, “How much?”

The Fae woman didn’t speak, however moved her hands and in a selection of symbols and signs instead. Eurion placed the mask down in favour of pulling out the little gold he had and handed it to her, and she gestured her thanks. However, it seemed that she wasn’t finished with them.

Turning, she pulled out multiple large chests and placed them on the free table to her left. Inside one were pots of paints that they would need, the other, multiple different types of jewellery from necklaces, earrings, bracelets, gems of all different kinds and as if she was physic - body chains. Her smile was smug because she was more than aware that the two men would be unable to pass up the opportunity to look at the pretty things. They were made with the same craftsmanship as the masks, clearly her work. Why she didn’t have them out on display Eurion didn’t know because they were beautiful. Why them, out of all people, he wouldn’t know.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Eurion taking the liberty of picking up one of the masks was the catalyst of Caoimhe doing the same. His touch was much more delicate than most would expect from him as he turned it in his hands, watching the sunlight bounce off the metal and shine through the rubies. They were perfect for him and Aideen, just as the silver and sapphire ones were perfect for Eurion and Sláine—matchy-matchy. The prince unearthed his own bag of coin, not one to make others foot the bill for something so expensive, but Eurion beat him to it. He shot the assassin a displeased frown, not amused in the slightest, and nearly started an argument right then when the woman moved and caught his attention once more.

A brilliant grin took over his expression when he realized what was inside the chests. "I'm footing the bill on these," he declared, holding up his coin and not looking at Eurion. Oh, this is too good. "Pick everything you want, I can take the hit for such a special occasion." He had more back in the inn anyway with his things. Caoimhe was not passing up this opportunity. That woman was a saint, and he silently sang her praises for the perfect timing and display of items.

Eurion would kill him if they weren't in such a public space, but they were, so he would have to suffer without murdering Caoimhe. And the prince knew that, so he gleefully turned his back to Eurion to hop over to the chests. He sorted through them, touch just as light and respectful, even as he riffled through the vast display of jewelry she had offered to them. Caoimhe didn't care why she suddenly now decided to procure these chests after already making a sale. Maybe she had overheard them and figured she had the wares they were looking for. Maybe she liked them. It didn't matter, not when he had so many options to look through and was thoroughly absorbed in looking, even as he wanted to cackle at the irony and timing of it all.


Eurion would, in fact, have killed Caoimhe if they hadn’t been in the open and he might have even punched the prince for how he was acting had the masks not been in his hands. Asshole, they were all assholes and Eurion did his best to remain calm as he watched the prince skip over to the chests. Before he went over to look himself, he signed another ‘thank you’ to the woman whose grin only grew as she nodded in response. At least she had the matching paints, too, so it wasn’t a waste of time to spend time looking in the chests. The assassin made his way over to that one first, looking at the small pots inside and picking up the colours that matched the best. It was easy when she had such an array and vast variety to find a match. He knew that some places wouldn’t have even have more than the basics. But she was clearly experienced and had been doing this for a long time, so he wasn’t going to question her.

Eurion placed them to one side before moving to the second chest. There was so much to look at he didn’t know where to start. The chains, probably, as they hung from the lid and dangled down. He grabbed a set of delicate silver with small, white gems encrusted in the metal to add to the shimmer. They would hang like sleeves, off Sláine’s shoulders and down his chest, some around his thighs and one around his neck. Hidden under the garments but he would know.

He picked up another set of necklaces that matched the colours of the robes, and a set for Caoimhe and Aideen too, along with a few bracelets for them all until he had a solid handful, “Pay then and legs get back to the other two.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Snippy snippy." Caoimhe looked over at Eurion, now definitely snickering, and noticed the handful of jewelry that the assassin had in his hand. There was an assortment, which looked like there were matching sets of basic accessories for both couples—and, he couldn't help noticing, some silver chains that dangled from his handful. The prince chose not to comment and instead grabbed some earrings that he had liked, studded and dangly alike, and then a few more for Sláine. It couldn't hurt to add some to their ever growing collection, and he definitely wasn't getting Aideen any because she's only steal his. Gifts, he had found, were not something she was used to accepting well.

Once he was satisfied with his own collection, he went over to the women with a kind smile and a handful of coin that probably was too much, but she had aided in his scheme and was also worth spending it on. Her craft was excellent and deserved to be appreciated, and she had helped them pick the perfect masks. Caoimhe wasn't his brother, he didn't pick up on languages that well, but he did notice Eurion signing 'thank you' to her, so he mimicked it with a small bow of his head, then stepped aside to nudge Eurion back towards the street.

"Get what you wanted?" the prince asked cheerfully. He knew for sure that Eurion had at least gotten one chain for Sláine within the bundle in his hand, so that particular thought had been floating around the assassin's mind while making his selections. Caoimhe sorted through his earrings, admiring and also trying so hard not to laugh or else he'd lose his head. "Crazy how that woman had exactly what you were looking for. Absolutely insane." He's definitely dying that day.


Eurion wrapped the collection of accessories gently in the fabric of the robes to keep them safe. He once again shot Caoimhe another glare because his tone was far too light and teasing for what he was saying. He knew exactly what the prince was implying and in response muttered in his native tongue - something about praying to the Gods for strength to get him through the night, at least the trip back to their partners, "I'm starting to think maybe I should have killed you on the road."

Of course, as much as the prince was getting on his nerves with all the comments that were far too teasing, Eurion could admit, deep down, that it was.. nice, almost. To be around someone who could joke and tease as Caoimhe did. He'd never had that with anyone but his two witch friends, even so, he never saw them enough or for long enough. It was different. Being around Caoimhe, Aideen, and especially Sláine, was beginning to remind Eurion that he didn't actually mind having connections with other people. It had been far too long since he had made any other genuine friends, let alone spent as much time with them as he had the trio. Being able to talk every day, joke around, knowing that the banter was, for the most part, good-intentioned, did have the assassin feeling lighter than he had in years. The only person who would ever hear that admission would be Sláine, however, because he was definitely not telling the other two that he enjoyed their company far more than he had intended to.

But, they made their way through the markets and back towards their temporary home. More and more Fae were beginning to make their own out onto the streets to start the celebrations, dressed from head to toe in the finest robes and masks that they afford or get their hands on. In the distance, a subtle melody was beginning to play, as if someone was warming up the instruments ready for their real performance. It became harder to hear as they ascended the tree, and Eurion felt his nerves pick up as they drew to their door and pushed it open.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Caoimhe did laugh then, tipping his head back with a brilliant grin on his face. It was too easy to annoy Eurion. "See? Should've gotten the job done the first time around. Now you know why it's just me with the bodyguard." Though, no one foresaw Sláine seducing the assassin into his bed to avoid getting his throat slit. That's one way to avoid being on a hit list, and if there was anything about assassins, it was that they'd do literally anything to protect those that they love. Eurion may not be at that stage yet, given how new and complicated their relationship was at the moment, but Caoimhe had faith that it would all work out, and the two would be madly in love with one another in no time. Gross, because then him and Aideen would have to be the sole witnesses of that blooming process, but he tried ignoring that in favor of being happy for his friend and brother.

As they walked back, Caoimhe hummed to himself, chipper from the successful trip and his fun with Eurion. He did leave the poor man alone now that he got that glare and death threat, but he had gotten more than what he wanted out of that single comment, so he was happy and proud of himself. Sláine could comfort his pouty mate once they got things resettled, and Caoimhe would be free to tease and make fun of him again in no time. The trip back was peaceful, with a faint melody that he stopped humming to listen to—and was disappointed when it got too hard to hear after a bit—and soon enough they were through the common area and back at the door to their rooms. Caoimhe glanced over at Eurion. The man was nervous, which was a surprise.

Gently clasping Eurion's shoulder, the prince leaned in. "Go for the horns and lock him down. Everything will work out just fine, yeah?" he whispered. Then, before the assassin could second guess himself, he opened the door and nudged him through first to prevent him from running and abandoning his plan.

Inside, the two had gotten themselves comfortable. Aideen was in shorts and one of Caoimhe's shirts, sitting upside down on one of the couches so that her hair spilled out onto the floor and her hands were resting comfortably on her stomach, feet hooked on the back of the couch. Sláine, meanwhile, had taken up post on a different couch and made himself comfortable, lounging across it and finally letting himself be relaxed. His horns were out, as well as his canines, and he had changed into a loose cream-colored tunic-like garment, with loose fabric that fell past his knees but was slitted up higher where his legs were, and the sleeveless top half was unbuttoned down to the belted waist, leaving his chest exposed. His head rested on his fist as he smiled mutely at Aideen and whatever she was saying, but his eyes automatically lifted at the arrival of Eurion and Caoimhe. And, for the first time in literal days, their gazes locked. Sláine froze, unsure of what to do or how to react.

Caoimhe whispered behind Eurion. "Go get 'im."


Eurion had only felt his nerves grow for a moment because after all these days, planning and thinking about what he was going to say, how he was going to approach the situation, had finally arrived. What if he ended up saying the wrong thing? What if it didn’t work out and all of this was for nothing? But the moment that he locked eyes with Sláine the nerves melted away and was once again replaced with that determination to get things sorted. Tonight, right now, and not even Sláine’s stubborn ass was going to stop it from happening.

He shifted the robes into one hand as he walked into the room, nodding to Aideen in acknowledgement as he did so. The assassin didn’t take his eyes off of Sláine, didn’t break eye contact because the moment he looked away he was sure the man was going to disappear. His prince wasn’t getting away this time. Not when he walked straight up to him, grabbed him by the horns without a word and practically dragged the man into the free bedroom. At least it gave him a couple more moments to think about how he was going to start this. When they were inside, he shut the door with his foot before letting Sláine go and gave him a pointed look, “Sit.” Eurion nodded to the end of the bed.

Sucking in a breath, and giving his prince time to process that he wasn’t going to be getting of this, Eurion moved to the dresser opposite the foot of the bed. To avoid loosing any of the beautiful jewels, the assassin carefully unwrapped the garments and divided them up in their designated colours. The only thing he didn’t let go, however, was the small pot of dark blue paint he kept in his hand, turning it over in his palm. If Sláine protested at how close he was going to get to him he could use it as a guise - because part of it was honest when he would say he wanted to get the prince suitably ready, the other, because he wanted to keep the prince close. To finally be able to at least touch some part of him, no matter what the final outcome of this conversation was going to be.