forum Opportunistic Omnivore: Scavenging the Remains of the Divine || OxO || Closed || 18+
Started by @ElderGod-kirky group

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@ElderGod-kirky group

Though their connection was enough that Sláine could be minimally comforted by the contact between Solise and Eurion, he knew that it wasn't enough. It wouldn't be enough, not when the bond was tugging at him, begging him to get closer. Not when he had experienced what it was like to have Eurion pouting at him to get closer, when they've taken up each other's space and used one another as pillows. He didn't feel the same without the comforting touch of the man. It felt like the hours during travel, when they weren't able to touch or speak without drawing suspicion—but only worse. Now there wasn't a guarantee of a 'next time'. There wasn't a guarantee that they'd be the same.

But even still, that pull became too much for him to handle, and with a soft word of thanks to Adelphia, Sláine stood and made his way back over to his assassin, his exhausted mate. Solise's ears twitched at his arrival, but she didn't otherwise react to him. The prince slowly lowered himself to Eurion's side, too far away to accidentally touch, and watched over him. Exhaustion and pain tore through his expression as he looked to his assassin. He only hoped Adelphia was right, because he still ached from the distance when just two feet away. Sláine wanted to hold him. To simply touch his cheek. But there was no telling what would happen, so the prince could only wait and watch, and strategically avoid Eurion when he was awake.

Caoimhe looked after his brother, then sighed heavily and tossed back the rest of his tea. "I know I've said this a lot, but thank you. For everything. I don't know what would've happened had you not shown up." Aideen hopped over to him and fluttered onto his shoulder, bonking her head against his chin for comfort. The prince ran a knuckle over his feathers in a gentle caress in return. "When he's not so out of it, he's probably going to interrogate you more," he then warned. He knew his brother. "If not about the Gods, then Eurion himself. He'll want to know as much as he can now that he thinks he won't get any more."


Eurion didn’t stir when Sláine made his way around the curtain, when he settled close by. Cara didn’t, either, the two friends were far too tired to do anything but rest in each others presence, only made easier with the spirit lying on his chest, too. Their bond flickered at the returned comfort of the closeness. It wasn’t enough, but it would do for the time being. Eurion’s breathing seemed to even out a little, relaxing slightly more with his mate close by. No matter the fear he held for Sláine at the moment, the other was a comfort that he needed, they both needed, and if this was the only way to get that in the present? It would have to do.

Adelphia turned to Caoimhe and offered the eldest prince a soft but tired smile, “You don’t have to thank me, your highness. Any friend of Eurion’s as a friend of mine, and you all needed the help.” She didn’t know that they weren’t friends, technically, they had been forced together due to Aideen and her want to find the Old Gods, but it didn’t matter. She was a healer, it was what she did. The fire had been hard to ignore and so whether or not Eurion had been involved she would have helped them regardless. Typically that it was her friend that was in the middle of all the shit happening.

“I’m more than happy to answer any questions any of you may have. You’ll need at least another day here to rest before you continue on your way.” Hopefully, with renewed hope, more supplies, more medicine in case something like that happened again. She prayed they would be okay. But the gods were unpredictable and there was nothing she would be able to do to help them once they left the safety of her home.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The prince stretched and yawned, cracking bones and joints and getting all the aches and pains of the last few hours out of his system. With Sláine temporarily occupied with looking over Eurion like a sad puppy, Aideen's burns taken care of and healing, and everything winding down, his own tiredness was catching up to him. He also had a feeling Adelphia was more tired than she let on for the sake of her guests. "I think right now, we all need some sleep before anything else happens. Deal with questions in the morning when we're not all exhausted."

Caoimhe eyed the shadow of his brother, his unmoving posture, and recalled how close to collapsing from being so wrung out he was. Sláine wasn't going to make it to someplace else to sleep. If anything, he would crash right there for at least a few hours. He was tempted to call his brother back and demand he have an actual bed to sleep in, but he knew that it wouldn't work, and that the two needed as much time together as they could afford. "Maybe offer a blanket or two to him, just in case." Caoimhe had no idea when Sláine would move from his spot on the floor.

It was weird, seeing his brother in such a state over another person. Caoimhe was so used to seeing Sláine have flings or minor relationships that never ended well, ones where he hadn't been nearly as emotionally invested in them as he seemingly was with Eurion. As okay with the assassin as the prince was, Eurion was still their would-be assassin. Witnessing a Fae bond right before his eyes, the effects and toll it could have on a soul—his twin's soul? It was as eye-opening as it was insane. He had never thought something so intense could exist between two people, something so powerful that it could bring his level-headed brother to his knees in just seconds.


Adelphia nodded, moving away to place the cups that had held their tea away in the basin before grabbing a couple of extra pillows and blankets. She was quiet when she moved around the curtain, doing her best to not wake up Cara or Eurion, and only a little surprised when she saw Solise. The witch didn't question it, instead handing the prince the soft items wordlessly before moving away. There was no need to say anything, to tell Sláine to move away because she already knew that she might be met with defiance. Adelphia wanted to make their stay as comfortable as possible, and telling the prince to move when he needed to at least watch Eurion for a couple of hours would be a setback.

Instead, she drew the curtain back around the small group of witches, spirits and the assassin, said a soft goodnight to Aideen and Caoimhe and left for her own room. Strange to not have her partner by her side but right now Eurion needed Cara more than she did. The two had always been closer than she and the Fae were. Not by a lot, but Cara with her chaotic energy and her inability to leave things alone, had drawn the assassin out of his shell around the pair and so she couldn't complain. Without her, they probably wouldn't have been friends at all.

Eurion didn't stir all night, staying trapped in his dreamless state. It was for the better, really, because had he woken up he probably wouldn't have been overly thrilled with the sore neck he was going to have in the morning. It also helped that no nightmares or gods plagued him, leaving him to rest. As much as it would take a while for the physical wounds to heal, now that the heat of the fire had faded his magic was beginning to return. The shadows crept in throughout the night, making their soft and silent way back into his soul where they should be. They wouldn't all return at once, but it was a start.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Sláine glanced up only briefly to accept the offered pillows and blankets, then went back to watching over Eurion. At first there wasn't anything in particular he was watching for, but as time ticked on, it became a diligent lookout for any sign of the Gods coming back, or even something simple as a nightmare. Caoimhe and Aideen stayed back for another half hour or so to talk between themselves, then followed Adelphia's lead and retired for the night.

The youngest prince, however, didn't move for some time. Solise softly conversed with her witch, trying to keep him calm without mentioning the struggle between him and the assassin. Instead, she aided in conjuring the good memories. She chastised Sláine for not kissing Eurion sooner, because how dare he not pounce on that kind of man the moment they met. That he should've been more seductive, more in tune with the bond, because only idiots didn't jump on the chance when they already have a hot guy in their bed. The prince bowed his head, cheeks ablaze from a mixture of emotions, and changed the subject time and time again because she was relentless in her teasing. Solise eventually curled up into a tight ball on Eurion's chest, tail and wings wrapped around herself, and fell asleep.

It took Sláine longer to fall asleep. He studied Eurion's sleeping face, resisting the urge to trace over his skin and fix him into a better position, then sighed to himself and started making himself a nest to sleep in. "I don't care what she says," the prince murmured, more talking to himself than anything, but also Eurion a little. "I wouldn't change our first kiss for anything. It came after the worst time, but you were so cute, and obvious in what you wanted. Do you even realize how you looked at me?" Sláine got the blankets and everything situated, then settled down facing his assassin. His voice softened to something sweet and affectionate. "Precious. Like you wanted nothing more than me in that moment. Like I was the only important thing in that room." He yawned, and started drifting off against his own will. "I feel the same about you. Then and always."


The prince’s words registered softly in his subconscious, the bond tucking them away and keeping them there for safe keeping like it would never hear them again. Even though Eurion didn’t hear, some part of him did, and it was enough. For now, it would be enough, at least, to keep him peaceful, to move his head from where it was tilted towards Cara in Sláine’s general direction, to have an arm wrapping around Solise. Moves that would have, from the outside, meant nothing, but subtle enough to show that their bond was still intact and urging them together, even now.

By the time morning came Cara was the first to wake, fluttering softly and untucking herself from her perch on the assassins shoulder. She noted the arm around Solise and tried to not be jealous. Eurion was her friend first, it was entirely unfair that they got to cuddle like that. But, with a soft puff of her chest she paddled away, only shifting back once she was around the curtain. She stretched, yawned, and lazily got to making tea for their guests for when they eventually rose.

Cara was well aware that they all probably wouldn’t be awake for some time. From the ordeals that occurred yesterday she had no doubt that Adelphia would practically demand they have another day of rest with them. It was more for Eurion and Sláine’s sake than anything else because the two needed time. Sláine to emotionally recover some what more, to ask any questions he may have about his mate and the deal between the gods, and Eurion for more physical recovery. Adelphia would be able to use more of her magic again to assist the process. Now she had rested it would be easier to continue to heal her friend without fear of passing out or him dying on her.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Movement woke Solise, a soft fluttering of feathers that could only be one of the bird shifters. She cracked open an eye just long enough for her to see Cara trotting off with a huff. The spirit couldn't help but be a little smug at the jealousy radiating off of the shifter. The source was presumably the arm wrapped around her, which she shifted so that she could snuggle into its warmth even more. Eurion was still asleep, still so far removed from the waking world, but even she could feel the bond desperately trying to pull the two together. Before she went back to sleep, she sent out feelers to find the other two, and found Caoimhe and Aideen passed out in a guest room.

Beside her and Eurion, the prince didn't so much as stir. His night had been free of nightmares, a blessing all things considered. But after spending multiple nights wrapped up in Eurion's embrace and presence, he couldn't get quite as comfortable as the night wore on. Sláine had curled up sometime during the night, burrowed under the blankets, and huddled into his nest as if trying to simulate the feeling of having his mate surrounding him in his sleep. A single hand poked out in the direction of the sleeping assassin.

It would never quite be the same, but they were close enough that he was peaceful. Calm. The emotional turmoil had done a number on him in addition to the magical and physical punishments he had ignored. His body was thoroughly worn out and needed the rest, so Sláine remained dead to the world, unaware of Cara making tea or even having woken up. He didn't know of Eurion turning to face him, or of him snuggling with Solise. Just dreams and memories that were good and happy.


With most of the house still asleep Cara was quiet with her movements. The tea was brewed and divided into the clean mugs that she had available, using a little of her own magic to make sure they stayed hot for whenever the others decided to wake. The smell of the herbal teas wafted around the space. It was always a quiet, peaceful morning in the home. With just the shifter and the witch, and Adelphia prone to sleeping in some, Cara had always enjoyed her time awake when no one else did.

Maybe it was because she was half bird and the sing-song voices of those like her woke up her at the crack of dawn, or maybe it was simply because the morning was just… quiet. With the sunbeams dancing through the windows into the living space, and the rustle of the small breeze outside stirring the birds and the wildlife, it was comfortable. The fact that she had managed to convince her partner to move with her into the little cottage all those years ago had been a feat in itself. Cara had been in turn with the world around her since she was born, Addie, on the other hand, was more inclined and in turn with people. Cara was glad that, in the end, the move had paid off, because the two had a life that was - mostly - peaceful.

The only real events that caused such a stir were the ones involving the assassin. Eurion had unintentionally made himself two friends those first few nights they had met and even though he was away for months at a time, he made sure to visit when he was in the area. Cara would probably kill him if he didn't. Maybe it was why the shifter made sure to place the mugs that were slightly larger to one side for her girlfriend and best friend.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Birds of a feather must be true, because it didn't take long for Aideen to stir in the face of a new day. She has Caoimhe sleeping on top of her, arms wrapped around her body and his head pillowed on her stomach. He didn't wake when she combed her fingers through his hair, nor when she ran a knuckle over his horns. With her efforts to wake the prince wasted, she simply shifted into the magpie, let him fall into the mattress, and shift back by her discarded bag to grab a pair of clothes. She grabbed one of the prince's shirts, then a pair of fitted cotton pants, and headed towards the scent of tea once she was decent enough.

Cara was the only one awake, or the only one that Aideen was aware of. She went past the tiny woman to check on her other prince and found him predictably still there, but curled up and fast asleep. Solise too. Aideen felt sorry for her friend, not able to understand just how torn apart he had to be, but a hot spike of disbelief still coursed through her. He had been able to talk to the Gods, to pick a fight with them, just like that. Sláine didn't just get to do that without explaining to her what they were like, if he had any useful information on them. She wouldn't ask now, mostly became she knew she'd get clocked upside the head by Caoimhe—and quite possibly Adelphia too—so she let them be and went back to the kitchen.

"He's still sleeping," she murmured, coming up beside Cara to curiously inspect the mugs. "Both of them. They look peaceful at least." Sláine wasn't visibly struggling with nightmares, and Eurion didn't seem to be either. She took those signs as good ones, even though she knew the prince would need to wake soon if he wanted to beat Eurion and get away before the assassin woke as well.


Cara picked up one of the mugs, holding it out for Aideen with a small flicker of her magic to take away the warming spell, “After what happened yesterday they need as much sleep as they can get.” It wouldn’t be fair to wake them. It especially wouldn’t be fair to wake Sláine.

They both knew that the prince wouldn’t want to be around Eurion when the assassin woke. The only reason he’d only managed to be around him through the night was because he was in too deep a sleep to wake at his presence, to know he was there and wake up and try and tell him to leave. Cara was more worried than she let on. She had trust in her friend but couldn’t help but be concerned about his mate. As much as Cara and Adelphia were aware of the royals and who they were, their nature wasn’t known beyond the basics. She knew that Eurion would come around on his own, eventually, but Cara didn’t know if Sláine would be able to do what Addie had asked of him, if the prince could manage to make an effort on his part.

It showed in the soft frown on her delicate features if not explicitly said. It was in her nature to worry about people, even more so when it was who she considered her best friend. Adelphia had always told Cara to stop worrying about Eurion, but it didn’t help when the man tended to rock up at their door bloodied and nearly dying every time he returned for a visit. He’d always got an earful from her every time he did so, “So… Aideen, right? Did you sleep okay? Is there anything I can do for you? Food? Water? Anything between us birds?”

@ElderGod-kirky group

Aideen accepted the mug with a nod of thanks, and propped her backside against the counter to drink and think. Solise was there, presumably giving Eurion the comfort that was minimally needed by the assassin from the prince. But if the spirit was there, then that meant Sláine had reached out to the Middle. Caoimhe should do the same, get advice from his spirit as well. But even beyond that, at least the two lovebirds had her, and Sláine wasn't completely out of the picture for Eurion's recovery. If the cuddling was anything to go by.

Cara's concerned frown wasn't lost on Aideen, and she had a feeling she knew what it was about, but the guard was relatively certain that Sláine would recover. If not completely, then enough that the prince would be able to function and live through the days until all the shit got sorted out. With a soft sigh and tug of a smile, Aideen hunched down to lean on her elbows. "Plenty of sleep with a thousand pound weighted blanket," she said. Not that she was complaining. "I'll do food when everyone else is awake. No need to make everyone wake up at once because food is cooking." She could faintly hear Caoimhe's constance chastise in her ear. Manners. A bit belatedly, she added, "Thank you, though."

Probably best to address the mystery spirit before their hosts got concerned. Aideen gestured towards the curtain with her mug, then took a sip. "Don't mind Solise, she's just a spirit. Connected with Sláine, so she might be good for Eurion if he can't stand him at the moment." She didn't know Cara's earlier jealousy, or the shared cuddles that had eventually transferred to just the one. "Didn't want you guys thinking we had a malicious stowaway while you housed us."


Cara took her own mug in her hands, flicking a strand of white hair out her face with the movement before taking a sip, "Don't mention it," She said in regard to the shifter's first comment about food. Probably best to wait, anyway, but she knew what she was like in the morning so it was only polite to ask just in case Aideen was the same. Her thoughts, however, were quick to shift to the curtain and to Solise, "The only thing malicious about her is she's stealing my best friend." She grumbled, more to herself than to Aideen.

She wasn't going to let it go. Eurion would be hearing about the fact that he had been cuddling with another spirit and she had barely even met her quota for the visit. Cara was aware she had to give him a bit of slack, considering he had been dying upon arrival yesterday, but when they had returned from the gods realm he had been aware enough. Had accepted her cuddles and told her to play nice with Solise before wrapping an arm around her. Totally unfair, bringing a prince-boyfriend-mate whatever they were and picking the spirit that was connected with him over her. Cara huffed a little, pushing her chest out as she had done with Solise in her other form last night with a prominent pout.

"Eurion won't be able to talk to Sláine for a while, I doubt he'll be okay with Caoimhe, either, considering they share a face," Cara knew they were different people, different personalities and the eldest prince wasn't connected to Eurion like his younger brother was. But sharing a face, seeing the similarities when he was still afraid of the other probably wouldn't be helpful in the long run, "You might have to be the one to try and help to," She motioned with her mug vaguely, "Bridge the gap so they can talk and be okay."

@ElderGod-kirky group

She couldn't help but snort at Cara's pouting and puffed out chest. So very bird-like, so very jealous. Considering their relationship, Aideen couldn't imagine Eurion having a friend like Cara or even being the type to have someone upset that he was being stolen from them. He was grumpy, closed off, and had only shown slivers of softness and affection towards the prince in the time they've traveled together. His temper was quick, and he didn't seem the type to be overly fond of someone wanting physical affection from him. But, even when snickering together, Aideen had to respond. "I don't think she's stealing anyone. But she might give Sláine her attention when Eurion wakes up, you can swoop in then to take your best friend back from an oh so vicious ball of fluff."

But that then brought her to the thought of Eurion, and Cara's musings. No, Caoimhe would be the last person to make a positive impact, no matter the kinship her lover had so desperately wanted to forge in the time they had spent talking in the clearing while Sláine rested. They were identical, and Eurion was terrified of one of them. Facing the other would be no better. However—

Aideen barked a laugh, then quickly smothered it by taking a sip of her tea. Her body still shook with her silent amusement. "I'm not the person he wants to see," she said. "We are far from friends, and he'll want nothing of what I have to say, if I even had anything to say." They clashed too often, to hard, for her to make any impact on the injured and terrified assassin. He wouldn't want anything to do with her, even if she was the best option of the three of them. Aideen fluttered a hand in Cara's direction. "You're his best friend. I'm sure you can pull some strings."


Best friend or not Cara didn't know the slightest thing about Sláine and his nature other than what she could tell from the time they had been around one another over the last evening. She wasn't in a good place to help, either, "I know nothing of the prince's nature unlike yourself," She gave Aideen a pointed look, "There is no one else here who is capable. You know Sláine, just because you and Eurion clash doesn't mean he won't listen if you try."

As much as Cara wanted nothing more than to help her friend, she couldn't. There wasn't anything that she could do or say that would help. Aideen knew the prince, had been around him for a while and knew his character. She had seen the two interact and it put her in the most primed position to help Eurion and Sláine overcome their difficulties. Cara didn't know why or how Eurion had ended up as part of the group. It only sparked her jealous streak more considering that they were spending time with him and she wasn't. But regardless, Eurion wasn't someone who went around hanging out with people he didn't know unless he had a reason to. Something was going on, she could only presume it was with the gods, and there was only so much she could do to help. Especially when it came to this.

"I can't pull strings about someone I don't know. You've seen them interact, you know the prince, and Caoimhe isn't going to do shit and so you're the only person left in a position to help. Whether you like it or not you're going to have to do it." And for the sake of Cara's sanity as well as Eurion making amends with his mate.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Aideen gestured at the air in front of her, as if that would do anything to conjure the words that she was trying to find to say that no, she wasn't an option. The shifter floundered with a pinched face of frustration for a good few seconds, her hands moving like she was talking but without the words to hear. Finally, she found enough words to start half-assing her way through an argument. "Yes, I know Sláine. But I don't know Eurion. And I definitely don't know them together. We just found out about their relationship, even if Caoimhe and I had suspicions just recently."

She wouldn't be able to remind the assassin of instances where Sláine had been a good partner, or had been sweet on him, or anything of the sort. Aideen didn't know them as a couple besides the fact that clearly the prince was emotionally invested enough to try and fight the goddamn Gods on behalf of his partner. She sighed and rubbed at the bridge of her nose, thinking things through. She didn't know them as a couple, Caoimhe had a bad face, and Cara didn't know the prince well enough to change the assassin's mind on being terrified of him. Great. Adelphia likely wouldn't have a clue either.

But Eurion did. He knew everything. If Aideen could con him into answering questions about Sláine without freaking out, then that would do her job for her. She could do that, and it might work in her favor. She might break the assassin even more, though, but that was someone else's problem to deal with. "Fine," she sighed. "Fine. I'll try. But I'm not taking responsibility if he gets worse. I told you he doesn't like me. I'm making that a warning right here and now." And speaking of getting worse—Aideen leaned over to eye the curtain, just barely getting a glimpse of the bundle of blankets and pillows that was the youngest prince. She should wake him soon. At the very least, wake him up to move, and if he wanted to go back to sleep, he could elsewhere. "How long you think we have until dead man walking wakes up?" she asked.


Whether or not Eurion got worse wasn't on Aideen, Cara could admit that. She could only try and she was the best option out of everyone here that would help the couple the most. There wasn't a choice, as much as Aideen didn't want to help she was going to have to, for the sake of her friend, and the sake of Cara's.

The shifter did, however, bat at Aideen with a soft huff, "Just because you don't like him doesn't mean you have to call him names." She rolled her eyes. Not under her roof, at least, would anyone but her and Addie be able to call Eurion anything other than his own name. A privilege that came with being his best friend and one that Aideen had clearly not earned the right to. She might be smaller than the other but she could defend Eurion as much as she could. No one picked on him but Cara, it was in her rights as his best friend.

"Anyway, Eurion will probably wake up in an hour or so, maybe sooner. I doubt he'll sleep for much longer, he'll need some more painkillers soon." Because whatever Adelphia had given him last night along with her magic would have faded by now. Any minute the assassin was going to wake up and be in serious pain and it would only make things worse if Sláine was there. They both didn't need that confrontation this early in the morning, not before someone spoke to Eurion, before Aideen spoke to him about the Gods and whatever happened between him and the prince.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Don't have to—but want to." Aideen had no qualms with calling the assassin names, and her amusement at doing so only heightened by the shorter woman batting at her as if that would do something. Aideen stood at least a foot taller than Cara, and though she knew she was a little on the taller side, that was entirely too excessive for her to be at all intimidated by a puffed up dove. Aideen waved Cara off and pushed off the counter. "Besides, I'm sure he'd love nothing more than to call me names. I'm just making it even."

She didn't bother with letting Cara have the last say, and set off to wake the prince before Eurion beat her to it. As she did so, Caoimhe groggily stumbled his way out of the bedroom, still fighting with his shirt as it got caught on his horns, but still followed the scent of tea. The eldest prince mumbled a slurred good morning, his accent the heaviest the tiny shifter had ever heard it, to the point the words were hardly comprehensible.

Aideen crouched down by Sláine and thought about the best way to wake him without either getting punched in the face, scaring him half to death, or waking the assassin up in the process. But, she grimly realized, if they truly had a strong bond and simply being near each other was helpful, then Eurion might still subconsciously feel the prince's violent reaction to being startled awake. She didn't like the possibility, and it was hard to avoid it, but she shrugged it off and got into a least-punchable position. "Rise and shine," she whispered, then used the cold skin of the back of her hand to press against his neck.

The sharp contrast jolted him awake, his heart racing from the scare, and he flailed on an instant to instinctually grab whoever was near. Aideen clamped a hand over his mouth and another over his horn to restrain him. "It's me, dumbass," she hissed, and Sláine narrowed his eyes up at her. "You gotta go." Aideen released him, and he grumpily gathered the blankets and pillows to flee the scene, no matter how much his soul ached the further he got away from Eurion.


With the movement of Sláine and Aideen beside him, Eurion stirred. He didn’t wake but he did shift, almost wrapping an arm closer around Solise both in an attempt to stay comfortable and keep a part of the prince close. The absence of the other was felt, especially when the prince woke with such a start, and it was the reason as to why the assassin groaned as if he were about to wake. He settled, however, but his discomfort was as clear as day. Now that he was beginning to wake he was starting to feel the pain once more. Feel the subtle burning and aching in his chest from where the blast hit him, the painful loss of his magic, too. As much as the shadows were beginning to return, until he was at full health Eurion’s heart would feel uncomfortable and saddened without the feeling of his magic, but there wasn’t much he could do to heal that hole inside.

Cara was ready to protest Aideen’s comments about her friend although Caoimhe was grumbling into the room and muttering his good mornings. At least that’s what she figured he was saying considering she could t quite understand the man and his thick accent. But, her fluttery personality returned and she was quick to offer the man a mug of tea, once again removing her charm as she held it out with her own soft, “Good morning.”

Adelphia would wake soon enough. With the rest of the house awake it wouldn’t be long before the witch rose. She’d be able to hear the grumblings of the others, probably feel the discomfort of the assassin and her nature would kick in before she knew what she was doing or what the time was.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Solise also woke up in reaction to the prince's violent start, though she was so used to it at this point from experience that she nearly went back to sleep. But Eurion reacted as well, groaning and pulling her closer, and she had a feeling it was because of both the noise and their bond. The spirit uncurled and sprawled herself out over the assassin, covering more of him and taking up a lot more space, as if that would trick the assassin's subconscious into thinking there was more of Sláine to cuddle. But she also cuddled closer into the man's hand and arm, headbutting her way beneath his hand until her ears were flattened against her self from being burrowed beneath the limb.

The prince watched through their magic, as his concern had spiked the moment Eurion made a noise of discomfort, and he was relieved that Solise had reacted instantly to comfort his assassin. If Sláine couldn't be the one to do it, as much as he loathed that hindrance, then she was the next best thing. It helped that she loved being cuddled and pampered so much, even if he ignored the implications of that particular personality trait. After a few seconds, when Solise had settled down, the prince reluctantly turned back towards where his brother and Cara were, and he offered a tired smile to the tiny shifter. "Good morning."

Caoimhe pointed at him, as if echoing the statement more legibly, and took the offered mug with a matching smile. He did manage to say the next word and be understood. "Thanks." Probably because Sláine gave him a pointed glare that meant 'im not speaking for you.' The youngest was feeling better, all around, though he was now burying the severity of his feelings towards the temporary loss of Eurion. It still felt like a brutal knife slicing through him again and again anytime he thought about it, but it was internalized and smoothed over before his face could give him away. Aideen came up behind him and slid through to get to Caoimhe's side. She sighed and started fixing her prince's shirt, which was all sorts of fucked, then also his hair as his horns had held quite a few curls hostage, while Sláine just shook his head to get most of his untangled.


Eurion settled down when Solise cuddled herself further across his body, the assassin now wrapping both arms around the spirit. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but it would do. It was more for the comfort of his soul than his actual body because Adelphia was going to have to help ease the pain that was rising with every passing moment. For now, Eurion was okay enough with the spirit on his chest. As much as his heart ached for his mate, that wouldn't happen, not today. They needed the time apart, needed at least some time so Eurion could talk through what he saw, what he was feeling, with someone. Fuck, he'd take Aideen at this point. Little did he know that that was exactly what he was going to get when he eventually woke up.

Cara nodded in response to the thank you's and the good morning from the youngest prince. She was glad to see Sláine a little less dishevelled than he had been last night although it was clear he was tired, they all were. The emotional toll on the prince and the assassin would be a lot, plus the fight for the others and the worry from the shifter and the healer, they all seemed to be in a similar boat. But, to distract herself from the worry of her friend, she began making breakfast for the group - fresh fruits and pastries along with more tea for whoever wanted some.

Adelphia was up not longer after, drawn out of bed with the fresh smell of food being wafted through the cottage, "Good morning," She said, her voice softer than it had been the entire time the group had been in her home, "I hope you all managed to get some sleep." Her look was pointed more toward Sláine as she came up beside her small girlfriend and gave her a kiss on the head in greeting.

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Sláine was settled comfortably off to the side by the time Adelphia woke up, in the process of braiding his own hair to keep himself busy. He went with a familiar style, one that took a while but he knew by heart that it wouldn't take too long. On each side of his face, he made four small braids, then braided them together. They then got incorporated partway down the thick plait he made down the back of his head that rested on untouched curls. More small braids were twisted all around, most left to just get lost in the thicket of curls and the rest styled to wrap around the base of his horns. Many blended into one another to make a sort of headdress type look.

While he was focused on twisting a particularly tiny braid down the length of his hair, he felt the pointed stare of Adelphia. Sláine looked up, met her look, and made sure his face was unflinching as he went back to braiding. "Slept like a baby," he said. A slight exaggeration, but he had slept just fine in the grand scheme of things. Uncomfortable by the lack of Eurion being pressed against him or within grabbing range, but free of nightmares, so he was taking it as a win. When the final braid was done, and he tied it off with a conjured tiny little band, the prince moved back over to the crowd to inspect the food being prepared. "We can help, if you want," he offered. It felt rude making the two women house and feed them, even if it was just for a night, without lifting a finger or even offering to help around the house.

Aideen, however, knew as much about cooking as she did braiding. The most she had learned was how to survive, not make a meal. So she smoothed down Caoimhe's shirt now that she got it and his hair situated nicely, then lifted on her toes to catch a kiss from him. "Cara and I were talking," she said, and her grin was wicked as she looked back at the other shifter. "We've agreed that Caoimhe has a horrible face." The twins simultaneously pinched the bridges of their noses and sighed. They knew her antics. Chances were, the context was severely lacking and what was actually said made more sense. Caoimhe clicked his teeth in a threat to bite her, and Sláine's sigh turned into a snicker.


Even Adelphia wasn’t helping the tiny shifter prepare the food, and every time the witch tries she was batted away by Cara. The healer held her hands up in defeat and took her own tea in her hands. Once Cara was set on something nothing was going to change her mind, and she liked being busy, liked taking care of people in the non-magical sense. She left that for her partner, but food healed all in her mind and she wasn’t going to let anyone touch it.

Her thoughts were drawn to Aideen when she spoke and she gave the other shifter a displeased look, pointed the spoon she had been using to mix the quick batter for the pastries to point at her, “That is not what we said,” She huffed with a small shake of her head, “Aideen and I were talking about the best course of action to help Eurion when it came to remember that Sláine isn’t someone he needs to be terrified of,” She elaborated, only glancing up to the two bothers occasionally as she mixed the batter before laying them out on a small tray.

“We said that because Caoimhe and Sláine share a face it would not be helpful for Caoimhe to talk with Eurion right now. If he’s scared of one of you he’ll be scared of the other,” Expertly, Cara twisted the batter into delicate designs before her magic shimmered over the finished product, projecting a cast of heat to help them cook quicker than anything else, “Addie and I don’t know Sláine’s nature well enough to help and reassure Eurion, and so we decided that Aideen is going to be the one to talk to him.” Cara left out the part where she nearly had to force the other shifter into agreeing since Aideen had been adamant about not doing so, but it didn’t matter now that she had agreed.

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Sláine caught the hint pretty quickly that Cara was in the groove and wouldn't take help from anyone, so he backed away to be out of her space. Humor danced in his expression, though, when the tiny little shifter gave Aideen a dirty look and the battered spoon. He was right—the statement was severely out of context. "That makes sense," he said, even if there was that pang of distraught at Eurion being scared of him. His face remained neutral. Sláine was more able to keep his emotions in check at the moment, better than he had been the night before, so he had no outward reaction to the reminder of the state of his relationship.

His brother, on the other hand, pouted. "Still rude. I like him, I thought we had a good thing going." Clearly not as good a thing as his twin had with the assassin, but having Eurion as a friend was something he wanted, and the eldest prince thought that they had managed to connect on some level.

Aideen patted his stomach in sympathy, then stuck her tongue out at Cara. "Sorry buddy, better luck next time. Maybe if you fixed your face, you'd be more approachable." Another snap of his teeth, and the guard cackled while dancing out of his reach.

Ignoring the two, Sláine pointedly avoided looking in the direction of the curtain and instead leaned on the counter with folded arms, watching the food being made so that he could get his and leave Eurion's proximity without incident—for both their sakes. "I think he should talk to someone," the prince said, soft concern seeping into his voice and expression. "Doesn't matter who, so long as he talks about it so it doesn't fester." Talking from experience, and being a hypocrite. He knew just how bad not talking about nightmares could be, and the toll they could take on someone's mind if not unburdened, or if gone unnoticed by people. Eurion would've been the first person to know about them in their full capacity, had the fire witch not shown up and caused all of this. Sláine had been prepared to trust his assassin with that vulnerability.

But if Aideen could get Eurion to even get the littlest of details out, to unload that burden into the world, then it would help. It might even help him sort through what he saw, and go through it in a better light. Maybe. It was just a guess, as the prince had no idea what Eurion was like when incidents like this hit. It made him feel all the more guilty for causing even more anguish within the sweet assassin.


Cara left her hands hovering over the pastries as they cooked under them, the batter crisping up as they puffed up in a similar fashion to how her chest did when she was mad. Soft on the inside, beautiful on the outside. Addie licked the spoon that her girlfriend had left to one side and received a glare in response, only to be met with a cheeky smile from Adelphia.

This time it was the healers turn to talk, although slightly muffled from the batter in her mouth, “Once Eurion is fine with one of you he’ll be fine with both of you,” She said in response to Caoimhe, “Either way, you’re all welcome to stay as long as you need to recover. It’s been too long since we’ve had guests, it’s a nice change even under these circumstances.”

“Too long since Eurion visited.” Cara muttered. It had been months since the assassin had dropped by and in her mind it was far too long and entirely unfair for her to go that long without seeing her friend. And then he had to go and nearly die on her when he did show up again. Adelphia couldn’t help the snort that left her at Cara’s comment.

“Once he’s awake and not in pain then Aideen can talk to him for however long she needs.” Addie continued, placing the spoon down to one side and grabbing some mismatched plates from a nearby cupboard.

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Sláine watched the two witches interact, feeling a pang of pity for Cara and Addie. Clearly Eurion didn't visit often, at least not often enough for Cara. And this time wasn't really a voluntary visit, but rather an emergency pop-in that was necessary because of the assassin's status as dying. And he hated to be the one to ruin her friend's visit even further, but he had to. "You're far too kind," the prince said, lowering his head in a sign of thanks and respect. "But unfortunately I don't think we'll be staying long, just until Eurion is feeling better. We were on a schedule, and had already been delayed." One particular scheduled item was likely off the table now, but Sláine's mind was far off from that at the moment. His main concern lied with Eurion's well-being and health. So if they needed to stay longer, they would, but he wasn't sure what that would mean for their schedule in the long run.

Nevertheless, he shook his head pulled his gaze away from the curtain, not knowing when it had drifted. "I'm sorry he's only here under not so good circumstances. I would've loved meeting you two under a different context." That being said… The prince looked to Addie, his face a little pinched. "We should talk, though. Either while Aideen is with Eurion, or after, either is fine with me."

"Oh yeah." Aideen hovered over the pastries, thieving fingers itching to grab them the moment they were ready for consumption. "Once I get food, I'll go and sit by him, so then we can talk asap. Get this hell done and over with." Sláine glared at her, and she retracted that statement. "I mean, the sooner we get him calmed down and feeling better, the better it is for everyone." The prince still wasn't totally happy, but he didn't push it. He knew the two of them didn't get along, and having Aideen as their only option was a bit infuriating, but she would have to do.