forum Opportunistic Omnivore: Scavenging the Remains of the Divine || OxO || Closed || 18+
Started by @ElderGod-kirky group

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Oh Gods what had they started? What had Solise, started was the real question and what had Eurion got himself into? It was neither the time nor the place and the assassin didn't have the luxury of the soundproofing that Sláine had given himself, couldn't give him back those groans that he was so beautifully giving him. If his prince wasn't going to be the death of him literally, then he would be figuratively. He was going to lose his mind. All the conflicted feelings melted away and his mind was focused solely on his prince, on those sounds he was sending him, and that fucking image of Eurion bending him over the desk and just how badly they both needed each other. He wasn't using Sláine as an outlet, he was a dick but never would he use the man simply for sex because he was his mate and that lust for him went deeper than purely just wanting to fuck him. Maybe that was why everything felt more intense.

It was why Eurion couldn't help but move his own hand- slowly, because he didn't want to hurt himself further because that would be a real downer on the whole situation again- he couldn't help but touch, to curse softly to himself and reciprocate those same feelings back towards his mate on the other end of that bond. Gods he was tempted to yell to Adelphia, to get the witch to help him up and into that room. It was a bad idea and she would never allow it and Eurion didn't know if he could cope at the moment but he was tempted. He was so tempted and every ounce of that temptation and want just went pouring down to his prince without a second thought, especially when he was feeling good and it was because of Sláine. Every good feeling, wonderful feeling he had experienced over the last few days had been because of his prince. Gods be damned, magic be damned he could talk about it with Sláine at another point it didn't matter because they were mates and Sláine was his person and that wasn't going to change.

Eurion thought back to that scenario, to that desk, and he sent his own thoughts on it back. Sent the images of him having one hand on Sláine's hip, the other around his neck and letting his back arch away from him. Letting Eurion bite at his neck, tease him for letting him fuck him so openly and knowing that the others could walk in at any point, about how he wouldn't stop if they did. Gods, he could picture the embarrassment on Sláine's face. If his brother were to walk in on Eurion fucking him, filling him and not stopping if he did. How smug Eurion would be, the bruises and the grip he would have on Sláine, how his's princes eyes would widen and he'd beg him to stop but he wouldn't. The assassin palmed himself harder.

@ElderGod-kirky group

On the other end of the bond, behind a door and safely concealed from the rest of the people, Sláine laughed. It was dipped in a pleased moan, but he still laughed. Eurion was too easy to crumble, a simple man with easily identifiable weaknesses. And Sláine was having fun with him. He was having so much fun messing with Eurion, even when the torture only continued for him. He could feel the moment his mate broke down and started to touch himself as well, only separated by a curtain and forced to be quiet if he didn't want to be caught all alone. Sláine had a feeling Eurion would only want to be under the pressure of being caught, of being seen, when the prince was in the picture.

More confident now that he got Eurion all worked up, Sláine got more vocal, just how his assassin liked it. He closed his eyes and reveled in the image Eurion sent back, of them being caught and not stopping. It wouldn't be the first time, unfortunately, that Caoimhe caught Sláine in the middle of getting fucked. But it was so different when it was Eurion being the one to having him bent over, him being the one to be marking the prince up and staking an obvious claim on him by not being afraid to keep going. Sláine would tell him to stop, to save him the embarrassment, but deep down he knew he wouldn't want that. Being caught be damned, he'd be even more upset at the prospect of Eurion stopping. Or, he considered, would he even be coherent enough to be embarrassed? Would Eurion send him over the edge of spacial awareness, to the point he could think of nothing else but his mate? Sláine bit his lip against a moan and slipped his hand beneath the hem of his pants.

Another image crossed his mind, one that he was more than happy to share with his torturous assassin. Eurion—possessive, needy Eurion—would absolutely stake his claim on the prince in a public scene. Sláine rocked his hips at just the thought. Someone would be looking at him for too long, with too dark eyes, and Eurion would notice. He'd pull Sláine into his lap with a hand between the prince's legs, and keep it there. Everyone would know, and Sláine would have no choice but to accept it, to fall to that possessive gesture even if it drove him mad. His hands would shake from the sensation, even if he tried so hard to play it off. Eurion would mark him up right there. They'd know.

Sláine moaned as if Eurion were right next to him. He sent his need and wishes down the bond, but also his amusement at the situation. They couldn't be together, but they were in a sense. This was as far as they could go at the moment, and he was more than willing to make it known that he desperately wished he had the assassin right next to him, making good on the thoughts and feelings being sent down the bond. His need didn't go down in the slightest—if anything, it only went up with each passing second—and he made that Eurion's problem to deal with just because the other had started it first.


The amusement that he sent from Sláine had the assassin stifling a soft chuckle because he was certain that either one of his friends would hear and come and check. He did not want Adelphia, especially didn't want Cara, walking behind that curtain and seeing what he was doing. Adelphia would chastise him for being so stupid, and Cara would just be jealous that someone else was getting his attention when Eurion could have been spending it with her. It was why he made sure to keep a hand over his mouth, to stifle any sounds that he made. Hearing Sláine down the bond was different to how it had been in the inn, and it was agony to not be able to get up and go to him, to hear those sounds in person once again and make Sláine louder, make him beg and scream just for him.

The possessive scenario that his prince sent back only spurred him on more, made him want to see what Sláine would allow him to do in the presence of other people. He wondered what other royals or nobles would make of him if they saw the prince submitting to someone like Eurion, how his prince would react. Simply palming the prince in front of a stranger was one thing, making sure his claim to the man was known, but what if it was in front of people that Sláine already knew? Eurion sent the images of his prince sitting comfortably in his lap back to him, only this time, it was in numerous locations, in a meeting, his cousin's throne, perhaps, touching him and palming him in front of others without shame as everyone knew that the prince was taken. He could only picture Sláine's head falling backwards onto his shoulder, trying to softly tell Eurion to stop because it wasn't decent and wasn't the time nor the place but he would only go harder, press harder, ask Sláine to tell him that again while the others watched him crumble under the touches of an assassin.

How many places would he be able to have his prince in the palace? Where would he be able to have Sláine on his knees for him, in places that were both too public or ones where someone would hear even behind closed and locked doors? What would they think of the youngest prince being so complaint for a stranger, or someone who worked with matters that had blood spilling over his hands? Eurion couldn't help but wonder, sending his lust and need for the other in waves that he couldn't stop because the thoughts and touches felt too good.

Maybe one day he would take the prince on that throne, Eurion couldn't stop the thought before it came to him, the image of fucking Sláine there, having him unravel in a place they were definitely not supposed to be, let alone Eurion.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The more Eurion expressed his matching need to be with the prince, the more Sláine's magic reminded him of a solution. It wouldn't work, not only because it wasn't the same, but because it was his magic. It would terrify Eurion, the thing between them would be ruined, and he'd lose his mate once again because of something so stupid. For once, he wished he wasn't so quick to turn to his magic, that it wasn't there to whisper solutions to problems that were made easy with the presence of his magic. Maybe then Eurion wouldn't be terrified of him.

Thinking like that, though, would do him no good. Not right then. So to distract himself, Sláine let Eurion's thoughts wash over him. He freely moaned and reveled in them, pressing his palm down in a mimic to his assassin's thoughts and propositions. Fuck, Sláine hadn't thought of Eurion holding him like that, making him submit like that, in front of people he knew. In front of a board of nobles, his cousin. The prince whispered as he pressed the heel of his palm down, imagining Eurion doing the same with every little noise and complaint Sláine made. He'd only punish him further if he acknowledged the action. If Sláine so much as breathed wrong, his possessive assassin would press harder in retaliation. He'd want the prince to make noise, to be heard, just for the embarrassment that he'd face in front of all the people.

Would he fuck him even harder afterwards? Sláine would be wired and practically begging for release—would Eurion's possessiveness get the better of him and he'd fuck the begging prince into total submission, declare him the only one allowed to hear Sláine like that? His thoughts when on a spiral after that, images of them getting caught in all the places Eurion imagined, including the king's throne, just for the assassin to take him even more brutally later on as a reminder that Sláine was his. They might have been seen, but Sláine's moans belonged to Eurion, his whimpers and begging all belonged to his mate. And the prince would take it without issue, maybe because he wouldn't be able to speak at all. His thoughts went back to the throne. Of him desperately riding Eurion to hurry things along before someone walked in. How the thrill of the fear would take hold and only spur him on more.

Sláine writhed on the bed, hips desperately pressing up into his hand as he wanted so much more. He couldn't, not right now, but he needed it so damn bad. The prince was teasing himself, really, by only palming himself in tune with the images being sent back and forth between the bond. He wanted something different, someone different, and he couldn't stop the slip of a moan from his tongue. "Eurion, please," Sláine whimpered. He couldn't figure out if he was asking for the assassin himself, or a relief from the torture. He couldn't have the first, and as much as he complained, he didn't want the second. Relief would be more torture. At least this way, he had Eurion in some capacity with him.


How thrilling it would be to have his prince riding him in a place meant only for the king? To have an assassin, of all people, on the throne itself and the kingdom's prince on his lap completely submitting to someone who had not a single drop of royal lineage in him, no ounce of innocence and definitely had no right sitting in such a place. It made Eurion's core burn, especially when the image of having Sláine on his knees for him in front of the seat came to him. Gods, if anyone saw. Their prince, kneeling, with his mouth around Eurion and the assassin's hands in his hair urging him on, keeping him there. He could only picture Sláine's blushing face and widening eyes as he looked up at Eurion, as the assassin told him someone was watching but refusing to let his prince come up for air, to speak or stop, just keep going.

Sláine was his and he was his prince's and that wasn't going to change. No one would ever see Sláine like that if Eurion could help it, no one but him. The thought of it only brought up more of that possessive anger, that desire to claim and take Sláine where others were fully aware that he wasn't to be touched or even looked at in a way that Eurion didn't like. One wrong move and it would be over for whoever it was because Eurion wasn't about to let someone else eye his prince like that. Imagine him in the ways that Eurion was. The only time or place would be if he deemed it okay, and even then it was more to prove that Sláine belong to him. When Eurion was touching him and making him softly beg for him, to either stop or go somewhere more private.

He could only picture his prince clawing at his back after such an incident, desperate and needy as Eurion fucked him and reminded him who he belonged to. There was no way that he would be anything less than rough and demanding if those times ever arose. He would get Sláine to that point where all he could think about was him, the pleasure and how damned good Eurion was making him feel, how he wouldn't even think about anyone else. Especially not when he would have his marks all over his body, when they were left in places that were visible and obvious, and Eurion would have his own in return, how his back would be full of claw marks and his neck of bites.

Eurion couldn't help the very soft curse that left his lips. Fuck, if things weren't so complicated, if that witch hadn't decided to try and kill his mate they wouldn't be in this position and he would be with Sláine right now making good on everything that they were sending to one another. The assassin let out a shaky breath, those images sending to Sláine along with the soft thoughts to keep touching. Urging him to keep going, for him, be good, keep going, so pretty.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Sláine quickly unraveled, his mind only honing in on Eurion and steadily losing grip on this game they were playing with one another. Eurion had sufficiently won, with the prince obeying his soft demands through the bond and only able to submit to the images and fantasies his assassin was sending him. He wanted nothing more than to have his mate right there with him, and it pained him that he couldn't have that one thing. What would Eurion do if he was there? How would he decide to debauch the prince right then and there, when Adelphia undoubtably knew what was happening, and their friends—and brother—were right outside? Sláine moaned, both from the pleasure and the frustration he held, and lost his grip on reality. Which, subconsciously, is where his magic decided to take its turn.

His hand became Eurion's, and the assassin was hovering above him, whispering those urging words and praises. Telling Sláine to be good for him, to keep taking it. At some point, his clothing was discarded as his body ran hotter and hotter. A hand then settled on his inner thigh and lovingly caressed his skin, sliding over his body in a revered worship as Eurion's lips pressed over his stomach, his chest, his neck. One against his temple. Sláine tipped his head back as far as he could, panting, staring up at the ceiling that was hazier than normal, the bubble of warped reality distorting it just a little. He recognized that, knew what was happening, and took advantage of it.

Phantom Eurion turned the prince onto his front, gripped his hair and held him down as he leaned over his body. Sláine bit down to muffle what noises he was making, still paranoid and needing something to unleash the tension. More kisses down the column of his back, with teeth teasing at the raised markings along his spine. More marks to match the fading ones on the prince's front. The phantom Eurion kept Sláine wound up, kept touching him, even as he dug his fingers into Sláine's hips and thighs, bruised him in places no one would know about, left red lines as Eurion dragged him backwards into the assassin's body. There was so much more that Sláine could alter, a completely different scenario that he could enact upon himself, and he teased at that idea with the feeling of his assassin's naked body over his. The dirty promises being whispered into his ear, each one mirroring the images that the real Eurion had sent down the bond.

And all of this, every sensation, the feeling of them being together and Eurion doing all of this to the prince at the present moment, was sent down the bond. No different from the fantasies, no magic being used on Eurion himself, but the sensations were more intense as if Sláine really felt it, with a teasing suggestion that there could be more. If this were real, would Eurion fuck him into the mattress with no care for setting? Would he hold him down and tell him that this was all his fault, that he was now getting exactly what he wanted? Or would he go slow, tortuously slow, to draw it out even more after all of this? Sláine groaned and buried his face further into the covers at the thoughts crossing his mind, and his own idea was quickly backfiring, as his desperation for his mate only grew with the knowledge that it wasn't real. But anything to tease Eurion, to get him back just a little, while the prince's psyche and composure quickly crumbled to dust.


Fuck. Eurion hadn’t realised that Sláine had the ability to do that, to conjure up a phantom version of the assassin and use that to help the situation. It felt stupid to be slightly jealous over what was essentially just a version of him, especially when it wasn’t real. But the fact that Eurion himself wasn’t there with Sláine, wasn’t the one touching and caressing his prince, bending him over and whispering all those praises and filthy thoughts right into his ear was frustrating. The good thing was, however, was that Eurion found himself not being afraid of the magic that his prince was using on himself. Maybe it was the situation, maybe it was because he wasn’t using it on Eurion himself, he didn’t know, but he didn’t feel afraid.

Those feelings were pushed aside at the overwhelming sensations that he was creating in himself and feeling the same from Sláine taking their place. His own hand moved but it wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted his prince, wanted to be in him and around him and taking him properly as his own and marking him up properly. Wanted to be the one pushing Sláine’s head into the mattress, bending him over and making sure his hips were high, bruising and marking him and completely unraveling his prince beneath him. Eurion knew, that no matter how he felt about Sláine’s magic, he wouldn’t, couldn’t live without him. Nothing would be the same, no one would drive him as crazy as Sláine. Magic be damned he could overcome fear- he hoped -but Sláine was his mate and nothing, not even his own stupid fear, was going to keep him away.

It was why Eurion’s own hand moved harder, faster. The intensity that he felt from Sláine made it easy to keep going. Gods if he was there. He had no intention of going slow. Eurion wanted Sláine to be begging for it, wanted him desperate and needy and clawing for him and only him. As much as it would pain the assassin to go slow, especially when he was just as desperate, the images of him taking his time with Sláine were sent to him. How his hand would move between his thighs and stop when the other got close, when he wasn’t being loud enough for his liking. How Eurion would go so Gods damned slow just to draw it out and tease for as long as he could until his prince couldn’t handle it. Then he would make sure Sláine was properly fucked. Holding his hands over his head with one of his own, the other on his hips keeping them open, how he would look so good taking it for him.

Skyfall couldn’t come fast enough. Eurion wanted to fuck Sláine into oblivion and take him to a point of ecstasy, until there was nothing else in the world but the two of them. Until there was just that bond between them, like fire reaching towards the other, pulling them and keeping them entangled in one another’s body. Eurion didn’t know whether he would be able to live without his mate, no matter what happened with his magic. There was no way he would give Sláine up, not for anyone, and the thought of someone else having the prince this way just heightened all that possessive energy he held, making his own hand move faster.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Another quick laugh slipped through Sláine's moans, Eurion's jealousy making its way down the bond. At least there was no trace of fear, even if the assassin seemed jealous of a phantom, which was still a projection of him. So possessive, and hardly any better than Cara in the jealousy category. It got Sláine thinking of other ways he could use this aspect of his magic to keep bringing out that deep-rooted possessiveness, to make Eurion jealous of himself in times that he wasn't there to touch and fuck the prince as imagined. But that was for another time, another place, when their relationship was not as complicated.

Right now, though the prince thought Eurion's jealous streak was amusing, Sláine was panting heavily and moaning into the mouthful of fabric straining against his canines. Image after image raced to the forefront of his mind, until all he could see and feel was the ghost of Eurion's fantasies leaning over his body and bringing him to a height of pleasure that still wasn't quite enough to be satisfactory. He could imagine and manipulate his personal reality all he wanted, his body could pulse with the idea of what he wanted, but it wasn't real. It wasn't real, and Sláine didn't have Eurion with him, so he could only bring himself to that peak on his own even if it didn't feel right. The phantom Eurion increased his pace, urging and pushing Sláine to that edge, and the prince gripped the fabric of the covers in a desperate fist as his moans broke around attempts to get in air. He couldn't fight against the thoughts pouring through the bond, nor the sensations coming from Eurion, and it was all too much.

Sláine entire body shuddered as he fell over the edge, his back arching up as his mouth hung open on a silent moan and he pressed his forehead against the bed. The release washed over him, not quite relief as he still had the assault from Eurion and the bond, and it wasn't quite as good as when he had his assassin with him, but it was good enough for the moment. He wasn't squirming or desperate, burning with a lust he couldn't control. And he basked in that suspended bliss as he caught his breath.

Then his magic dropped, and that bliss plummeted along with it. The prince suddenly felt cold all over, and his body was trembling from suspended tension and something else. Sláine rolled away from where he had just been and curled up onto his side, grabbing a pillow to hug to his chest and bury his face. There was a pressure building, but he held it back, because he didn't want to go through that again. It wasn't the time to feel this way, he had felt so amazing just seconds ago—he still did, but more emotions warred for importance. Sláine was all too aware of the absence in the bed. How he was alone, and it had all been an exchange of mental images and a sharing of sensations. The prince wanted Eurion. The high didn't feel right otherwise.


Eurion felt as Sláine tipped himself over the edge and the bliss that followed, how good it felt even if it wasn't quite right for either of them. It wouldn't feel right doing this sort of thing on his own anymore, not when he had had a taste of Sláine and kept craving more, wanting and needing more of his prince no matter how complicated his feelings on things were in the present moment. It was unfair that he couldn't be with the other when he finished just as he had in the inn. See Sláine's blissed-out state, foggy-eyed and red-cheeked and panting just for him, squirming under his body in an attempt to get away from the sensations of it all. Eurion wanted the other badly, to be there to talk him down from the high with soft praises and whisper of how good he had been, how beautiful he looked.

It wasn't long after that when the assassin reached his own climax, slipping over his hand with a muffled groan. He didn't have the luxury that his prince had with the soundproofing and he certainly, as much as he loved his friends, didn't want either of them to walk in on him in this state. Gods that would be an embarrassment, especially when Adelphia would likely hit him over the head for doing something like that in his injured state. Definitely hadn't been the time or the place but Eurion didn't care. In some capacity, he was helping himself remember that Sláine and his magic were safe. Even though there were plenty of other scenarios that they could have used to do so, at least this one had felt good for them both, no matter how far apart they were from one another. But just like Sláine, it would never feel as good as when he was with the other.

When the shock waves of it all finally subsided and Eurion's head cleared a little more, instead of sending all those overwhelming thoughts and sensations that had them both craving touches that were less than innocent, he sent some he hoped would provide comfort. Warming, but not in the way the others had been. Soft and gentle, almost like an apology, for being an idiot, for having that fear that held him back from being face to face with him. In some way, he felt as if he had used Sláine, even if that hadn't been his intention. Guilt, maybe, but he held that feeling back.


Eurion felt as Sláine tipped himself over the edge and the bliss that followed, how good it felt even if it wasn't quite right for either of them. It wouldn't feel right doing this sort of thing on his own anymore, not when he had had a taste of Sláine and kept craving more, wanting and needing more of his prince no matter how complicated his feelings on things were in the present moment. It was unfair that he couldn't be with the other when he finished just as he had in the inn. See Sláine's blissed-out state, foggy-eyed and red-cheeked and panting just for him, squirming under his body in an attempt to get away from the sensations of it all. Eurion wanted the other badly, to be there to talk him down from the high with soft praises and whisper of how good he had been, how beautiful he looked.

It wasn't long after that when the assassin reached his own climax, slipping over his hand with a muffled groan. He didn't have the luxury that his prince had with the soundproofing and he certainly, as much as he loved his friends, didn't want either of them to walk in on him in this state. Gods that would be an embarrassment, especially when Adelphia would likely hit him over the head for doing something like that in his injured state. Definitely hadn't been the time or the place but Eurion didn't care. In some capacity, he was helping himself remember that Sláine and his magic were safe. Even though there were plenty of other scenarios that they could have used to do so, at least this one had felt good for them both, no matter how far apart they were from one another. But just like Sláine, it would never feel as good as when he was with the other.

When the shock waves of it all finally subsided and Eurion's head cleared a little more, instead of sending all those overwhelming thoughts and sensations that had them both craving touches that were less than innocent, he sent some he hoped would provide comfort. Warming, but not in the way the others had been. Soft and gentle, almost like an apology, for being an idiot, for having that fear that held him back from being face to face with him. In some way, he felt as if he had used Sláine, even if that hadn't been his intention. Guilt, maybe, but he held that feeling back.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The overwhelming drop in his emotions, the lack of having Eurion there to kiss and touch and hold him—Sláine held it all close to his chest to avoid burdening his assassin with it. The warm and soft feelings helped some, calmed his racing heart and made him feel just a little better about the situation, but it wouldn't change the fact that the man himself wasn't there. Sláine shimmied beneath the blankets and hugged the pillow tight, face buried up to his nose, and dutifully ignored the single tear that slipped through. He didn't regret any of it. It had felt so good to know that Eurion at least thought of him like that, but the bed was empty and he couldn't go and tuck himself away into his assassin's side like he wanted to without possibly triggering Eurion's fear. Reality caught up to the prince, and it burned at his throat.

So Sláine hoarded every little sensation and memory exchanged, hugged the soft apologetic feelings tight to his heart, and hoped that he'd have it again someday. The prince didn't allow Eurion to feel any of this, only his returned pulse of innocent affection, as he whispered to the empty room, "I miss you."

Eventually, Sláine did fall asleep and get more much needed rest. Aideen and Caoimhe entertained themselves with chatting with Adelphia and Cara, with Solise wandering about and pointedly leaving Eurion to himself just in case the two mates decided to extend their shared bonding time. When time came that the healer deemed Eurion fit for travel, the spirit left to wake the sleeping prince, and the other two started gathering their things to get ready to leave once more. They were all glad that the assassin would be okay, Aideen with her own motives and the twins caring more about the man himself than his usefulness. But restlessness had befallen at least two of them, and they were equally glad to be ready to leave. Caoimhe and Sláine especially appreciated no longer taking up space in the witches' home.

Sláine dressed himself and thoroughly cleaned the guest room with a whirlwind of contained magic, face burning even when alone. He refused to make it known what he and Eurion had experimented with, and he as more than a little ashamed of his drop right after. It felt ridiculous, nearly pitiful, and he desperately hoped Eurion hadn't felt an ounce of it despite the prince's determination to hide it all while it had happened. Solise sat, unhelpful as always, on a dresser and made fun of him for sleeping the day away in a chipper voice he knew all too well.

"Go bother someone else," he grumbled, as he fixed the sheets and bedding. Solise cackled and hopped down, then trotted across the floor to track down the assassin and see if she could get more cuddles in from him. Maybe then someone would appreciate her.


With his magic still mostly out for the count, Eurion hadn't had the ability to clean himself up with magic. He was glad for the already existing bandages around his middle to somewhat clean himself off, and Adelphia had ended up changing them for him regardless so, it worked out. The assassin didn't want to leave so soon and was already preparing for the complaining that he was going to hear from Cara once he was out in the open. He hadn't visited for a while and only a day or so wasn't enough for the shifter. It wasn't enough for him, either, especially when he had had no time to catch up with the two witches.

He had taken longer than usual to get ready because rushing things sent sparks of pain shooting through his chest. Eurion was to be careful, Adelphia had instructed, and definitely could not do anything reckless that would result in further injury. The healer had been very clear in the orders she had given the two twins, Caoimhe, really, because Aideen didn't seem inclined to help Eurion with his healing and she had a feeling Sláine wasn't going to be in the right place to do so, either. No heavy lifting or straining unless absolutely necessary, taking breaks more frequently than they might have liked so he could catch his breath - even though the assassin insisted he would be okay - and to make sure he was applying the balm that she had given Eurion to his chest at least once a day. Eurion didn't need a caretaker but he was silently grateful that at least someone was listening and looked like they wanted to help, or cared about his well-being.

But Cara was not taking it well and had sat in the corner frowning and pouting the entire time the group was preparing to leave. It was ridiculous and she wanted him to stay another day, at least one more day. The grumpy shifter especially wasn't happy when Eurion had picked Solise up and placed the spirit around his shoulders when she came to bother him.

The assassin couldn't help but chuckle softly at the look on his friend's face, "Don't be like that Cara, Solise isn't replacing you."

"But you're still leaving us," Cara whined, "I haven't had any time with you this is entirely unfair and you know better than this." She stood, and the woman looked more like a child than anything with her arms crossed and having to incline her head upwards at the man.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Once the room was made, the prince joined the rest of the group to get his things in order. Sláine listened to every word Adelphia said, even if he knew he wouldn't be the one looking over Eurion's health and healing process. He might watch from afar and alert his brother to do something, but he himself wouldn't be doing anything of the sort. Not when he was now avoiding the assassin, standing as far away as possible and trying not to look his way. Sláine didn't want to conjure that flinch again, didn't want to be a cause for fear once more. So he stayed off to the side, listened intently, and silently made sure all his stuff was packed. Caoimhe, for his part, was just as invested in keeping Eurion alive and functioning, and reassured the healer that he would keep an eye out and bully Eurion into using the balm when instructed. Aideen waved a dismissive hand. hardly even paying attention to a single word.

Solise made herself comfortable on Eurion's shoulders, tail idly swaying where it hung down the man's side. Her gaze landed on the jealous shifter, and she chirruped in what could've been in sympathy or a subtle gloat. Not that it mattered, because either way the group was leaving, and Solise was going with them while Cara had the unfortunate luck of not.

Caoimhe overheard the conversation, though, and leaned back to insert himself into it. "We don't have to leave this second, if you want to get some friend time in." He hadn't witnessed Cara's jealousy, so he didn't know just how deep it ran, and that no matter how long they visited, she wouldn't be happy. Solise tried silently telling the twin that with just a look, but he was blissfully unaware and simply wanted to help the two friends spend a little more time together. It was a little unfair that they had only been there long enough for Eurion to heal enough for travel, and he didn't even get to hang out with his friends.

Aideen rolled her eyes at her partner trying to delay them even further, but said nothing. Sláine listened and watched from afar, intrigued about the interaction. He couldn't help but feel a small flutter in his chest at the ease in which his assassin had picked up Solise and found a place for her. Like he was already comfortable enough with the spirit to have a spot just for her whenever she wanted attention, instead of being unsure of what to do or hesitant to interact. Logically, he knew it didn't necessarily mean anything about them, as Solise was still her own entity, but Sláine couldn't help but think it had something to do with them being connected, and her presence reminded Eurion of the prince. Stupid, but it gave him just a little bit of comfort to think about.


Eurion ignored Caiomhe. Cara was never going to be happy with how long they stayed around, whether it was an hour, a day or a week it wouldn't be enough, in her mind, and they had delayed long enough. If they wanted to make it to Skyfall within the closest timeframe they could manage they couldn't stay any longer. As much as the assassin wanted to stay, to catch up with the couple and let them know what had been happening in his life, know everything that had been happening in theirs, they couldn't risk it. He had done his best to hide his disappointment and having to leave so soon, but it showed in the soft sigh that Eurion released.

Instead, Eurion knelt down, being careful of Solise and his chest. Here, Cara and he were practically at eye level. She was still pouting and the assassin couldn't help the soft, sympathetic smile that he gave her. The expression would have looked unusual on the man considering all he did most of the time was frown, but for the witches it was normal, and it was the look he gave every time he had to leave them. The shifter wrapped her arms around Eurion's middle and the assassin placed his chin atop her head in a hug that seemed to swallow her whole, "I'll come and visit soon, I promise." Eurion didn't want to go, and he squeezed her tight to let her know. This was always the worst part, for both of them. Having had only a few friends up until the two witches he had formed a deep attachment and in his line of work that was dangerous. He never knew when or even if he would ever get to see them again every time he had to leave. It was probably why Cara was always mad that he didn't visit often and always had to leave, no matter how long he stayed.

Because if anything happened to him Eurion wouldn't be able to let the witches know and the Gods sure as hell wouldn't. They would be left in the dark wondering about what happened to their friend until they had to eventually conclude the worst. It was why the hug lasted longer than any of the others, longer than the ones he had currently shared with Sláine. No matter if he promised to come back it was never a guarantee, and Eurion always felt that sharp pang of guilt in his heart.

Cara stopped herself from squeezing too hard. She didn't want to hurt Eurion more no matter how badly she wanted the man to stay, "You better, otherwise, I'll come annoy you in hell." Her voice was muffled from where it was pressed into Eurion's chest, but she didn't care, and neither did Eurion, who pressed his own face into her hair.

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Solise balanced herself on Eurion's shoulders as he knelt down, then as the moment got a little personal, reconsidered her placement all together. She didn't think she should be intruding on such a moment, but considering how Eurion had placed her there immediately and didn't encourage her to leave, she stayed put. But the moment had her looking back at her witch, at his reaction to the interaction. She wasn't disappointed.

Sláine had inched forward some more, his bag packed and ready to go, but he leaned into Caoimhe's back when he caught the gentle interaction between the two friends. The prince felt like he was dying, like his heart would burst from the sheer cuteness and gentleness between Eurion and Cara, and he forced his twin to bear his weight as he internally screamed. He had known that his assassin could be soft and affectionate, had been on the receiving end of it a couple of times, but it was entirely different watching from afar and seeing it happen to someone so close to Eurion, someone who risked never seeing their friend again every time he left. Sláine was on the verge of melting right then and there, his heart was so full of warmth and affection.

The prince smacked his brother's shoulder lightly, to get Caoimhe's attention, and hissed at him in Gaelic when the disgruntled man turned. "We are making sure he comes back to them." It was a demand, and Caoimhe knew that, but the eldest brother couldn't help but find it funny how intensely his twin was feeling about the matter.

Still, he humored Sláine and spoke in Gaelic as well. "Of course we are. I can't have him dying when you'd dig your own grave right next to him." Sláine bore his teeth into an irritated snarl, even if his cheeks bloomed red. Caoimhe snickered and shrugged his brother off. "Don't use me as your hiding place. He's not even looking at you."

Sláine pouted but dutifully moved over, and his eyes latched right back into Eurion. His assassin. His mate. Cara and Adelphia's friend who had no real promises of coming back alive. They were going to come back, if only to give them a reunion they deserved, where Eurion wasn't dying, and they actually had time to spend the visit together. He wanted to give them that much for all they've done for him and the others. Eurion, too, deserved to have his friends.


It got worse with time, the leaving. Part of it was Eurion’s own fault because he was fully aware he didn’t visit often enough, but the other part was just how busy he always was. A day wasn’t enough and he never had more than that as the years went on. If he had the time he would stay longer, visit more often, but the Gods kept him so damned busy or he was too far away to even considering popping by for a visit that it didn’t happen as much as any of them would like. They were his best friends. Up until now they were his only friends. He had never had to consider what it would be like if he wound up dead because he had no one who cared. But he did now. It was the entire reason why he was more careful than he used to be, took longer with jobs and trying not to be so reckless so his friends wouldn’t be left in the dark.

The shadows and the dark were his domain, and Cara and Adelphia had no reason to be there. Not now, not ever, in any sense of the word and Eurion wasn’t about to let them step as much as foot into his world. Cara wouldn’t be able to bare it and as much as Adelphia was strong and would be for her partner, would crumble from the inside if they ever found out he died. The healer put up the front, but Eurion knew what she was like underneath, knew neither of them would cope if he didn’t come back. Eurion didn’t think he would cope, either, never seeing them again, if things were different.

All the promises he made to the two of them, they meant nothing, they all were aware they held no weight but the words were an acknowledgement of the love that he held. Because he would always try and come back, no matter what, he would try and it would be enough. Eurion loved the two women and to think he would one day be a source of such pain had him holding Cara tighter.

The assassin didn’t want to let go, didn’t want to say goodbye but the others were waiting. Eurion pressed the softest kiss to the top of Cara’s head, moving her away so he could press their foreheads together as he spoke, “I’ll come back, dovey, I always do.” Their noses bumped together and Eurion stood, moving to the healer who seemed to have broken her mask of uncaring to one that almost rivalled Cara’s - soft, worried. The assassin did the same with Adelphia, a hug, a soft kiss and pressed their foreheads together in a silent conversation between them. They didn’t need words to convey what they were thinking.

Finally, even though time was moving too fast for Eurion to comprehend, he pulled away, “Let’s go.” He didn’t look at any of them as he walked through that door. One look back and he would crumble and beg to stay another hour.

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Sláine's heart went out to Eurion and his friends, understanding on some level how difficult it was to leave people you loved and not know if you'd come back. The prince couldn't count how many times he had left some place without the promise of ever returning—how many times the staff heaved a collective sigh when the twins returned safely after months of being gone on some battlefield or attempt at alliance. Sláine couldn't picture what it would be like to leave the only two friends he had, over and over again, when at the mercy of vengeful Gods that had no care for their assassin's life.

Whatever happened, Sláine was bringing Eurion back to Cara and Adelphia free of his shackles, so he could freely visit them whenever he wanted, however long Cara deemed it necessary. He made that promise to himself, silently, as he watched his assassin interact with the women and felt his heart burst and melt at the same time. Eurion was so sweet, even if he tried to act like he wasn't. He was sweet, and kind, and cared so deeply about the little things he had in his life. Cara, Adelphia—maybe even Sláine, one day. And the prince would hand over anything in the world, sacrifice himself to any God he needed to, just to keep the man happy and free to make good on that care and love he often hid so well.

Caoimhe, eyeing his twin and fleetingly glancing between Sláine and Eurion, decided to be the one to step in for his brother because the stubborn ass refused to move, even as Eurion started to leave. The eldest twin slung an arm around the assassin's shoulders, uncaring about the indignant noise Solise made as she was dislodged and forced to fly. "Cridhe furasta, my friend. You will see them again soon enough. I believe even the Gods could not withstand the fury your little dove would hold if you were kept away for too long." Behind them, Aideen dragged Sláine by the horn out the door and scolded him for dallying. Caoimhe ignored them in favor of patting Eurion on the shoulder and giving Solise her perch back. "My brother, too."

Solise whipped her tail at Caoimhe's face, unhappy with him, and butted her head against Eurion's chin in a soft move of comfort. She had no words to offer, none that she knew would make the situation less painful for the assassin. She held the knowledge of Sláine's determination to give Eurion back to the witches, but she kept it to herself. It wouldn't do anything to help, not when Caoimhe had already said the same thing essentially.


Eurion was less than happy at the switch between Solise and Caoimhe's arm. He knew the motion was in good faith and the offer of reassurance but the spirit had been doing more for him than the prince way, and was glad to have her back moments later. The assassin couldn't help but reach up with his free hand to scratch behind her eyes, running his fingers over the soft fur that he found there. Was it always going to be this way when it came to anything remotely connected with Sláine? To feel attached and connected to those that were linked to his prince? Maybe it was just because he was a High Witch, he didn't know. He doubted that it would be like that if his mate had been Fae but he could only guess. There was no way for him to know now, but he didn't mind, it was one of those answers that he was okay with leaving in the dark,

"I appreciate the sentiment." Was all Eurion could bring himself to say. He didn't know what else to say on the matter. He did appreciate Caoimhe's words and as much as he tried to let them bring him a little hope that he would, in fact, make it back to his friends, he knew all too well that nothing was set in stone, especially with the Gods. Their hold on him, their magic, seemed to be getting stronger. The way they used it against him. How they had been able to manipulate a scenario that Eurion hadn't even seen was something that they hadn't done before and he was more terrified of that prospect than anything else. More than Sláine's magic.

Because if they were becoming stronger what else would they be able to do to him, to their realm? If the magic they possessed was increasing in strength and they were able to manipulate parts of life that they either hadn't done before or had once again regained that ability? Eurion didn't know what they would be able to do, what they would want to do next. Especially if they wanted to pass through from their realm into the assassins. He needed to work out what they wanted and figure things out before it got worse. He didn't want to see anything bad happen to the twins, even Aideen, because he wasn't able to understand enough, quick enough or be good enough to even do so.

"If we want to make it to Dalthia for the beginning of Skyfall we're going to have to hurry to make up time." Regular breaks be damned, he would be fine. His main priority was getting to his home lands without any more interruptions.

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Caoimhe was a little disappointed, especially when it was clear that Solise was more welcome than him, but he didn't let himself take it too personally. Eurion had just left his best friends, with no knowledge of if he'd ever return to them, and he was still recovering from a near-fatal attack. So the prince hung back a little to give Eurion space, though made sure to stay close because he wasn't about to leave the man all alone—especially when Sláine was dead-set on avoiding him.

That being said, he knew if Sláine saw him allowing the assassin to push himself beyond his limits, he'd end up skinned alive. Caoimhe sighed and ran a hand through his hair to pull it up into a high ponytail, which uncovered the shaved sides of his head. At the same time, his horns and teeth disappeared with a quick mask. "We can hurry, but you are using that balm and taking at least five-minute breaks if you need it. I'm not getting flayed because you're stubborn." It should be obvious who would be doing the flaying, given the group dynamics, but he didn't specify either way. "It won't hurt us for time that much. You dropping dead will."

Solise cooed and leaned into Eurion's scratches and pets, happy to receive them and to be back on her favorite perch. Then the spirit rubbed up against the assassin as best as she could from her precarious position. She recognized Eurion's need for comfort and his growing worry, seeing it in the familiar creases of his forehead and eyes that Sláine often got when stressing over something. Barely noticeable, unless you were as close as she was to the face. Eurion having his mate with him would do wonders with his anxiety, she thought, but unfortunately their situation was complicated. So she did her best to radiate what she could of the prince's aura, the little scraps she shared with him, to give Eurion a little bit of peace of mind and comfort. The Gods would always be beings to contest with, lurking in the backs of their minds as they continued to become more powerful. Solise couldn't take them out of the picture, as much as she wished she could. Her best was all she could offer.


"I know my limits, I'll take breaks when I need them." Eurion knew, deep down, that he probably would push through the pain as long as he was able to do so. He already felt guilty for causing them to delay while he recovered enough to keep going and he did not want to keep that theme going for the entire trip to Dalthia. A part of him was aware that Sláine may be able to sense when his tolerance was thinning through the bond but he wasn't concerned with that. If he ended up catching his mate giving him a glare that told him to slow down then he would. Until it was noticeable, Eurion would go as far as he could without stopping. No more delays, no more injuries, they had to make it to Dalthia and they would do it by the skin of his teeth if Eurion had any say in the matter.

The assassin was grateful for Solise being a comfort on his shoulders. The spirit nudging at his chin and cheek was helping his mind level out slightly, but not enough to stop the bulk of his worry from disappearing. That would only go away if he could get things sorted with Sláine. Eurion prayed that the rest of the trip wasn't going to be immensely awkward and that maybe they would have time to be together and check in. He wanted to talk, as much as the prospect of facing his mate in a time when he was still unsure of what he would even say, but Eurion as Caoimhe had said, was stubborn. Even more so when it came to the man he was fated to be with. If he couldn't get past his prince's magic then it would all be for nothing and he may as well just have rejected the bond in its entirety. But he didn't want that, he didn't want to leave him and hoped that he would be able to fix things.

"I'm not going to drop dead and you're not going to be flayed so don't worry." It was a bit hypocritical of him, to tell Caoimhe not to worry when he was, in fact, worrying about multiple things at once. But he wasn't going to let that show, not now, not for a long time, if he could help it.

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Caoimhe hummed, not at all convinced, and made that known with his skeptical, "Uh huh." Eurion looked like a man on a mission, marching through the trees towards the Fae lands with a borrowed spirit on his shoulders and bandages all across his torso. The prince highly doubted that anything less than a stern demand from Sláine would slow him down, and he also doubted that his twin would be the one to carry over that message. Glancing over his shoulder, Caoimhe eyed the youngest prince with skepticism and was met with mournful puppy eyes while Aideen fluttered on around Sláine's head, her bag being carried by Sláine. His brother caught his stare and flicked an annoyed, accusatory glare in return. He huffed and faced forward once more, mindful to not lean on Eurion again. No, Sláine would not put himself out there to scold Eurion. Their situation was too rocky. "Fine, let's hurry along, then."

Solise, however, knew the underlying reason why Sláine refused to even walk close to the assassin. As she offered deep and therapeutic purrs while resting comfortably over Eurion's shoulders, she spoke to him privately. "Please do make sure you take care of yourself. If it is Dalthia you are after, then I will remind you that injuring yourself even more through neglect will only delay us further." Because his prince wasn't going to muster up the courage to say anything himself.

Sláine was terrified. Too scared to dare approach his mate, fearing the worst and avoiding being a cause of panic or fear. Which, consequently, made it next to impossible for the assassin to catch the slippery prince alone for a chat. He did everything in his power to avoid being too close, or using his magic too obviously. The masks stayed, even at night, unless he knew for a fact that Eurion wouldn't stumble across him. Sleep was fitful, but Caoimhe made threats to wallop him if he tried the staying awake all night stunt that landed them two hours behind schedule. During the times he couldn't sleep, he would sit close to Eurion, talk to him in a hushed whisper about anything and everything that came to mind. But then he'd be gone by the time the assassin woke up. Solise spent most of her time right by Eurion's side, either trotting along next to him, flying in circles, or lounging on his shoulders. At night, she always curled up against him if she wasn't being directly snuggled.


With the determination of making it to Dalthia for their designated schedule, Eurion didn't care whether or not he ended up neglecting his own needs. He made sure to reapply the balm that Adelphia had given him when necessary because as much as he hated to admit it, Solise had been right. Something happening to Eurion would delay them even further and so he did do the bare minimum. Reapplying the balm, when his chest became too tight asked for a break. He probably didn't do it as much as he should have, but it was enough to get him through the trip. Especially when he had been determined to try and talk to Sláine but his prince was dead set on ignoring and avoiding him. Even when he could feel himself waking up with the presence of the other, the man was gone before he was able to fully grasp his bearings, but he didn't want to ambush him while they were walking. He knew that keeping the mask up was deliberate, but the more they walked, and the closer he got with Caoimhe, too, the less frightened he was becoming. The images of the witch were still burned into the back of his mind but the longer he was around the other twin and became more used to the idea of their magic, it was easier to tolerate allowing Caoimhe to use his magic around him at close proximity, and it had Eurion building up that tolerance to the sensations and feelings that their magic brought up.

The trip consisted of many of the same repeating days, where they woke, ate, walked, took a break and repeated until nightfall. Eurion still found it strange travelling with others and having companions, having to talk regularly to fill up the silence that was cast over them, but he found that he wasn't disliking it, as much as it was uncomfortable at times. Mainly because Sláine refused to talk to him and it was driving him mad. It was why he had forged a plan in his mind the closer they got to Dalthia and its capital, Indrigos. How he was going to have to practically make Sláine sit and listen to him if it mean tying the man to a chair.

Eurion knew they had made it to the border of the capital when the trees started to encompass everything and block out the sky. When the leaves seemed to turn an unnatural shade of green and almost glowed in the soft darkness that wrapped around them and the leaves on the ground looked as if they were made of gold.

The gates to Indrigos were made of marble and oak, the two materials twisting around one another in an arch that made the place seem forbidden to outsiders. Not entirely wrong because the Fae weren't fond of visitors. But the inside? The city was filled with winding streets on either side of the river that ran between the two halves of the place, flowers bobbing softly down the stream that held that same unnatural glow and lights the trees did. the buildings were stacked close together in a way that made it feel lived in but not cramped, and the houses themselves were bigger than they looked on the inside than they did on the outside. Large, cascading trees rose from parts where stairs had been built and wrapped around them, buildings carved into the wood, and bridges connecting them all. The upper levels of the city. Right in the centre was the only part of the city where the sky opened up, where the moon reached its peak and where the main festivities for Skyfall would take place.

All the streets, however, were lined with lanterns, banners and decorations with the Skyfall crest - a constellation of stars around a full moon hanging above a mountain. They ranged in colour from deep purple to a striking yellow that caught the eye of anyone that walked by. Stalls, markets, they were all out in full force. Technically, the festival didn't start until that evening, which allowed them time to find a place to settle, but the Fae were already beginning to take part in the event by wearing the traditional outfits - robes of colours that matched the banners with swirling starlight patterns, masks of gold and silver, gems of all types with coloured paint to match on their faces.

It was buzzing with electricity that seemed to be otherworldly, magic that seeped into every corner of the place and cracks that it could find and bringing about every spark of life it could find. The palace stood as a beautiful monument in the distance, with its towers of white and covered in those magical golden leaves.

Eurion couldn't remember the last time he had visited, but it certainly hadn't been as beautiful as it was now.

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Avoiding Eurion was difficult, to say the least, because his very being screamed at him to fall into the man's side and hide away from the rest of the world. It felt wrong to side-step any hint at Eurion coming up next to him, or scrambling away the second he noticed the assassin stirring. Unnatural. Like Sláine was working against the very nature of something so important and instinctual. And, in a sense, he was. They were mates, and he didn't know much about the subject, but he did know that it was an incredibly important and innate thing between the Fae. They had already experimented with what they could do with their connection, so it wasn't unlikely that it was retaliating against him for actively avoiding his mate when the bond hasn't been rejected. Yet.

That yet is what gave him a sliver of hope, because if Eurion was truly scared of him to no repair, then he would've rejected the bond to have nothing to do with the prince. Or maybe he had something else in mind, but it was the only thing keeping his fear just a little in check when it threatened to drown him. A small buoy keeping him afloat. Maybe surrounded by his people, Eurion would realize that being with a High Witch was too complicated and make it officially over. Sláine had no idea what to expect, and the closer they got to the Fae lands, the more anxious he got.

Seeing the city didn't help matters, either.

Even as he hung back, Sláine's surprise and awe was clear on his face. The prince's eyes darted all around, greedily taking everything in, while his lips parted around unsaid words. Beautiful. The city was beautiful, and primed for the upcoming festival. Sláine didn't know what he had expected in terms of the Fae lands, but somehow this was beyond and not at all what his expectations were. The same and vastly different. He had never been in the Fae lands, never had the desire to step foot in a place he so obviously didn't belong, and he got the same feeling here as he did when visiting the Middle; like he was unworthy of being in such a place of wonder and beauty. Of course Eurion was from here. Of course a man so gorgeous and perfect once called a place like this home. It fit so well. Sláine felt a flutter of excitement and childish wonder at the prospect of having the chance to see this place unfold into its festivities.

Aideen and Caoimhe were no better. The eldest twin was much worse with containing his excitement, grinning wide as he spun around and took everything in. Aideen's eyes darted between her lover and the city, a mix between amusement with him and admiration for the city. They took the initiative to break from the group to study further on ahead, not too far, but far enough to get a better look while Sláine hung back to get a big picture view.


As much as the Fae hated to admit it, it did feel good to be back home, no matter what the circumstances were. That familiar wave of magic washed over him and sent a shiver down his spine in the best way possible, a reminder that this was home, in some way, and it always would be. From the soft glowing plants and the trees as tall as the heavens this was where he would belong if he chose to accept it and return. Maybe the reason he had stayed away for so long was because he hadn't wanted to think about this feeling and what it might mean when he came back. Either way, he shook those feelings aside in favour of petting Solise softly on the head. Eurion had guessed the reactions of the group long before they had even stepped foot in the place. To him, this was normal. Skyfall was different and he couldn't help the glimmer of excitement in his eyes at the decorations and knowing that he was going to finally have the chance to participate in the beautiful festival, but everything else was just as he had left it all those years ago.

For a moment, he let the three take in the sights but didn't let them out of his own. Eurion would hate for them to get lost. The place was deceptively small and it would be a nightmare having to scour the whole place to try and find them. They stood out like little kids with how they reacted, clear that they were different no matter the glamour and the masks that the witches had to prevent anyone from looking in their direction for too long.

Between the two groups, for a moment Eurion stopped and tried to remember the quickest way to the biggest inn he would be able to get them into. Connections helped, helped more when they were Fae, but Eurion hadn't been around for so long that he didn't know if anyone would remember him. Unfortunately, he knew, someone would considering his past history of friends and he was not looking forward to that conversation.

Instead, he made sure that the trio of witches were close enough to hear him whistle and incline his head for him to follow down a path that weaved towards one of the largest trees that supported the upper level of the city. It wasn't exactly an inn, more of a larger place, fancier, but he wasn't about to haul them up in some random inn in the middle of a festival so beautiful. No, they should put their bags away first and then Eurion could get them ready and sorted with outfits and the like.

It was easier to see the festival when they climbed the steps that circled around the tree, being able to have a birds eye view of the festivities bellow from the stalls, the large open squares, how the river weaved in between the two halves which were connected by a bridge that looked as if it were made from starlight itself.

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Caoimhe and Aideen were easily summoned by the whistle, snapping out of their reverie to rejoin Eurion. They could ogle later, when they had new masks painting them as Fae to make them stand out a little less. If anyone asked, they could claim being wanderers, their family living away from the Fae lands. But hopefully no one asked questions when they had their masks on. Eurion would probably have a heart attack if they were sniffed out.

Sláine, he had already been watching his assassin from afar. He could look at the city and its beauty later, but Eurion's flicker of excitement was fleeting and worth more to him than any of the sights. So he already knew where they were going, and he had moved slightly to keep track of Eurion but left enough room for the other two to fill in the gap and hide him once more from the assassin in front.

This was Eurion's territory now, and the others had to abide by the rules that he felt were needed to be in place. Sláine could tell that Caoimhe was chomping at the bit to get up to mischief, and even he was looking instinctually for things to mess with discreetly. Aideen, ever the thief, looked to be in heaven with all the pretty things they saw. She even looked like she wanted to scoop the starlight bridge into her pocket for safe keeping. Sláine shook his head and contained his awe as much as he could to try and stand out less, but he couldn't stop the buzzing beneath his skin just begging for him to bounce around and cause chaos. The building they were in was gorgeous, the height a familiar comfort as the prince looked out to see the shapes and sights growing smaller and smaller as they climbed. Being high up always felt powerful. And for a moment, just a brief moment, his tight grip on the bond keeping everything he had felt the entire trip slipped, and his ease and growing happiness trickled through to Eurion.