forum Opportunistic Omnivore: Scavenging the Remains of the Divine || OxO || Closed || 18+
Started by @ElderGod-kirky group

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Eurion left his eyes shut as his mate spoke, however, his attention from his thoughts was directed away when Sláine nipped at his neck, and it had the assassin losing a breath that was shakier than it should have been. Once again, the pet names, the soft words, had the man's blush ever increasing. No matter the circumstance surrounding their predicament and their conversation, Eurion couldn't help the increasing heat in his cheeks, and he was more than aware that it was probably going to be like that for a very long time. Maybe even forever, even, considering his reactions, but he wasn't focusing on that.

Sláine's words and touches did ease his worries just a little. Not completely, but a little. He had marked the man permanently and that was the main thing, that was the good thing, but it wasn't going to stop him from worrying about what Caoimhe had said. Did he bring it up? Because that was really the reason why he was worried. Sure, he would, of course, always be worried about losing his prince to different circumstances and situations, that was inevitable. But when it came to other people? Eurion didn't know if he could fathom the idea of Sláine being with someone else. It made his heart ache in a way it had never done so before. The idea of someone else touching his mate, of himself not being food enough for his prince that he felt he had to find someone else? Those insecurities and fears ran far too deep, and there wasn't much Sláine was going to be able to say or do for the time being that would help that.

"I know I'm your mate but-" Eurion chewed on his lower lip, "I know that Witch mates are different to Fae mates and Coaimhe was talking about how usually you guys have.. more than one partner so I didn't- I don't know if you would…" He trailed off, because he didn't want to say it out loud. The prospect of Sláine being with someone else was the scariest thing he had to face, more so than his magic.

The assassin had been worried before, in the glade with his prince in his lap resting, but now after having a week spent apart, it was as if that worry had been amplified tenfold until it was consuming him. The reassurance was nice, but Eurion, until he knew for sure that his prince wasn't going to be leaving for anyone else, that he wasn't or didn't want to partake in the Witch customs, was going to be worried.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The blush he was getting from Eurion was so cute and beautiful that Sláine couldn't help but be proud of himself for summoning it, even if the subject at had was worrying him, the prince a mirror to Eurion's worry. The assassin was just so responsive to do many things that were small and insignificant, and easy for Sláine to weaponize. Had it been a different situation, he would've nipped at Eurion's neck again and again, teasing at the idea of biting down, just to see even more reactions. But, he kept his focus on his distressed mate, his hands and eyes not leaving the man's face so he didn't miss any little sign.

It took forever for Eurion to open up and talk about his real worry, which was just amplifying this sudden idea of Sláine leaving and being lost. The reassurances he had tried only chipped a little bit away at that expression, but it hasn't been enough. And when Eurion finally spoke, he understood why. Witch mates… more than one partner… I don't know if you would… Fuck.

Sláine buffered for a second, too baffled to really react appropriately to the confession. Why had they even been talking about that? When? If it had been before the reveal, Caoimhe shouldn't have even been talking about mates without promoting. Did Eurion ask? Sláine shook his head with a heavy sigh, reminding himself that those questions didn't matter. He muttered a string of swift Gaelic under his breath as his confusion turned to a mixture of relief and anger. "I'm going to kill him," he stated, as matter of fact as the weather. "I am going to kill him." Caoimhe was as good as dead to him right at that moment for making Eurion worry about something that was a non-issue. He wouldn't be even thinking about it had it not been for that loud ass idiot.

Sláine pinched the bridge of his nose, then tapped the corners of Eurion's eyes to get him to look at the prince. For one. he needed to clear things up about Witches mates and how they actually worked, as they weren't like the Fae. Really, they didn't technically exist at all until Sláine, at least not in the current era of their existence. He didn't know how much Caoimhe said or got right. "Witches don't have mates. Historically, maybe, but today it's not a common term or thing like it is for the Fae. So, yes, it's common to see people dallying with others. But Eurion, look at me."

Sláine paused, staring hard at his mate, the man who he wanted to spend his life with, and tried to get him to listen to the right twin about this subject. He moved his head back to put space between their faces and make it easier for them to see one another, because he was determined to get Eurion to believe him. "I am not like that. Okay? Look at and listen to me. I am yours. No one else's, and never anyone else's. That custom is not mine. I respect it, as it's people's choice, but it has never been for me. Especially for you. Eurion, you have my heart in a way that no one else has before. I'm bearing your mark. The only people I'll be looking at are those who think they can stare at you for longer than they should be, and it's because I'll be warning them to back off. Because you're mine. No one is going to bear that title but you."


Eurion swallowed. For once it was his turn to be unable to hold eye contact for longer than a few moments, another thing that Sláine was able to change in the usually stone-faced man. Eye contact wouldn't have been an issue with anyone else but from how his mate looked at him? He couldn't help but let his eyes flicker across the other's features every few moments before returning to Sláine's eyes.

A determination in his prince's voice had Eurion entrapped, had his attention solely focused on him. Of course, the worry would always play at the back of his mind no matter what Sláine said because he could not forget something so huge. it would have been the same for anyone, slightly different, but more or less the same, when it came to wondering whether or not he would be good enough for Sláine. It was a fear that had only been amplified by Caoimhe's words about multiple partners.

Because Sláine, no matter how long he had been a prince for, was still a prince. And Eurion? He was at the bottom of the food chain all things considered. He had no title, no land, barely any money to fucking live a life, and on top of it all was bound to a set of Gods who intended on torturing him for the rest of his life. There was no way out of that one. He hadn't expected his insecurities to make an appearance in full force. They hadn't been an issue before, if only because he had never had a relationship as important as the one he now held with Sláine. But, they were mates, and that wasn't going to change because all Eurion wanted was to be with his prince and Sláine had made it clear that he felt the same. It did ease his worries, his heart, enough to make him nod a little. He couldn't help but lean into Sláine's palm, nuzzling the skin as his blush only deepened.

Mine. The assassin took a deep breath in through his nose and let it out slowly. He brought his flickering gaze back to his prince's eyes and before he knew it, he was lost in the galaxies that lay within. Enchanting in a way that now he was focused and calmer, he couldn't look away from. Sláine was going to be the death of him one day if he wasn't careful enough. But Eurion didn't care. His prince held his mark, he was his, and he reminded himself of that fact over and over before he spoke again, "I'm yours," He whispered, "And you're mine." And Caoimhe could go fuck himself.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Sláine refused to let up, even if Eurion was avoiding holding eye contact for the majority of his speech. Funny, how the roles had reversed. Eurion had dragged the prince quite literally by the horn into this room to lay a speech onto him about being mates and how much he meant to the assassin, and how he was determined to stay together. But now Sláine was the one softly reminding the other that they were together, and that Eurion wasn't going to lose him to someone else.

And his mate, however insecure in the moment, was beyond adorable nuzzling into the hand against his face and his skin dark red. Sláine let the man get lost in his gaze, happy to have him back, and smiled when he repeated the sentiment. "There you are," the prince praised gently. "You charged in here intent on making things right and getting me back because I was being stupid. You wouldn't have gone through the effort if you thought things weren't worth salvaging because I might go to someone else." Sláine rose up onto his toes to kiss Eurion's forehead, then dropped down and kissed his nose, and finally pulled a loving kiss from the man's lips. Against them, he whispered, "I'll always be yours. You're stuck with me now."

That being said, he had something he needed to take care of before he got all dolled up. Sláine pulled back again to stare up at his mate, gaze just a little too innocent. "Just as you'll be stuck with me the entire festival, because I don't want anyone thinking I'm there alone. We still need to get ready for that, but first—" The prince stole one last kiss, which was quick and intended more to keep the other quiet. "—give me about five minutes. I have something I need to take care of." With that, before Eurion could say anything or stop him, he left the room with an impish smile that he tried to make look innocent.

The moment Sláine stepped through the bedroom door—face paint partially done and smeared, neck and throat covered in a litany of hickeys, and expression immediately darkening—Caoimhe swore and jumped up from the couch to somehow run away. Aideen tucked her legs in to avoid being a casualty, because it didn't take long for Sláine to swipe at his twin and catch him mid-flight, and the two went down. Caoimhe squawked that he didn't mean it, it was a mistake, he didn't know the two of them were mates so he didn't think it had done any harm. Sláine yelled at him for opening his big mouth while making every effort to pin his twin to the floor, as Caoimhe kept making attempts to flee instead of fighting.


It was more than nice to be certain of their relationship again, and as much as Eurion tried his best to give that outward appearance of being cold and unaffected when it came to things like this, that redness gave it away. But Sláine was going to be the only person who ever saw him like that if things went well. Apart from the occasion of teasing around others that might bring about such a blush, but with every kiss that his prince laid to his face it only became darker. Eurion tried hiding it against Sláine's palm but before he knew it, he was being shushed with a kiss and then his prince was leaving and he couldn't help the whine that escaped him when the other left his space.

The whine was quietly covered by a snort because Eurion heard the commotion that erupted from the main room as the twins went crashing to the floor. The assassin moved, taking up a post at the door as he leaned against the frame. It was quite a sight, watching the two of them rolling around and Caoimhe begging to be left alone and apologising profusely. He didn't even notice the smile that bloomed on his face as he watched, the softest one yet that had been present around the other couple and not just Sláine. Whether he noticed or not didn't matter because it stayed, and it seemed as if he wasn't going to be moving anytime soon.

But, there were more important matters at hand to attend to instead of fighting amongst themselves, however, justified it may have been. Eurion didn't move from where he leaned against the door, arms crossed, because he wasn't willing to get smacked in the face by Sláine or receive a death glare for trying to break them up. "Come on you two," He said instead, shaking his head softly, "We don't have time for this. Someone has to get you all ready."

Because as much as he was sure that Caoimhe or Aideen were capable of taking care of getting ready themselves, when it came to Skyfall and the customs he was going to be damned sure that it all went well. They all deserved it after the bullshit they had already been put through, and Eurion was sure there was going to be even more soon. At least for one night, they would be able to have fun and relax. So, he was going to make sure they looked the part. Which started with getting the twins off each other so they could get dressed before the paints went on.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Caoimhe twisted to beg Eurion for help, the plea already on the tip of his tongue, but he tripped up and faltered when he saw the soft smile on the other's lips. It was nothing like anything the assassin had graced them with, and in that moment he realized just how much the two helped each other. Without Sláine being the one to soften the scowly Fae, they would've never got to see him give a real smile.

But, that split second distraction was fatal, as Sláine took advantage of his twin's slip-up and proceeded to do a full-body trap, twisting his legs and arms around the other to pretzel Caoimhe against the floor with Sláine on his back. The eldest groaned and moped about being truly sorry, while the youngest looked more than smug about being able to take down his big soldier brother. Sláine heard Eurion's gentle scold to get them back in line, but he ignored it in favor of holding Caoimhe down and getting his point across. "What have we learned?" he asked.

Caoimhe whined, then gave up the fight. "Don't say stupid things. I'm sorry. I didn't realize." He cast a pleading look up at Aideen, who had been watching the entire thing with a bemused smile on her face as she kept her knees tucked up to her chest to avoid getting hit. She arched a brow at him, which meant she was making this his own fight and she wasn't stepping in. The prince whined again and tried wiggling out of Sláine's grip, and only managed to do so when his brother untangled them with a huff and got to his feet. Caoimhe scurried away, pouting, but Sláine went straight for Eurion with a gentle smile on his face now that he had taken care of his brother.

The prince tipped his face up to keep his gaze on his assassin once he got close enough, his grin only growing with each step. Eurion was beautiful. He was beautiful no matter when it was, but Sláine especially thought so when his walls were down, and he allowed himself to be soft and open. Sliding into the assassin's space once again, he linked their hands together and slotted himself into the other's side. "Me first. You have to redo the paint, and Caoimhe has to lick his wounds. Then you can help them." Aideen waved her hand in a vague dismissal, which he took as her encouraging them to take their time. She had noticed the collar of bruises around the prince's neck, how happy the two looked after a week of being miserable. They deserved to have the time alone together for as long as possible.

Mostly for her friend's sake, but Eurion now came with, so she supposed he deserved it too.


Eurion's smile only grew when he had his prince back in his arms again, making sure he was settled comfortably against him before resting his chin in between Sláine's horns. Gods he had missed this, and now he got to hold and kiss in front of Caoimhe and Aideen, too. Not having to hide their growing relationship and affection was even more of a relief than he had expected. He could hold and pull Sláine against him, grab his hand or waist, tug his prince into his chest whenever he wanted, and litter his face in kisses that would make his lover smile and blush.

And that was exactly what the assassin did. He wrapped his arms around Sláine's waist to tug him flush against his chest, their hands still intertwined, and placed a soft, fleeting kiss on the top of his head. Eurion couldn't help the way his heart fluttered at the action, knowing that Caoimhe and Aideen were watching them both. If he was being honest with himself he was worried about what Aideen would think of them. He was growing to like Caoimhe, hell, maybe he would even call them friends, but Aideen? He shouldn't have been worried because he didn't care in the end, what Aideen thought, but she was basically family, and unfortunately he might need her seal of approval at the end of all things.

That was for another time, right now he had to focus on getting him and his mate ready for Skyfall, "Come on then," Eurion didn't let go of Sláine as he walked backwards a couple of steps, pulling Sláine into the bedroom with a few awkward steps before he shut the door with his foot to trap them in.

The moment that he did the assassin was once again littering Sláine with an abundance of kisses. He couldn't stay away, wouldn't be able to stay away and that was made clear in how he was refusing to let the other go. They were going to have to separate in order to get ready, but right now he just wanted one more kiss. But one turned into two, which turned into three, and then he couldn't stop.

@ElderGod-kirky group

While the two were wrapped up in one another—as Sláine was clearly preening under the soft affection given by Eurion—Aideen turned to Caoimhe and made a playful gagging motion. The prince rolled his eyes and tugged her into his lap, and she let out a tiny squeal as he did so. They had no right to judge given their relationship, and Caoimhe would make sure the two could be happy together without judgement, even if Aideen meant it playfully. He hauled her up into his arms and took them to their room to wait the other two out, knowing that they would be a while.

Sláine hadn't paid a single mind to his brother and friend, his attention focused solely on Eurion and how utterly adorable the man was being. He knew without a doubt that he would be constantly pulled into his assassin's side or chest now that their relationship was both official and known to the rest of the group, and that he'd be getting (and giving) plenty of kisses. Though, the single move of Eurion propping his chin up between his horns shouldn't have made his heart flutter the way that it did. He had done that since day one, it felt like, and Sláine loved it. He loved how he could tuck himself into Eurion's body perfectly, for once feeling smaller than his partner and enjoying it. Hell, he adored everything about them. Maybe it was all due to it being Eurion.

The prince laughed as he was dragged back into the room, tripping over his own feet but still being kept upright by his own willpower and the arms around his waist. Then there was a barrage of kisses and Eurion wasn't letting him go. He laughed some more in between kisses, smiling bright. They had to get ready, he knew that, but he was in the same boat as his mate—just one more kiss. Neither one could stop, it seemed, too consumed by each other and the blushes they both wore over their cheeks. Just one more kiss. One more. Skyfall could wait for just a little longer.

With very little thought as to what he was doing, Sláine wiggled his way out of Eurion's grasp just enough to be able to push the assassin backwards by his chest. He could feel every thump of the man's heart, and liked to think the more rapid pace was all from him. When Eurion's legs hit the bed, Sláine kept pushing, forcing the man down until he was sitting. Then the prince was moving closer, straddling Eurion's lap and pressing as close as possible, knees digging into the mattress on either side of the other's hips. Still kissing, still smiling, and so fucking happy to be like this with his mate.


Eurion couldn't help the way he smiled into the kiss. That happy, fluttery feeling just increasing the longer they kept going, especially when Sláine ended up in his lap. He kept his hands firmly on the mans hips, because if he moved them lower they were never going to get out of that room and Skyfall would be forgotten altogether. But the man in his lap was addictive and made him happy. Genuinely happy for the first time in fucking forever and he wasn't going to let that feeling go. He wanted it to stay. Logically he was aware that they were going to be around one another for the whole night, for days, but logic wasn't present when he was able to kiss and touch like he was.

It felt especially good to have the man in his lap, and Eurion moved his hands from where they had settled on Sláine's hips to wrap around his middle in a hug. After a moment, he finally pulled away enough to disconnect their lips, as much as he wanted to keep kissing they had to get ready. But for a moment, he simply looked up at his mate - his beautiful mate who was willing to spend forever with him even if their professions clashed - the man who he had been sent to kill and now had ended up being marked permanently. He was beautiful. So beautiful, and Eurion was utterly enamoured by the man. It showed in the way he couldn't look anywhere else but Sláine, how his gaze was soft and adoring and there was no hint of that cold exterior that he held majority of the time. No, it had faded until there was nothing left but admiration for his prince.

Reaching up with one hand, Eurion tucked a strand of hair behind the other's ear before his hand came to rest on his cheek. He didn't have words to describe how he was feeling, he could only look and hope it was conveyed as well as it could be, "We should get ready."

He didn't want to. The assassin wanted to stay like this forever and never have his prince leave his arms. To have him stay comfortably in his lap, kissing and touching and being soft with one another. Even though the thought of Sláine dressing up, partaking in his culture was so inviting, and Eurion was more than looking forward to it, he still wanted to just stay like that. Have his prince sitting so perfectly in his lap as if it were made for him. Touch his cheek and feel the soft skin underneath his calloused hands. Sláine was a perfect picture of beauty as he looked up at him, and he was all his.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The prince couldn't stop smiling. Eurion's smile and just the thrill at having his mate back was intoxicating, and he couldn't help but melt into the man's joy and reflect it back. They were together. They were mates. Sláine wanted to discuss that particular thing with Eurion at another time, to really understand what it meant, but he was marked by the only man he wanted to be with so much, and they were okay. They were more than okay, really. The prince was in Eurion's lap, comfortable and content and thriving from the kisses and the grip on him. Had they not had Skyfall and responsibilities to get to in the very near future, he would've stayed right there in his lover's lap.

So, when Eurion finally moved back to separate them, Sláine was reluctant and a little pouty about it. He didn't want to stop kissing his assassin, didn't want to separate. But then the other was staring up at him with an expression he had never been subject to before, and suddenly the prince was bashful and blushing; but he didn't look away. He was entranced by Eurion's stare, the indescribable adoration and affection within his dark but so expressive eyes. Nothing in that world could pull him away from a look like that, because it melted his heart on the spot and kept him rooted in place. Sláine would give anything to be looked at like that again, just once in his lifetime, by Eurion. Because, as beautiful he might be to the assassin, that look right there softened everything about the usually stone-cold man and brought out every gorgeous feature. Assassin or not, Sláine was blessed to be with this man. They were complete opposites, with Eurion being the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome with a no-nonsense personality, perfectly fit for hiding in the shadows. But Sláine got to see the hidden sides of him, the ones curtained by his protective shadows and scowls. How utterly adorable and beautiful Eurion was when he blushed, or looked down at Sláine with the most gentle of gazes. The muscle and scars that Sláine liked to touch and trace, evidence of a hard life that the prince wanted to heal with soft kisses and affection. Eurion was beautiful in his own right, and perfect for the prince. No one would be able to say otherwise.

He nuzzled into the hand on his face, sighing happily. "We should," Sláine agreed, but he also made no move to get off his mate's lap. Not yet. Except, they really should. Skyfall couldn't wait, and they had all the time in the world after the festival to get to know one another more thoroughly. After scanning Eurion's face for a moment, he leaned in and kissed him once more, slow and purposeful and greedy. He licked into Eurion's mouth, making the kiss just a little deeper, and as he did so, his canines retreated once more. One more second just because he could, with a final drag of his teeth over Eurion's bottom lip, and Sláine pulled away looking a little too pleased with himself.

It was then that his intentions became clear. Sláine the Witch prince no longer sat in Eurion's lap. Instead, a Fae version of him stared down at him. His ears were pointed, and his already pretty face and hooded eyes sharpened and refined into something otherworldly, more Fae. Even his hair seemed to give off the illusion of being silken and smooth. The blush over his darkened and more natural freckles, however, was entirely real and all because of Eurion. His mask was simple, and he was slightly worried it wasn't good enough, so he waited for the only Fae in the room to confirm its authenticity.


If Sláine had kissed him like that for a moment longer, deep and eager and greedy, Eurion would have thrown away Skyfall right then and there. The prince, his prince, in his lap, was everything he could have ever dreamed of when it came to having a mate. Understanding and caring and addictive in so many ways and the assassin was nothing more than enchanted by him. If perfect was real, it was Sláine. If perfect was a person, it was Sláine. It was the prince with auburn hair and galaxy eyes, with a blush as red as roses and freckles of constellations that was seated in his lap. How he had gone over a century without this man, had thought he didn't exist and given up all hope of finding him, Eurion didn't let himself think about. It was as if he had been walking around with a hole in his chest for the last hundred or so years, waiting to find Sláine without understanding or know what that empty feeling was. Finally, he had found it. Found him. In the most unlikely of circumstances, he had found the man that had been made for him and he wasn't going to ever let him go. Not again. Never again would they be apart unless it was utterly necessary. Never again would they go a week without one another in their arms over something that could be fixed by a conversation. Never again would Eurion feel alone.

But then Sláine was pulling away and when Eurion adjusted to the change in position, when his eyes focused back on Sláine, there wasn't a Witch in his lap but a Fae man who was too beautiful for words. With that blush only darkening and Eurion's hand on his cheek feeling the warmth, the assassin was at a loss for words for moments. Because he blinked up at Sláine as if he were seeing him for the first time and that gaze - that adoring, enchanted gaze - just increased by miles if at all possible. From the way his eyes were almost wide, how he took in every detail of his prince. Eurion couldn't look away, wouldn't let himself look away until he found the right words to express how he was feeling.

None would do it justice, and Eurion was sure that Sláine could feel every ounce of that emotion through the bond because he made no effort in trying to hide it. It showed on his face and it was felt in every bone in his body and fuck, Sláine was everything. The moon and the sun and the stars in between the man had captured Eurion's stone heart and softened it in only days and for once, he let light into his soul. But his shadows didn't balk or flee at the light that Sláine gave off no, that danced with it. Wrapped around it and urged it on and wanted more because the warmth of his light complimented the cold of his shadows and Eurion? Eurion was almost in a trance at the sensation, how good it felt.

"Sláine…" Eurion's voice was so soft and delicate, his hand moving to trace the point of his ear. His fingers were so light, barely even much of a touch but enough to cause a sensation, "You're so beautiful."

@ElderGod-kirky group

The emotions pouring from Eurion into the bond spoke for themselves, but that didn't ease the insecurities Sláine held. He was so used to masking as other peoples, but he had never really thought about looking good or doing more than just fitting in where he was at and keeping his head down. But now he was putting in the effort to look good for Eurion, wanted to be attractive while presenting Fae to make the day more special for his assassin. What better way to celebrate the biggest festival and event within his culture than by looking the part as best as he could?

Sláine buried his face into the hand on his face and his blush only darkened, though, at Eurion's praise and stare. The heat of the red undoubtedly warmed the man's skin where he held onto the prince. Head ducked and face as hidden as possible, Sláine squirmed in place and played with the fabric of Eurion's shirt, now also painfully aware that he was shirtless and even more exposed. Despite the reaction—or perhaps because of it—he was trying to hide away like he could avoid being stared at so intently. He worried it was too much, somehow, or maybe still off. Sláine wanted this night to be perfect for Eurion, and that includes being as involved with the customs as he could, and he wanted to give his assassin that little piece of his cultural that Sláine couldn't give normally—a Fae partner.

Because all the magic in the world wouldn't be able to make the Witch prince a Fae. He'd never be able to give Eurion that aspect of the mating bond that was normal, nor the promises a mark could make or even the full understanding of what it meant to be mates. This was the closest he could get, and the scrutinizing was making him bashful.

Sláine ducked his head even further, shivering a little from the feeling of Eurion's touch to his ear. "Is it alright?" he asked, his voice hushed. He wanted to fall into the assassin's chest, bury himself away into Eurion's scent and warmth and the comfort of his presence and steady body. Sitting in his lap was comforting, and he didn't want to move because of that, but the attention had him wanting to shy away. Only Eurion could evoke that shiness out of the prince, and the wants to be more vulnerable and almost childish. "I don't want to make myself look a fool. You'd be also by proxy."


Eurion brought his other hand up to rest on Sláine’s other cheek, the other that had touched his ear gently moving so his face was cupped in Eurion’s hands, “Sláine, I don’t care if you looked Fae or Witch, you’re fucking perfect. You-“ His hands moved his prince’s face closer to his own, until they were once again nose to nose and he could press his forehead against Sláine, “You’re so beautiful.” From the way his cheeks were dark red in his hands, to how the man tried to hide how shy he was in them, the man was a picture of beauty and one that Eurion couldn’t look away from.

The assassin wondered for a moment what might have happened had he not have spent the night in the man’s bed. If the Gods hadn’t visited him that evening, would they be as they were now? The bond had sparked between them in the aftermath of Eurion recovering from the intrusion, in the morning after when they had been wrapped in each others arms - on top of each other. If that hadn’t had happened, would Eurion have had Sláine in his arms as he did at that very moment? He didn’t know how long it took for the realisation of the mating bond to click between two people. It hadn’t been instantaneous for them, but he had heard it had been for others. It was a moment between them that had brought it up, when Eurion had been vulnerable and extended his trust towards a man he had never met for the sake of comfort.

If he hadn’t let his guard down, if he had been stubborn and pushed the other away when Sláine had tried to comfort him, he had a feeling they wouldn’t be like this. But, for once in his life, Eurion thanked the Gods for intruding on his mind when they had because without them, he probably wouldn’t have been able to hold his prince, maybe would have been completely unaware of the bond. If he hadn’t been sent to kill the twins, they never would have met. Never. Eurion would have gone his whole life wondering if his mate truly was out there and falling short. It was the one good thing that the Gods had done for him. No matter the pain he had been put through, without them, he wouldn’t have found his mate.

Sláine was the light to his dark, the contrast that he needed, the man to save him in so many ways in such a short amount of time. How could he not think the man was perfect? Beautiful and stunning and it all shone in his eyes no matter how dark they were, “I could never look a fool standing next to someone of such beauty.”

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"Eurion," the prince whined, his face aflame as his mate lavished him with flattery and far too entranced eyes. He was too kind for Sláine. Too perfect. Even though he would never be able to live without this man from this point on, he felt as though he didn't deserve Eurion. He didn't deserve the soft words of praise, or the way he held Sláine so delicately, or even the look of pure awe. He was an assassin, someone sent to kill him under the order of powerful Gods. Sláine didn't deserve his kind touch and loving embraces, because then that meant punishment. But he couldn't find it in himself to regret their relationship. They fit together so perfectly, and Sláine could imagine them together years on down the line, happy and tangled up in one another as they wind down from a stressful day together. He didn't deserve this happiness, but he'd take it while he could, because he wanted nothing else.

Sláine held onto Eurion's wrists, as if encouraging him to keep his hands there, and gave his wonderful and flattering assassin a quick kiss. Then he was ducking his head and burying his face in the man's neck, his face burning and completely red to the point it had reached his ears. "You can't just say that," he whined. Now that he was sufficiently hidden, Sláine was a little more stable and able to talk. But he stubbornly stayed where he was, sitting in Eurion's lap and keeping his face hidden while he tried to compose himself. He hated how easily a simple praise of his beauty could make him crumble. He was a prince. Even before he had the title, both he and Caoimhe had been praised for their looks. It was something they were proud of and were aware of.

But this was Eurion. It felt different this time. More genuine, like the only opinion that suddenly mattered was him. A once stranger that had taken over the prince's bed, then ended up on top of said prince. When this was over, and if Eurion wanted to, Sláine was going to take him back to the palace with him. The assassin could have his own quarters if he wanted to, but Sláine refused to sleep alone ever again. Even that night, while he hasn't slept much, had been bliss with his assassin peacefully sleeping on top of him. Just this week alone had been torture and too cold.

Sláine closed his eyes and nuzzled into Eurion's neck. This is what he had been missing his whole life without even realizing it. This pure comfort at just the scent of Eurion, not to mention his warmth and strength. He hated how that night had gone, but he didn't want to ever change it. If he hasn't been compelled to help the suffering assassin, he wouldn't be in Eurion's lap blushing like mad. Fate had pulled at just the right strings in Sláine's heart to get them where they were.


Eurion couldn't help the chuckle that left him, and his hands moved so he had one arm wrapped around Sláine's waist while the other came up to tangle in the man's hair. Gods he was too cute for words. It was almost funny that they had gone from ignoring each other to being tangled in each other's arms within less than an hour. He guessed that was what relationships were, what mates were, but he wasn't about to have it any other way. He had his prince back and that was all that mattered, especially when Sláine was tucking himself away in his neck and trying to hide from the redness.

But the assassin could feel the heat radiating off the man and it was fucking adorable and he couldn't help but smile and chuckle in admiration, "I will say whatever I please when it comes to my mate," He said, turning his head to the side so he could press a kiss to the side of his lovers head, "Because he is perfect for me, and he is sunlight and beauty and all mine."

They were going to have to get up and get ready, but for a moment longer he let them stay as they were, with Eurion's arms around Sláine and the man hiding away in the crook of his neck. Everything felt right when they were like this. Two halves being pieced together to make a whole despite how different they were. No matter their backgrounds or magic or fuck, literally anything, Eurion had been made for this man just as Sláine had been made for him. He wasn't about to go another day without being able to kiss and touch at least once. To go to bed alone when he could have his prince in his arms or even rest his own head on the man's chest because sleeping alone wasn't going to happen anymore. Not unless he had to go away, or his prince did. Eurion could only pray that something of the sort would only happen rarely, but knowing his employers, he highly doubted it.

Even though the thought crept into his mind, Eurion wasn't about to let it sour his mood or the moment. Tonight he wouldn't have to worry about the Gods or who he worked for, the pain that they caused. Tonight was about him and Sláine and having fun for once. For the first time in a long time Eurion would be able to - hopefully - let go, if only for a few hours before reality came knocking and crashing their bubble of perfection. Right now, responsibility, time, all of it, could wait for them, and the assassin finally pulled Sláine away from his neck, shifting them so his lover was placed gently on the bed and he was free to move in order to get them ready.

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While still safely hidden away into Eurion's neck, Sláine nipped at the man's skin and huffed a petulant, "Shut up." His assassin was free to compliment the prince when he wasn't feeling worried about his appearance, especially while masked as a Fae—his mate's people. But, really, Eurion could compliment him at any point in time and Sláine would still break down into a shy and red-faced mess, no matter how much he wanted to ignore that. It wasn't fair that he could reduce him to nothing more than a ball of feelings with just a few words and gentle touches. He supposed that it was returned in equal with his easily he made the assassin shy and in need of hiding not long ago by simply saying he was perfect.

Now that he knew the feeling, he understood the Fae's need to burrow and stay hidden for a while. Still, didn't mean he'd take the words back. Eurion was perfect, in every sense of the word. His profession didn't matter, the Gods that controlled him didn't matter—nothing he might've deemed not good enough mattered, because he was perfect. Handsome, beautiful, and perfect. Nothing less. And Sláine knew he'd be constantly reminded of that fact as the days went on, and the prince would constantly remind Eurion of that again and again, as often as he needed to hear it. And maybe it wouldn't hurt if he got his own dosage of praise and reassurance.

For as long as Eurion allowed them to stay like that, Sláine breathed in his mate's scent and simply… existed. Pressed against his assassin, who held him so gently but so securely, with his head comfortably resting in the crook of the other's neck, he was content with simply being there for the moment. Nothing mattered but them. It felt like finally slipping back into who he had been after meeting Eurion, finally getting back what he had been missing the entire week, and reveling in the feeling once more. It washed over him in a wave of comfort, which spilled into the bond as his breathing slowed, just on the edge of total relaxation. With Eurion, he could want nothing but this. An embrace and kisses to his temple and arms holding him secure. Nothing but Eurion.

But, all good things must come to an end. The prince sighed dramatically and made his feelings known on the matter with his huffing and complaints, but was good and didn't try to initiate any other distractions. He did, however, decide he wanted to have Eurion on top of him again. It would be much easier for the assassin to apply the paint while Sláine wasn't moving. With that in mind, the prince fell back onto the bed with his arms splayed dramatically over his head. "This is your fault," he declared, knowing damn well he was the one being dramatic for the purpose of getting his assassin on top of him, even if it was just to get the paint where it needed to be. "Got me all comfy and happy, flattered me with your damn compliments, and now you want me to actually do things like get ready."


Eurion snorted a laugh, "We've spent enough time fooling around," He said, moving to grab the pot of paint that had fallen onto the floor amidst their cuddling and kissing, "If we actually want to get to Skyfall then unfortunately, you're going to have to get ready at some point."

With that being said, considering his mate had decided to make himself comfortable on the bed, Eurion moved so he was straddling Sláine, sitting - well, squashing - him so he wouldn't be able to wriggle away. Not that he was expecting his lover to do so since he had complained about being separated, but he needed Sláine to keep still in order to fix the paint on his face, "Stay still." He instructed. Eurion dipped his fingers into the paint, letting the blue coat his fingertips before placing the pot to one side. Leaning over, Eurion used his other hand to gently clean up the paint that had been smudged during the prince's fight with his twin and their prolonged make-out session. Once the assassin was satisfied that he had cleaned his mate up, Eurion started swiping the paint once again under Sláine's eyes. Gentle, delicate movements, all placed strategically until Sláine was decorated in the blue paint.

Eurion sat up once he was finished, looking down at his mate with a smile and clearly proud of himself at his work. He could only picture how beautiful the man would look when he was dressed up in his robes and mask. It had the man smiling harder, clearly excited about the thought. The problem was once again going to be moving off Sláine, but he was more excited about getting them ready to care too much. With a final kiss, the assassin was once again moving off his prince and towards the pile of robes and jewellery. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

What if Sláine didn't like what he picked out for him? Eurion bit his lip as he unfolded the delicate fabrics, separating the two into his mate's pile and his own. He could only hope that it would be okay, satisfactory enough for Sláine. Even if Caoimhe had been there with him when they picked everything out, given him pointers, considering the man liked to make things difficult for the assassin he wouldn't be surprised if he 'accidentally' had Eurion pick something that Sláine wasn't going to like. But, Eurion tried not to think about that as he moved back towards the bed, the pile in hand, trying not to drop the mask and the jewels that were sat inside the robes.

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Sláine hummed when Eurion straddled him and used his body to pin him to the mattress, happy with himself for getting the desired outcome. Now that he got what he wanted, he was compliant, keeping his hands safely out of reach of Eurion's body to avoid the temptation to grab and touch the man, which would then lead him into a spiral of once again messing up the paint. Later. They could do that later, he reminded himself. And that one thought is what kept him motionless while the assassin worked. The paint was cold on his face, but mesmerizing and satisfying in a way. How Eurion so carefully painted each stripe of paint onto the prince's face, the feeling of it against his skin—he tried to follow each stroke mentally, even if that wasn't exactly possible.

What really got him, though, was when Eurion was finished. The man sat back and looked down at Sláine, now painted in blue and laying prone beneath him. And he smiled. The perfect picture of a proud Fae, but Sláine was breathless from the sight still, especially when it only brightened, presumably from some sort of thought up inside his head. The prince stared up at him, eyes bright and expectant, now thrumming with an excited energy to get dressed up and get to the festival. If just the simple work of the paint is what got Eurion smiling like that, Sláine wanted to don whatever else was for him just to get that same reaction out of him. Plus, the more he focused on the festival itself, the more excited he got for it. Never in his lifetime had he been part of something so significant or important, and he was now witnessing it along with someone that made it even more special. Eurion got to experience a significant aspect of his culture with Sláine by his side, the two now together once more in a stronger union. Tonight was about Eurion, and the prince was going to make sure the night went well and that his assassin was happy the entire time.

Sláine accepted the kiss, not one to be upset over kissing Eurion, then propped himself up onto his elbows when the man moved off of him to go towards the pile of fabric he had initially walked in with while dragging him by the horns. The prince cocked his head in interest, once again curious as to what Eurion and Caoimhe had bought during their quick outing together. And—the assassin was nervous. It was subtle, hardly even there if he hadn't been paying attention, but Sláine was too focused on him to not notice the little shifts in his mood.

He sat up more, and crossed his legs, attention now fully on his assassin and the bundle of fabric. His gaze flicked between the two, but mostly focused on Eurion to try and ease his nerves some. "So, what did you get? I trust you only got the best, since, again, you seem to like seeing me all pretty for you." He pictured some sort of outfit based on the bundle of fabric, maybe some jewels given Caoimhe's sights on things. Nothing too outlandish, but flashy enough.


Eurion hummed softly as he gently laid out the selection for Sláine to have a look at.

The mask of sapphire and purple and silver was only large enough to cover the eyes so the paint could be seen where it had been gently placed on the prince's skin. It was simple by basic design, a mask that connected at the side in a soft swirl upwards to have a little more flare to the piece. The silver stood out against the dark purple of the fabric that had been used to give the mask its main block of colour as the gems had been polished to perfection, shining even and bringing the eye away from the purple backdrop. The blues that decorated the sides were smaller than the rest, just as the purple gems on Eurion's own mask were, too. Enough to match, but not enough to take away from the paint as the main indicator as to who they belonged to. The soft swirls of silver thread that held the gems in place were designed as if they were strings of starlight itself that had been used to bind the mask together.

And the jewellery that Eurion had bought to match was much of the same design. The bracelets were made of the same fine silver but decorated with more of those deep purple gems, with the assassin having one of blue to match in his own pile. It was more of a bangle than a bracelet all things considered due to the size, however, but he had grabbed a couple of deep black beaded bracelets to add some contrast and brighten up the silver that would be worn in between. The earrings and the few rings that he had collected were part of a set that continued with the theme of purple, however, one of the rings was mainly of deep sapphire, another small indicator of their status as a couple - one that had a sister of deep purple that Eurion intended to wear. There was one set of earrings that dangled and the other were studs.

Then there were the robes. The soft, silk-like fabric of deep purple that still seemed to shine no matter the colour. With a blue sash that would be worn over the top, the same fabric as Eurion's, that would wrap around Sláine's shoulder and then around his waist. The designs of intricate stars and constellations sewn into both the purple and the blue were of a subtle silver this time, giving the pieces a shimmer whenever Sláine would move in a certain light. It was a two-piece set, of the upper half and the lower pants that were less intricate in design to not take away from the upper half and the details that were there, but the hemming on the bottom of the pants was that same, deep silver. Eurion's own robes were a mirror of Sláine's only in contrasting colours, with the deep blue for the main piece and the purple sash. The constellations on his own were different, but over all, fairly the same.

And of course, then there were the body chains that Eurion had brought as an extra to be worn underneath it all.

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Sláine sat forwards even more when everything was laid out, pleasantly surprised to see just how intricate and beautiful everything was. Caoimhe may be a mischievous deviant for most of his time, but he knew not to mess with something like the attire to something so important. Especially when Eurion was so worried about the two matching to make it clear they were going as a couple, and not be mistaken for anything but that. So, knowing that his twin had gone with to help with color matching and picking something out that Sláine would like, the prince wasn't surprised that everything fit well with him.

He gently reached out to pick up the mask, running his fingers over the polished gems and admiring the craftsmanship. He was breathless. Everything that Eurion laid out was beautiful, and perfect, and Sláine had no idea why the man would be nervous about anything related to these things. And the robes. He set the mask down in his lap and picked up the sash he would wear, noting the constellations and how the fabric seemed to shift in the light, shimmering and beautiful and like nothing else. His mate had picked well, and he couldn't wait to wear everything between the mask, the robes, and the glittering jewels and jewelry. All of them, he noticed, were in some way tied to the outfit he assumed would be for Eurion based on the dark blue coloring.

"Eurion, they're gorgeous," he breathed. Easy for him to be impressed by them, given his history of liking shiny things. And the robes were perfect, just the right style that he had always adored. "It had to cost a fortune; you didn't need to." He knew the assassin didn't have the money to spare on these things.

Then something else caught his attention, and anything he might've had to say dried up in his throat, and he coughed. There, off to the side, was a bundle of chains. Caoimhe. No one else could possibly be behind such things, unless Eurion had a scarily similar taste for accessories. Sláine opened his mouth, fully prepared to say something about it, then closed it because he couldn't conjure the words. What could he say to that? It wasn't like he minded that particular addition, if he was thinking correctly. "I'm positive those aren't part of the dress code," the prince finally got out. Surely, Eurion had something specific in mind to even think of buying those. For such a stickler to the traditions? No way he would've strayed on just a whim.


Having his prince at a loss for words over the chains had Eurion doubting how certain he had been when he had picked them up to begin with. Caoimhe had said that Sláine would like them, but for once he wasn't able to gauge his reaction properly. Maybe it was because he had been worried about his lover liking the selection he had brought for them both. Of course, they were just as much for the assassin as it was for his prince. Simply seeing the other in the chains would be enough to make him go crazy, and knowing they would - hopefully - be on under the robes the whole night? To be able to come back and take off every piece to reveal what would be underneath? Difficult not to be turned on by the thought, but at the moment he wasn't worried about what was going to come after, he was worried that maybe he shouldn't have brought them.

"Technically your brother bought the jewellery," He said after a moment. But the robes and the masks had been him, and they definitely hadn't been cheap, "I just want this night to be special." To be perfect and a night to be remembered for all of them. The fact that this was going to be his first Skyfall after living for so long already was a crime in its own right.

There were children out there who had experienced at least one Skyfall before him. Eurion tried not to dwell on the thoughts that came with that realisation. Just how much of his culture he had missed because the Gods had demanded or forced him elsewhere. Driven him to the point where he had believed he would have never been in this position but now? Now he was here, and he was going to have a good night whether or not Sláine wore the chains, or how long they stayed out for. He was going to let himself have a good night. Maybe he deserved it.

Eurion moved to pick up the chains, shifting them between his fingers. They were still just as beautiful in their own right, from the small gems barely hidden in the connectors to the very soft and detailed engravings on the clasps, "You don't have to wear these," The assassin continued, "But I thought, maybe for later tonight, they would be good to have." Even if no one knew that Sláine would be wearing them, they would know, and Eurion had the luxury of being able to see his prince in nothing more than them later.

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Of course it had been Caoimhe to buy the jewelry. He was just as prone to liking shiny jewels and metals as his brother, and the only one between the two to know just as much he liked wearing that specific type of jewelry. Sláine watched Eurion as he picked up the chains, and it took less than a second for him to realize what he was talking about. Later. The later that Sláine had been encouraging himself with. A shot of pure excitement went down his spine, and he stood from the bed to stand in front of Eurion, grabbing his face and pulling him down before he had a chance to protest.

The kiss was all sorts of excited, encouraging, and demanding. He needed Eurion to know that he liked everything, even if he couldn't find the words. Against his lips, Sláine whispered, "It's already special, baby. We're going together." Another kiss, just for good measure. "I love it all, thank you. It's perfect." He pulled back just far enough to grin up at Eurion, eyes alight. "And I'm definitely wearing those, don't even suggest otherwise. I like them on me just as much as you will." Because Eurion liked knowing things about the prince and the things they do, while the others were either completely clueless or painfully aware. Liked the knowledge that there was something happening right under people's noses. The chains were mild, delicate little accessories that were more for making Sláine more delectable, but he knew first hand what fantasies Eurion had.

He didn't move away from Eurion as he turned to the spread on the bed, instead leaning against his assassin as he admired the things that were picked out. "We match," Sláine noted, finding all the little things that crossed over with their outfits. He looked up at Eurion, and his expression—eyes especially—danced with approval and joy. "And you bought this before the ambush."

Was this Caoimhe's doing, encouraging Eurion to get things to signify them as a couple, or was it the assassin determined to make things right? He'd honestly he more disappointed if it wasn't the latter, because he liked thinking about how rocky their relationship was at the time, but his stubborn assassin still held out hope for them. Hoped that Sláine would come to his senses and come back to him. It made him feel all the more wanted, knowing that Eurion was so confident in his ability to get the prince back, and so determined to do so.


Eurion once again felt a wave of relief at the confirmation he got from Sláine that he liked the chains, that he liked all of the outfit. It wasn’t enough to be entirely visible, but the way his smile turned into something a little lighter, a little softer, was all the confirmation his prince would need. Considering they were so close he was more than aware that it would be visible but he didn’t care. His cheeks were already turning that dusty shade of pink they went when Sláine complimented him. Saying that he loved it all? Eurion was grateful that he hadn’t been mated with someone who wasn’t willing to learn or partake in his culture. It wouldn’t have been an issue had Sláine been Fae, but that little insecurity that he held when it came to the difference in their cultures had only risen in the last week the closer Skyfall became. At least now he didn’t have to worry about whether or not Sláine was going to like the traditions or not.

The assassin shifted the chains into one hand so he could wrap at least one arm around his prince when he was leaned against. He only blushed further when it was noticed that they matched, and he nodded a little, “Couldn’t have anyone thinking either of us were available.” Eurion replied, leaning his head down so he could press his face into the top of Sláine’s head- his turn to hide away.

He could have easily only bought matching outfits for Caoimhe and Aideen considering they weren’t having any issues, but he hadn’t wanted to. He was Sláine’s no matter what the status of their relationship was. Their mating bond was far more important to him than he could convey with words and even if he could find them Eurion didn’t think he would be able to do it justice. Even if they hadn’t been talking, he still was Sláine’s. Even if they weren’t offical, he was still his prince’s and that wasn’t going to change for him. He had been determined to fix things, yes, but even if they hadn’t been able to, Eurion would have worn the outfit regardless. He didn’t want anyone else, there was no one else for him.

Eurion pulled his face away finally, “Let’s get dressed then. Considering I’m going to have to help your brother and his annoyance, we shouldn’t wait too much longer.”

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Sláine's heart warmed at Eurion's declaration. Couldn't have anyone thinking either of us were available. For some reason, it made him feel all giddy thinking about it. How, even after a week of not talking to one another, and neither one of them knowing for sure just where their relationship would lead, Eurion had made sure that they were marked as unavailable. The prince wouldn't have wanted people flirting with him even if they still weren't talking, and he definitely didn't want to witness someone trying to coax Eurion into their bed. He rested his cheek against the man's shoulder just thinking about it, as if silently staking his claim to an invisible hypothetical person in a scenario that wasn't even true. Eurion, too, had his face hidden against the top of Sláine's head, but that was undoubtably to cover the blush he already knew existed.

At the reminder that they needed to get dressed, Sláine laughed and turned his face up to Eurion. "I'm your annoyance, so no judgement allowed," he teased, grinning and absolutely radiating joy and excitement. The prince tilted his head up to press an affectionate kiss to Eurion's cheek, then smiled up at him. He had such childish joy at experiencing his mate's culture, practically bouncing in place at just the idea of donning the robes and mask and jewelry, and seeing Skyfall and everything the festival had to offer. He was a man that loved to travel, loved meeting different people and immersing himself in their culture and environment to learn as much as he could. He had always been curious about the Fae and their traditions, but now that he was experiencing this with—and for—his precious assassin, it made it all the more special.

And as his eyes sparkled with that anticipation and exhilaration, there was something else within the depths of those hidden galaxies. Something more intense, but deeper, and all for Eurion. It made his stare just a little softer, the lines of his eyes just a little less sharp. He stared up through his lashes for just a few seconds to admire his lover, but it was enough to portray that hidden look that even he didn't realize he was feeling. Just that seeing Eurion always calmed his soul and put him at ease.

Then he was gone, moving away and playing with the hem of his pants with his stare set on the chain in the assassin's hands. "So what exactly did you buy me for you to stare at?" he asked, tone teasing and light, but still curious. With a single flick of his hands, his pants dropped, leaving him nearly completely bare, and Sláine got close enough to playfully tug at Eurion's shirt in a silent demand. He refused to be the only one being stared at.


The look that Eurion was being given had his blush darkening all the more. No one had looked at him so intently before, with so much admiration and care that it had his heart fluttering that he had managed to evoke such a feeling without really doing anything. It felt surreal. After all this time, all the waiting and praying and hoping he had found Sláine against all odds. The prince that had calmed him within hours or meeting after the Gods had invaded in head. The prince that had been so intent on making sure he was okay after every incident along the way to get to this point. His prince. The thought of it still wrapped around his mind and tugged on his heart as if it was the first time he had ever made the realisation.

But before the assassin could have time to calm the heat in his cheeks, Sláine was already moving away and his pants were falling and Eurion was left speechless. Because all this considered he hadn't actually properly seen his lover, since they had been half dressed at the inn and his focus and eyes had been on Sláine's face and neck, and then at his friends? He could only picture and imagine from what they had been sending down the bond. Now, even though the other wasn't undressed entirely, he was still practically naked compared to Eurion. Gods he really was beautiful. At his tone and the tug on his shirt, Eurion gently placed the chains down on the bed so he could remove his shirt just as Sláine had silently asked.

The fabric was pulled over his head and quickly discarded to one side with little care. Every breath he took had his chest rising and falling softly, those tattoos along his chest and arms moving with the motion, as did the ones on his back. But what took the focus away from the intricate tattoos along his skin was the wound that had begun to scar in the centre of his chest. The fire witches mark would be forever permanent. At least now Eurion had a scar on his chest and his back of major significance because he was balanced, in some fucked up way. The one on his back, however, was vastly different to the one on his chest, because the one that ripped through his back was jagged and slashed through in one sharp motion. A diagonal wound. But the new one? This one was far from that. It was deep in his chest at one central point but extended in what looked like crackling lighting and fire across his skin.

Eurion hadn't had a properly look at it until now because he had been clothed, but he still tried not to look at it. He was more focused on the chains. He picked them back up again and looked back to Sláine, "The chains, mostly," He finally said now that he had regained his composure, "One for your chest and neck," Because it was a singular piece, "And ones for your waist and thighs."