“I don’t like seeing you look so sad.” He grumbled.
“I don’t like seeing you look so sad.” He grumbled.
"One, I'm always sad and two, that's just how my face is."
“But still…Don’t like it”
"You don't like a lot of things. My face is just gonna have to be one of them."
“Not true. I really like your face when you smile.”
"Well good luck finding it. It doesn't come around often and it never stays for long. I'm surprised I even remember how to smile."
“Well you just smiled a bit ago and you better believe I’ll fight to get you to do it again”
She rolled her eyes, a slight smile on her lips. "You're so extra."
“It’s what makes me so irresistible” he said with a wink
"Less irresistible, more annoying. But you think what you want to, sunshine."
“That’s what they all say. Also HA MADE YOU SMILE!”
Once again, she rolled her eyes. "Don't take that as a victory so quickly. I told you, it doesn't last long." And she was right, it was already gone.
“But it was there and I will claim that as victory.”
She simply sighed and went back to staring out the window blankly, trying to figure out what the hell she was going to do when her family inevitably discovered that she had disappeared into thin air.
Jax leaned on her, letting his eyes slide shut. He needed as much beauty sleep as she could get.
She wrapped a gentle arm around his shoulders, keeping him close although doing so made her shoulder scream in pain.
Jax fell asleep after a few minutes. “He really likes you ya know” Ethan said from the front seat.
"No shit Sherlock, I thought he saved me from bleeding out on my floor because he hated my guts." She giggled softly. "Yes, I'm this sarcastic towards everyone. Sorry." She let out a soft sigh. "I really like him too but I'm just…nervous. Wary. And I can't be blamed for that."
“He wouldn’t blame you for it either trust me. He…well he’s been through a lot too. We grew up together, so I was there for all his bad days.” Despite how he acted, Ethan really did care about him.
"I know he has, he didn't become this way overnight. But I don't know if I trust him. Sure, he's kind and seems to care a lot about me but that could all be a ruse. I don't know if he's being fully honest with me and I just…I don't know, I have my doubts."
“Well I guess you’ll just have to wait and see. And whenever you figure out whether he’s being truthful or not, you can decide what to do.”
"You two really are two sides of the same coin. It's like left brain and right brain."
He chuckled. “I guess so.”
((Bro They’re literally Left Brain Right Brain by Bo Burnham XD
(Aren't they??)
"So, how did you two first become friends, anyway?"
((They Legit are))
“Hm..it was so long ago it’s a bit hard to remember. We were in first grade I think. I was walking home and these two older kids show up, just wanting to mess with me a bit. Jax comes out of nowhere like the little devil he is, and just attacked these guys until they left me alone.” He smiled a bit. “Pretty sure he tackled the first guy.”
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