He sat up, looking around. “Ethaaaaaan is it really morning already?” He whined.
“No you big idiot”
He sat up, looking around. “Ethaaaaaan is it really morning already?” He whined.
“No you big idiot”
Becca pouted at his response. "Come on Ethan, you couldn't have let me toy with him for a little while longer?"
“Nope” Ethan replied with a smile.
"You're no fun sometimes, you know that?"
“So I’ve been told”
She just rolled her eyes with a weak smile.
Jax was still very confused. And tired. “You guys are mean..” he grumbled
"Yeah but you know you love us."
“I don’t think I do” he grumbled
“Aww cmon Jax, no need to be such a baby.”
“I’m not a baby!”
"Considering how you literally curled up into my side as you slept and have about the same range of emotions as a 5 year old, I have to agree with Ethan."
“See. What she said, you’re a baby.”
“No I’m not!” He crosses his arms
"You're really not helping your point with your reactions, Jax."
“Whatever!” Jax grumbled
"You're just mad that we're right and won't accept it."
Jax ignored her, probably pouting.
"Now seriously, can you get off of me, I really don't want my stitches to tear."
He moved off of her. “Sorry.”
She held her aching side where her stitches had been straining for a while now, sighing in relief when she felt that they were intact.
“Everything good?” He asked, hoping nothing had been torn.
"Yeah, we're good. Little bit of pain but I'm always in pain so that's not surprising."
“Well you’re certainly as pessimistic as always.” He grumbled.
"You expected anything different?"
“Not really”
"Then don't complain." She rolled her eyes with a slight smile.
“Can’t stop me”
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