(It's alright!)
Jemi looked at Chesh. What were they doing? It sounded like a party. A fun one at that. But she wasn't sure if she'd be allowed to join them, since she was a prisoner. And everyone was super drunk. So there was a party with super drunk pirates with weapons. Fun…
"Cuddling." Chesh answered. She gave Jemi a look of Don't ask. "Well get up!" The dragon woman yelled. "We're having a party and I have a bet on you! James said he could beat you in a drinking contest." She grabbed the back of Jemi's clothing. "So let's go!" She said running out the door with Jemi. "Val! What have I told you about taking my stuff!" Chesh yelled as she sprinted after Val.
Jemi laughed as she was taken to the party, her worries lifted from her shoulders at the thought of more rum. She saw Chesh running after her and stuck her tongue out at her. At least she was welcome at the party. Jemi looked around at everyone and saw that everyone was, in fact, drunk. Very, very drunk actually. She laughed heartily, found a bottle of rum and took a swig just as Chesh caught up to her.
Chesh panted as she caught up to Jemi and Val. "I hate you." She muttered to Val as she caught her breath. "I know! Now you have a contest to win!" She said setting a Jemi, who was already drinking, and picked up Chesh. Chesh, being on of the smallest members on the ship and Val being on of the largest, was not hard at all to pick up. Chesh grabbed onto Jemi, dragging her along with them.
"Whoa!" Jemi cried. "Cheessshhhh!!!" she whined a little. She could feel the rum in her body and yearned for more. "Will there be more rum wherever you're taking me?" she asked aloud, unsure of whether she'd get an answer.
"Well we're going to a drinking contest so I'd assume yes." She said as she huffed at Val. Val just chuckled and dropped Chesh on a barrel. "I got 'er James!" Val holered at the man across the table that sat between the barrel that Chesh was on and the one with James. James had dirty blonde hair and a smirk on his lips. "Your days of being *hic * champion are over Chesh!" He hollered raising a rum bottle. Chesh groaned. "James your already drunk." She said rolling her eyes at him. "Dooesn't matter." He slurred. "Who ever passes out first loses." He said, laying the ground rules. She sighed and then a smirk lit up her face. "Alright." She said grabbing two bottles, handing one to Jemi and began to drink the other. "Your on!" She said finishing the bottle.
Jemi watched as Chesh finished her bottle and took another. She was clearly able to handle her rum. Jemi drank her own bottle in a few sips and took another. She was already drunk, although she wouldn't really admit it. "WOOOO CHEESSHHH!!" she cheered, earning some weird looks from the others.
Chesh at this pointed her chugged 3 bottles in a row and did not have any intention of stopping. She smiled at Jemi who was cheering for her. God she's cute! She continued to chug more rum. James on the other had was swaying in his seat after only drinking two bottles. He made it about halfway through another bottle before he toppled on to the deck. Val went over to him and kicked him. "Out cold!" She said with a toothy grin. She went over to Chesh who finished drinking the fourth bottle. "We have a winner!" Val yelled raising Chesh's arm into the air. The crew and Chesh hooted and hollered.
Jemi stumbled drunkenly over to Chesh. "YAAAYYYY CHEESSSSHHH!!!" she yelled. She looked at Chesh, knowing that Chesh could handle her rum and handed her another bottle. "How many bottles can you even drink?" she asked curiously. She drank the rest of her bottle and took another from some other already drunk pirate and chugged the rest of it. Her mind was disorientated but the rum felt good in her body.
Chesh nodded. "I'm good." She said pushing away the bottle that Jemi offered. She knew she had to stay somewhat sober on the ship. She was drunk as heck but she still had to keep a little of her sense.
Jemi shrugged. "More for me!" she cried gleefully. She looked at Chesh and saw that she was done drinking. "You're done?" she asked, turning her head slightly. Well at least she's responsible…
Chesh nodded. She always hated drinking contests because in the beginning she was excited and then once she had gone through a bottle or two her emotions began to get the better of her. And right now everything in her was screaming to cuddle with Jemi again. But Jemi was having fun. I'm not going to take her away from the fun that easily.
Jemi looked at Chesh who nodded and then turned away smiling and laughing gleefully. Maybe it was the rum, but Chesh was really really pretty. Her hair swayed and her eyes glittered a beautiful purple shade. Probably her favorite color. Jemi thought for a second. Do I even have a favorite color? before deciding that Chesh's eyes, whatever shade they were, was her new favorite color. She stumbled over to Chesh again and tripped over multiple people. "Hiiiii"
Chesh let out a yelp as Jemi tripped into her. She looked at a very drunk Jemi in her arms. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around Jemi, pulling her in so that they were at eye level. "Hi~" She said with an evil smirk on her face as she leaned in close, seeing how Jemi would react.
Jemi popped up and accidentally brushed her lips against Chesh's cheek. "Oops!" she was very drunk, and didn't even register what had happened. She swayed on her feet a bit before losing her balance. "I think I had a little bit of too much rum~" she said, her words slurred.
Shivers ran up Chesh's spine when Jemi's lip brushed against her. Chesh grabbed a swaying Jemi before she could fall. "You defiantly did." She said as she grabbed the bottle of rum out of Jemi's hand and setting it down on a barrel.
"Hey!" Jemi whined. "Well now what??" she said. A small part of her could tell that Chesh was caring for her by taking the rum away, but that didn't make it any better. "Oh, I know! We can dance!" she said, grabbing Chesh's arm and pulling her into her own. It didn't occur to Jemi that she had no clue how to dance.
Chesh laughed as she was pulled forward. "Do you even know how to dance?" She laughed. Jemi, to her, did not seem like the person to dance. She had a ship to take care of and she didn't seem like she would have time to learn how to dance.
Jemi thought. "Next question?" She did not know how to dance, but pulled Chesh towards her anyway. "Well it's never too late to learn, now is it?"
Chesh just laughed at this. "Can we get some music?" She yelled out. A man pulled out a silver harmonica, a woman got out a banjo and a few men began to beat on some barrels of it the were drums. A fast paced music began to play and other people began to start to dance.
Jemi laughed. This was fun, at least. She let her feet sway to the music, even though she had no clue what was happening and how she was doing it. She tripped and stepped on Chesh's feet, apologizing when she exclaimed in surprise. "I really don't know how this works…" Jemi said.
Chesh just laughed. "It's fine! I didn't know how to dance when I first came here either." She said, smiling reassuringly. "Just move your body to the flow of the music." She said as she grabbed onto Jemi, pulling her out of the way from being hit by another dancing pirate.
"Okay!" she swayed, this time with the music. "So like this?" Jemi wasn't sure if she was doing it right. Had she been any less drunk, Jemi would be overthinking it all and trying to be perfect at dancing, but this time, it was fun. SImply, fun. Jemi was able to sway to the music and not worry about her imperfectness at it.
"Yeah! Your doing great!" She said as she watched Jemi sway to the beat. She's so pretty. I wonder what she'd look like in a dress. Chesh shook her head. No. Stay in the moment Chesh!
Jemi laughed. "Wonder what it's be like if I had a dress, eh?" She couldn't remember the last time she had willingly worn a dress. It was probably on her birthday. Some birthday gone past many years ago. She liked dresses, but no one took her seriously as Captain in a dress. Plus it was more practical to wear pants anyway. "The thing would sway and go everywhere whenever I spinned!" she said.