( Oh gosh, thank you so much! That really means a lot to me. )
Avon smiled. "If you wouldn't mind, that sounds great." He said, with a kind nod. "I don't know where I even am, normally my manager follows me," He mumbled, trying not to leak too much about his own life. "Nonetheless, lead the way!" He said, excitement dragging itself into his voice.
(you're welcome!!)
Nik smiled, and nodded. "Yeah, alright. Come on." He replied. He started walking, pulling his hood over his head to try and shelter himself from the rain. He led Avon to his apartment, unlocking the door as they came inside. A small, fuzzy shape padded over and wound itself through Nik's ankles, purring. He smiled, taking his shoes off and picking up a grey kitten. "Oh, by the way: Avon, this is Smoke. Smoke, this is Avon." He petted the kitten gently.
"Smoke, what a darling!" Avon exclaimed, reaching out towards Smoke. He didn't exactly know how cats reacted to people, he'd never owned one nor been around one, so he kept his hand still. Would the cat bite him? He wasn't so sure. "You're so humble, it's great to be out of the outdoors, sometimes mother nature becomes a big struggle." Avon sighed, with a laugh following.
Smoke batted at Avon's hands with a paw, though his claws were sheathed. He didn't stop purring as he bumped his nose up to Avon's fingers. Nik grinned. "Aw, he likes you." he said, holding the kitten out so that if Avon wanted to hold him, he could. At Avon's words, he shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, maybe so."
Avon gently took Smoke into his hands, and brought the adorable kitten closer to him. He cradled Smoke, and looked at Nik. "Could I ask you something, Nik?" Avon asked, very, very quietly. He looked around nervously, as if one of his superiors were around, they scared him to death.
Nik shrugged slightly. "Yeah, go ahead." he replied with a light little smile. He went over to the thermostat, turning the heat up a little bit. Smoke purred happily, rubbing up against Avon's chest contentedly.
Avon laughed at Smoke's purrs, they were adorable. "What does it feel like to be normal?" He asked. "I-I mean that with my fullest, most longing heart. What does it feel like to be able to feel free?"
He blinked, turning to look at Avon. "Uhm. Good question." he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm not quite…normal, considering that I'm a gay, mixed race guy."
Avon studied Nik for a few seconds. "But you don't have swarms of people chasing after you. You don't get frustrated because you're way too safe." He mumbled. "You lead much more normal of a life than mine, I assure you."
"That's true." he replied with a nod. "But…I don't know. Being normal isn't exactly…something I think about?" he shrugged his shoulders, looking over at Avon. Smoke purred again, squirming and rubbing against Avon happily.
"I guess not. I apologize for the extreme question." Avon said, easily stroking Smoke's back fur. "I guess I went too far this time." He added. He looked around the room, then. He couldn't meet Nik's gaze, he was honestly awful at people when it came down to it.
"It's alright." he replied easily. "Oh. Do you want anything? Food, water, soda? I probably have a beer somewhere, if you want." he shrugged his shoulders. Smoke arched into Avon's touch, purring louder.
"I'm fine, I promise." Avon said, instinctively. Seconds later, a rumble sounded from his stomach. "Well, maybe something small." He said, softly. "Just make sure I'm not totally intruding on anything you have,"
He laughed, heading to the kitchen. "Nah, it's fine. And come on, don't just stand in the entryway." he vanished into the kitchen, getting stuff out. "Sandwich sound good?" he asked, poking his head back out to look at Avon. Smoke purred, stretching in Avon's arms.
( How'd you know I was imagining a sandwich-? Literally I'm shocked. )
(I…I didn't?? I was just like "well what's an easy food? ooh a sandwich" lmao)
"That sounds awesome, thanks!" Avon responded, with a much better smile. Avon stepped inside, carefully as he could. Nik had a gorgeous house, or at least he thought so. "Gee, Smoke, you've got a great place to be." He said to Smoke.
Nik smiled, and went back to work on making a pair of sandwiches, humming softly. Smoke, hearing his name, meowed, looking up at Avon. The little grey kitten reached up to bat at Avon's chin with his paws, purring happily.
Avon laughed, catching onto Smoke's paw with his own finger. He played with Smoke's soft paws and laughed even more. He listened in on Nik's humming all the while, trying to figure out what he was muttering the beat to. He couldn't even be sure, but it was beautiful.
Smoke purred happily, looking up at Avon with happy, golden eyes. Nik finished the sandwiches, and put the supplies away, then came out, holding a plate out to Avon. "Here." he said with a smile. Smoke sat up in Avon's arms, and sniffed at the sandwich curiously.
"Thanks, and uh, your humming was beautiful." Avon said. He shifted Smoke to a single hand, and held the sandwich in the other. "Mmm~" He said, as he began to gobble the thing up.
He smiled a little bit. "Thanks." he ate his own sandwich. Smoke purred, curling up in Avon's arm and closing his eyes, tail twitching and curling around Avon's wrist.
"You're welcome, haha." Avon continued eating for a few more bites, balancing Smoke as best as he could. "And you can cook, you're astoundingly skilled," He mumbled.
"These are sandwiches. They require little to no skill." he replied with a laugh. "I really can't cook all that well." he shook his head slightly, still eating his sandwich.
"So basically…" Avon said. "I have no skill in that area of expertise. At all." He finished. He finished the rest of his sandwich then, he really needed that thing. He laughed. "You know, I don't tell many people this, but I really don't know how to do a lot of basic things, I'm awful at them."