@Elder-God-Whisper work
(Also, I've heard Ed Sheeran, but not Sam Smith.)
(Also, I've heard Ed Sheeran, but not Sam Smith.)
( gtg, will respond later– )
( back early, doing work tho )
Sorrel held Amory with some form of skill, he danced often, but alone. As he continued on with a later part of the song, nearing the end. His footwork was astonishing, despite the fact that he would call himself clumsy. His eyes filled with astonishment at Amory, though. He almost distracted him from his own dancing.
(okies! But I gtg soon)
Amory just led the other smoothly, smiling and making sure he doesn't trip. Sorrel started singing his song's chorus, he sang along, his voice deep and rich.
( makes sense! I'll miss you, but I'm patient. also, omg Amory again- too perfect. )
Sorrel's voice died as Amory joined, softening itself so that the other was a little more prominent in the words. He leaned his head on the other's chest, listening in on his heartbeat. "I didn't know you could dance..~" He whispered, sweetly.
The music faded out and the entire cafe applauded. Amory slowly led Sorrel back to their table. "It was something I did back in my later high school years and during college. "
Sorrel nodded, intrigue filling his pastel eyes. "Well, that's something unique, different." He noted, aloud. He had to remember that Amory could dance, he absolutely had to. He beamed with happiness. It felt like he was in a movie, it was just so unreal.
(If this happened irl… XD)
Amory smiled back. "Are you almost done with your food?" his own sandwich was gone, but he was still working on his coffee.
( Dang I'd film it and cry- )
Sorrel just closed his eyes for a second or two, replaying the scene in his mind. He never wanted to lose that moment. As Amory's words intruded into his chamber of thought, he snapped out of it. "O-Of course," He stumbled over his speech.
(Ahaha! I'd be whistling and cheering. lol)
Suddenly a younger lady came over and shyly asked, "Hi… Um… I had filmed you guys just now, and I was wondering if you minded. I don't plan on putting it on any social media…" Amory's eyes lit up. "Is it on your phone?" The girl nodded, blushing. "Could you possibly air-drop that to me? I would like to have a video myself." The girl eagerly obliged.
( LOL!!! )
Sorrel looked dead-center at Amory, then. "You're going to have to send it to me, too." He said, with a wink. He turned to face the lady, and smiled at her. "Thank you for that, really. You're sweet." He said, with a straightforward tone. He couldn't believe it, what a sweet lady. Just the thought that it was filmed, and the cafe staff were watching, made him want to laugh with excitement.
The girl smiled brightly back. "You two were beautiful, by the way. Have fun with the rest of your date!" She waved and went back to her table of friends, all of them greeting her with excited chatter. And Amory sent Sorrel the video, before leaning across the table and snatching a kiss. "Let's get going, hmm?" he asked, a content expression on his face.
"Sure then, angel." He purred. Sorrel then stole a few more kisses from the other, seeing what it would be like to act that quickly. He wasn't exactly used to being as accepted as he was then, so he felt a little shocked still, though he would assure you it was only the 'good shocked'. He got up swiftly, and walked over to Amory. He held a hand out, and with a goofy smile spoke. "Ha, I finally help you."
(I gtg! Bye!!)
( Bye Whisper, see you Monday! )
Amory laughed and took Sorrel's hand, standing up. "So you did." He grabbed his coffee cup from the table and kept holding Sorrel's hand as they walked out, heading for Amory's ar. "So I assume you enjoyed the café?" Amory asked humorously. He grinned down at Sorrel.
( don't got much time to respond, I will later- also good morning! how are you? )
(Good morning. And it's my fault, I'm pretty exhausted and everything's slipping my mind. So I'm tired, because I was sleeping on a hotel floor for two nights with just two tiny, hard, support pillows for a bit of cushion and my coat as a blanket that covered 1/3 of me. I'm also pretty happy because I got to talk to my BF last night and I gave him a ring I bought him over the weekend and I made him extremely happy.)
( Aw, that sounds adorable, but tiring. )
"Of course I did," Sorrel scoffed, playfully. "Chocolate, you, and a dance are beautiful, and I am truly proud I'm here with you." He added, informatively. His eyes sparkled with fun, he truly enjoyed it.
(Oh, he wasn't with me over the weekend. I was with my Dad's parish's youth group at a convention, but I didn't really know them very well. It was lonely but also the crowds were overwhelming. I'm glad I got to see him today.)
Amory smiled and opened the passenger door and let Sorrel climb in before shutting the door and climbing in the driver's seat. "I'm proud that I managed to catch you." he laughed, winking as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Which park do you want to go to?"
( well atleast you had today. <3 )
"There's one with a fountain, the one where the guitarists often think their careers'll take off at, you know." Sorrel said, thinking of the beautiful place. "I really like that one, if you think it sounds sweet." He said, considering Amory's opinion before he would act.
(Yep! <3)
Amory smiled. "I've heard of that park, but I haven't been. I think that would be nice. It'll give me a chance to check it out." He turned the car down a street and headed towards the park. "So how long have you been writing songs?"
"Since I got confined in that office!" Sorrel joked, laughing at the fact he was in there so often. "It gets lonely and quiet, so I tend to get musically active in there," He said, careful to avoid the fact that he looks like a pop star in there. "It's like a concert for one." He said, laughing yet again.
Amory grinned. "And so the musician was born out of boredom. I can't wait to see what else you've written. And your voice is amazing." He put a hand on Sorrel's thigh again as his sign of affection since he couldn't kiss him while he was driving.
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