"Sounds awesome," Sorrel said, happily. He gently played with his own hair, rearranging the locks so that they were messily adorable. A little bit of messy hair wouldn't hurt, right? He stared admiringly into the mirror in front of him. He reminded himself of how Amory was on the day they met, and it amused him so much. What a great day that was…
Amory glanced over at Sorrel. "Whatchya thinkin' about, Kitten?" He shuffled a little closer, reaching out and running his fingers through Sorrel's hair, causing it to flip a certain way so it was out of his face, but still messy, and still adorable.
Sorrel stopped messing with his hair, immediately. Amory touched it, so it must be perfect. "You remember the day we first met? I was so high-strung, and buisnesslike.." He said, more quietly at the end. "All I cared about was skill at work, it was hilarious. You had that one thing, that perfect factor, oh I'm so glad I accepted you." He rambled, bemusedly.
Amory smiled. "It probably didn't show, but I wasn't nervous at all about the interview… Until I saw you. Then I began to freak out. I completely panicking." Amory wrapped his arms around Sorrel, nuzzling his cheek lightly, making soft sounds of contentment.
( Whisper, good morning to you too! How are ya? )
Sorrel laughed, running a small finger though Amory's hair. "I remember that, I remember that!" He said, with excitement. His eyes filled with wonder at the past. "All you wanted was a job, who knew it would come to this?" He said, so happily.
(Decent. I say as I'm downing an iced tea I bought with a borrowed dollar because I'm dehydrated af you?)
Amory purred softly in Sorrel's ear, "A couple of my friends were betting on this. Along with my assistant apparently." Then he chuckled. "So I'd say some people were expecting this long before us."
( Actually same, I've drank maybe 70 oz of water in the past two days but it hasn't helped yet- )
Sorrel suddenly looked quite flustered. "T-They were?" He asked, reddening a little. "I really need to watch my office more," He mumbled, with a hand to his face. How did he not know about that?
Amory laughed. "Hey, I didn't know either until I had my assistant cancel my schedule plans for this weekend." He gently pried Sorrel's hand from his face so he could kiss him. "Mmm~ I'm glad they were right though."
( gtg, will better respond in 3~ hours. )
Sorrel laughed, and kissed Amory once again, a little more softly. "So every one of your friends and acquaintances thought romantically of us, and we both accept it only now?" Sorrel said, softly.
Amory laughed with him before kissing him deeply, only pulling back briefly to say, "Not all of them. But yes, quite a few people saw what we did not. No shut up and let me kiss you." he ended with a smirk before pulling the other back in, his grip tightening as he slid his right hand to Sorrel's waist.
Sorrel brought his face closer to Amory's, surprisingly dropping off a few kisses. He kept going for a little, before breaking off, with a bit of a spooked face. "We had plans, Amory!" He cried, with the most pitiful awkward face.
Amory just laughed. "We still have plenty of time. It's only 7:30. Relax. We'll get going. Come on, I'll just take care of Whiskey and we can be on our way, m'kay?" He grabbed his leather jacket and slipped it on, heading for the kitchen where Whiskey was waiting on a counter. When she saw Amory she "mow"ed at him, complaining.
( How are you? )
Sorrel nodded, as he followed Amory into his kitchen. He didn't venture there the night before, and he appeared mildly amused by it's appearance. "Wow, beautiful," He mumbled. He looked at Whiskey, and giggled softly. "Hi, cutie."
Whiskey's pupils dilated with happiness when she saw Sorrel and hopped off the counter and padded over to Sorrel to rub against his legs, purring. "Traitor." Amory joked.
Sorrel laughed at Amory's comment, bending down as best as he could to reach Whiskey. "Whiskey baby, Whiskey baby~" Sorrel said, somewhat melodiously. He stroked Whiskey's back fur, playing a little with her tail with his other hand. "I have to like everything related to you, I guess it so happens that those things like me too," He said, with yet another laugh.
Whiskey stretched up on her hind legs and rubbed her face against Sorrel's , still purring. "Aw, she really does like you. … More than her food, that's surprising." Amory had set down wet food for her, but she was ignoring it in favor of Sorrel.
"I'm somewhat shocked. Does she normally eat before anything else?" Sorrel asked. He looked up to Amory, then pulled his gaze back down to Whiskey, and her fur. "whiskey, dear, you have food to eat," He said to the kitten.
( Gotta go for a while! )
Amory nodded. "Food generally is first in her priorities." Whiskey still ignored her food, just curling against Sorrel. "Um… Maybe I don't bring enough people over…."
"I completely understand that, I'm always alone," Sorrel mumbled. "I figure that will change for the both of us, from now until." He admitted. He gently picked Whiskey up and moved her closer to her food, pointing at the stuff. "Eat, or I won't give you any more love."