Sorrel made yet another soft sound at Amory's actions. He was really letting loose that day, which was undeniably different than usual. He gently kissed Amory's jaw. "Thank you, your presence is something equally as wondrous." He whispered, trying at a seductive tone.
Sorrel had succeeded, something made apparent in the way Amory shifted with a soft moan, and turned his head so his lips brushed against Sorrel's. "Mmmm… Sorrel….~" his voice was low and husky.
Sorrel's eyes widened, quite dramatically, before he completely fell for Amory. Not one piece of his love would ever go to anything ever again. His distraction from that movie was evident, oh well. "Amory..~" Sorrel replied. He kissed him, then, sweetly and warmly.
Amory kissed back. Hard. Hungry. He held tightly to him, pressing his body against Sorrel in desperation. He was done hiding his feelings. He was going to just let go tonight, consequences be damned. He slowly pushed the other onto the couch, still kissing and ended up suspended over him.
Sorrel continued his kisses and small sounds, though the kisses seemed to be getting warmer and warmer. He kept himself somewhat attached to Amory, hands on his back. Something convinced him that he could do bold things, and that, he was going to do. He slipped a hand into the back of Amory's shirt, through the bottom. His back felt so nice.
( Heads up, gtg at any given time. )
Amory moaned again at Sorrel touching his bare skin, he was panting now, and he tried to deepen the kiss, pressing his body against the other, shivering. His head dipped down and he started to kiss Sorrel's neck. "Sorrel~" he whimpered out, loving this.
( Back!! )
Sorrel felt Amory's effort, putting forth more of his own. As Amory went a little further down, he kept himself where he was. Hard, swift forehead kisses, and lots of them, took place. His hands kept on exploring, to more and more locations underneath the shirt's fabric. And of course, he finally decided to let his sounds complete themselves. Longer, louder tones rumbled from the guy, he didn't feel too embarassed anymore. All that mattered was Amory, and the moment at hand.
( If this gets further steamy, just a smol reminder that the inbox is here- I figure it will, so I'm already going to say something loool )
(lol, I was going to keep it down to just this lime unless you wanted to take it to the inbox. But we can totally keep it here and mild.)
Amory slipped a hand under Sorrel's head, tipping Sorrel so he had better access to his eck, growling softly as he began to taste him, but trying not to go too far in case Sorrel didn't want to go too far. He arched his back in pleasure as Sorrel's hands roamed under his shirt. He leaned back up again, instigating a steamy kiss, absolutely intoxicated on the moment.
( Honestly glad to hear that, haha! Keeping it here/mild sounds chill. They can get into things later in their lives, loool. )
Sorrel felt the most pleasure he probably ever had before. Nothing in his life ever felt that good. As Amory tasted his neck, his sounds got a little longer. And the kiss, he melted into it. He pulled a hand out of the shirt, and let it travel to Amory's hair. He ran it through his hair, messing his hair up quite a bit. He laid a few kisses on Amory, at random locations.
(Okie dokie! We'll keep it toned down to lime until later in their relationship.)
Amory's eyes rolled at the feeling of Sorrel's fingers in his hair and he never wanted to stop, but he finally pulled away with a soft panting. "We never ate our dessert." he chuckled, using the food as an excuse to stop before he lost control and went too far. The movie was nothing but background noise now. He sat them back up again, and grabbed a gulp of his own milk, holding the glass delicately.
( Mk! )
Sorrel let go of Amory, his mind whining because he wanted to cling to him a little more. Y-you're right…" He said, stuttering as his body fought to slow his heartbeats down. He looked down at a slice of the cheesecake, and let the smallest string of drool run down his lip. He wasn't sure if it was Amory's or the cheesecake's, but he knew he loved it. He carefully lifted the plate closer to himself, and began to eat the cake.
Amory smiled. "Is it good?" he hummed and kept swigging his chocolate milk. "When I was younger, I had wanted to become a baker or work with desserts, but I suppose it just turned into a hobby. I love cooking. I almost never have anyone to share the food wit though, and it's made me sad in the past." Amory nuzzled into Sorrel, wiping a small glob of filling off his cheek and eating it himself.
"It's the best thing I've ever eaten." Sorrel said, with some form of authority creeping into the words. "I ought to come over more, spend more time with you and eat, it's a win-win." He thought, aloud. As Amory ate the little bit of filling, Sorrel's face reddened a little. He thought it was cute, really freaking cute.
Amory smiled. "I think it would be wonderful if you came over more often! Me and Whiskey are often very lonely here. It would be wonderful to have company." Amory ran his fingers through his hair tiredly, leaning into Sorrel, eyes half closed.
Sorrel, after a few more bites of the cake, sat the plate back down. He wrapped his arms around Amory, lovingly. He was honestly too overwhelmed to think that Whiskey was a cat, he thought Amory was talking about the actual drink, but didn't bother with the thought. He pulled him closer. "I will, then. I promise." He said, solemnly. Then, he yawned. The thing happened on complete accident.
Whiskey padded then into the room softly, having woken up and heard her master and another voice and had come to investigate. She hopped up onto the couch and gave a soft "mew", tilting her head at Sorrel. "And that is Whiskey. Hey Honey." Amory lovingly scritched under Whiskey's chin, eliciting purrs from her. Amory turned and kissed Sorrel lightly, just because.
Sorrel's eyes widened at the sight of the cat. Oh goodness, you bet he liked what he saw. "Whiskey's a cat?" He asked, as he held a hand out to the thing. He didn't want to immediately intrude on the cat's supposed 'personal space'. He smiled, and giggled a little. "I love cats.." He whispered, admiringly.
Whiskey sniffed at Sorrel's hand before smushing his face against it, rubbing while purring loudly. He then crawled onto Sorrel's lap and curled up, still purring. Amory grinned, "Whiskey's a sweet kitty. She loves people. Sometimes I joke she's a dog in a cat's body." Amory snuggled into Sorrel again, simply watching the interaction.
( hehe hi hru? )
Sorrel absolutely adored Whiskey, with a lot of his heart. "You're perfect, and your cat's perfect.. She's so adorable…" Sorrel mumbled. He stroked Whiskey's fur, carefully as he could. He hadn't owned a cat before, so he had to be careful. Sorrel leaned into Amory's whole self as he balanced Whiskey on his lap. "Precious…" He added.
(Alright. Tired and out-of-sorts, but that's normal.)
Amory chuckled, "I will attest that my cat is perfect. She's an adorable sweetheart, but I'm most certainly not…" His last statement seemed to have a dark tone to it. Amory's face wasn't visible to Sorrel as he was behind the other, buried in Sorrel's shirt.
( Honestly I feel that right now, spiritually. )
"Don't you dare, Amory. You say that so often, its time for you to put that thought to rest." He said, instantly. He stopped petting Whiskey for a second before he wrapped his arms around Amory. "If anything, nothing you do will ever change my view of you. and that is final." He sighed. "If only you saw what I see."
(lmao, accurate.)
Amory bit his cheek, trying to prevent tears from leaking out, still keeping his face hidden, but his body shivered under the stress he was under. He took several deep breaths, just leaning into Sorrel's embrace. Whiskey mewled and pushed herself so she was squished between the two.
Sorrel noticed Amory's shivering, and it honestly kind of scared him. "Amory! Did I say something wrong? I apologize, I'm so sorry-" Sorrel began, going into a ramble. He mentioned how he did a lot incorrect, fell asleep sometimes, and how he might have been a little heavy to carry into the house, and worried that it wasn't enough. "I'll fix it, whatever I did, I'll make myself right for you."
( screams Amory baby pls don't cry my heart will implode- )