"that was a great show." He admitted when they got in the car " looks like we have some competion to look forward to." He joked
"that was a great show." He admitted when they got in the car " looks like we have some competion to look forward to." He joked
She smiled softly. "Yes. But surely his designs will never surpass yours, Gabriel."
HE laughed in embarrassment at her praise "thank you, but a little competition is healthy."
"You are the best fashion designer in all of Paris, what do you have to worry about?" she asked softly. "No body's designs are remotely close to yours."
"no, but Demitri isn't all that he seems. He might have beautiful designs but they're not made by his passion, only his drive to be the best." He said, looking forward as he drove
Those designs were made with more passion than you know… She simply nodded and watched the sights of Paris pass by.
(What if he finds her sketchbook with designs of those dresses and more for the next show?)
(yuss I like that idea)
They arrived home around the late hours of night "im turning in. You should too love." He kissed her head and smiled "I love you." He retreated to his roon
"I love you too, Gabriel," she whispered, retreating to her room. However, she didn't go to sleep. Dimitri needed his new designs, so she sat on her bed, sketching until she accidentally fell asleep, her ideas vulnerable on her lap.
(Viola! It's all yours! ;D)
(le snatch)
He woke up in the late hours of the night. He found himself walking to Nataliea room, knowing she liked to stay up to work. Seeing the door slightly adjar, he pushed it open a bit and saw her asleep. "You work to hard love." He whispered. He pulled the blankets over her. Seeing the notebook next to her, he picked it up and was about to put it on her night stand when he saw the very familiar designs from the night before.
The very first design in the notebook was the black dress with the lace – the one she'd done for him. From then on, all of the dresses had been featured in Dimitri's show, with the addition of some new ones, recent from the pencil still in her hands…
He glanced at her and turned away, feeling betrayed. He headed to the living room and flipped through the sketchbook
After a few more minutes, Nathalie awoke from her light sleep. She felt for her sketchbook. It was gone. Her heart leaped, and she raced from bed – into the living room where she saw a light was on. She stopped dead in her tracks: Gabriel was looking through it. "Gabriel…" she whispered faintly.
"don't…" He whispered back. He stood and handed back the sketchbook "what ever you're doing with Dimitri, I don't want to know." He walked past her and went to his room
She stood, shocked for a moment, then rushed to follow him. "Gabriel, wait!" she begged, catching up to him right before he entered his room.
He turned and looked at her, not being able to meet her eyes "what could you possibly say that'll justify going behind my back and working for Demitri?"
"I was trying to protect you!" she cried, more emotion in her voice than ever before.
"protect me?" he looked around the room, feeling it getting smaller "From what? Demitri?" he shook his head "what's he going to do to me that he hasn't done already? kill me? let him" he walked away from her, needing to calm himself before he lost his temper for good
Her heart sunk. In a brief moment of anger, she threw her sketchbook at the wall. It fell to the floor, it's paper limbs splayed out. From the carnage, the only visible drawing was the black lace dress. Nathalie rushed off shamefully to her room, where she fell quickly into a haunting sleep. Nightmares haunted her, and now Gabriel was in them. She tossed and turned, trying to soothe herself. Nothing worked.
he walked back to the living room and sat down. Needing to breath "good job Gabriel…" he sighed and walked back to her room and knocked gently "Love? we need to talk." the door opened slightly. he saw the sketchbook strewn across the floor and Natalie in a bundle of tangled blankets. Despite his mood, he smiled lightly and fixed the blankets around her. He stroked her brow gently for a few mesmerizing seconds before retreating to his office and getting back to work
Nathalie was restless for the rest of the night. Her eyes would flutter open, then she would be asleep before she could even be awake. Her visions tortured her.
Gabriel ended up falling asleep at his desk after a long night of working. the dream of Demitri and Natalie together torture him for the little time he managed to drift off
Nathalie woke amongst well-tended blankets. Gabriel… she thought adoringly, then the memories from last night washed over her.
Gabriel stayed asleep, for once that night, sleeping for more than five minutes
Slowly, Nathalie moved through the house to find him, eventually wandering into the study. Gabriel was asleep. She smiled hazily and walked over, keeping her steps soft and quiet.
he mumbling something intangible as he slept, occasionally begging no and saying her nickname
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