Nathalie waited patiently for Adrien at the bottom of the stairs in the foyer. When he appeared from his room and his gaze met hers, he looked shocked.
“Nathalie? What are you doing?”
“Your bodyguard is sick today, Adrien. I’ll be driving you to school,” she explained curtly.
Adrien nodded and walked to the door with her.
Nathalie drove away from the mansion and it didn’t take long for the pair to reach the school. Nathalie got out of the car and opened the door for Adrien to get out. She walked with him to the bottom of the stairs.
“Have a good day at school, Adrien,” she said while he was still in earshot.
“Thank you, Nathalie,” Adrien said, smiling a little and joining Nino to walk up the stairs.
Nathalie watched him go inside. A little pang in her heart felt sympathy for him before she turned to head back to the car.
However, she was quickly stopped by someone standing right behind her.
“Excuse me,” she muttered, but the person grabbed her shoulder. She gasped and tried to flinch away, but a piece of chloroform covered her mouth and nose. Before she could get a clear vision on who her attacker was, she blacked out.
Her attacker carried her in his arms back to the car. He set her in the passenger seat and drove away quickly, smiling to himself.
Nathalie woke up in a dark room, tied painfully to a wooden chair. Her wrists and ankles throbbed.
“Comfortable?” someone asked.
A light flickered on and she blinked tiredly. A dark figure was sitting on a small chair in front of her. He stood and moved the chair to the side of the room.
“Where am I?” she asked sharply. “And who are you?”
“Calm down, my dear. One question at a time please. My name is Dimitri Ruelle. Are you familiar with that name?”
She remained quiet and scowled at him from her position.
“I figured not. You see, I was always second best to the famed Gabriel Agreste. It was his designs that they featured, not mine. No one wants to see the next best designs, do they?”
“Is that all you want? Revenge on Gabriel Agreste?” Nathalie spit. “Then why am I here?”
Dimitri smirked and took her chin in his fingers. She tried to wrench away, but he held fast. “You’re here because you are Gabriel Agreste’s one weakness. With you in my possession, Gabriel will give me anything I want in exchange for your freedom.”
“You’re wrong!” Nathalie argued. “Gabriel won’t come for me. He’ll know that it’s a trap.”
“My dear Nathalie, I’m afraid it’s you that are wrong.”
Nathalie gritted her teeth. She loathed being wrong.
“But perhaps you are right,” Dimitri thought aloud. “Maybe he won’t come. In that case…” He pulled Nathalie’s phone out of his pocket. “Best to give him a little nudge.”
“No!” Nathalie cried, pulling desperately against her restrains.
“Yes, I’m afraid,” Dimitri said, giving her a fake look of pity.
Nathalie remembered what Gabriel had said about fake people. This guy fit the description to a T.
Dimitri, meanwhile, had unlocked her phone and quickly found Gabriel’s contact. With an evil smile on his lips, he hit the call button.
(dang this is good!)
Gabriel was at his desk trying to focus on his newest design but all that went through his mind was Natalie.
How could have he'd been so naive as to think that his love life wouldn't get on the new somehow? How would he fix this?
The phone rang rang with Natalie's number
"Is everything alright? Did you get stuck in traffic?"
(Thanks! ;D)
"Let's just say that if you're expecting her home anytime soon, you'd be mistaken," Dimitri said, looking at Nathalie with a smirk.
She held his gaze with a level scowl.
His face went placid "Who are you, and where's Natalie?!" He walked over to his main computer and started to trace the call
“Gabriel, don’t!” Nathalie cried loudly. “It’s a trap! Don’t listen to him!”
Dimitri scowled. “Stop!” he demanded, pulling out chloroform from his jacket pocket.
“Don’t touch me,” she snarled.
He ignored her and pressed the soaked cloth tightly over her face until she stopped struggling and fell limp against the back of the chair. “That’s better,” he muttered.
"Natalie? NATALIE?! I swear to God you touch again on her head I will tear you to pieces and send you to hell!"
He Ended the call and dialed the number for the school, making sure that he was safe, then going to his room to grab his broach
"Yes master?"
"I may need to call for your assistance soon"
"Master I told you getting the mir-"
" It's not the miraculous that I'm after Nuru. Natalie's in trouble."
"I see, then I will help the best I can."
"Thank you."
He grabbed the comb of the peacock and ran out the door towards the location he found in the computer.
Dimitri laughed and looked at the unconscious Nathalie.
"Well. It looks like we have a guest to prepare for!" he exclaimed and put her phone back in his pocket.
(Protective Gabriel is coming out… XD)
(hell yes🤣)
He drive as fast as he could to the designated spot and pulled out his phone "Im warning you, bring her to me and I won't send him."he said angrily into the phone
Dimitri laughed. "I'm afraid that she's gotten very attached to this place…" He used a finger to lift her chin for a moment before letting it drop to her chest again. "It may be hard for her to leave."
"then you leave me with no choice." Ending the call, he pulled out his broach
"Nuru I need you."
"Master I am here. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes, I'm certain. I would do anything for her."
Nuru nodded "then all you have to do is say the words."
(Words, spinny transformation with a stick)
Hawkmoth stormed in to the building looking for the man who held his love captive
"Where are you?!"
Dimitri grinned and carried Nathalie into a separate room. "Stay here," he purred and went out to face Gabriel Agreste. A wave of shock crashed over his features upon the sight of Hawkmoth standing before him. He smirked. "Gabriel Agreste, is that you?"
"No, he sent me in his place. Make no mistake, you'd rather face me than him," he said with a cruel smile flicking his cane "the girl, now."
Dimitri smirked and shook his head. "I'm afraid that I can't do that. Perhaps if Mr. Agreste were here, we could attempt a compromise…"
"He offered you the girl in exchange for your life, is that not enough of a compromisation?" he said with a slight growl. He needed to find her…he wouldn't hold out for long
Dimitri shrugged. "That's not for me to tell you. That's for me and Gabriel Agreste to decide."
"Right now Mr. Agrest is not available for any compromise you have to offer. Give me the girl and I'll let you run free. If not, then I'm sorry to say, but you won't be leaving this building how you came." He said with danger in his eyes.
"Is that supposed to scare me?" Dimitri laughed. "Why are you working with Gabriel Agreste?"
Nathalie slowly began to come to. Her head was filled with a sharp pain and she was in an unfamiliar room.
"If it is none of my business to know your negotiations then it is none of your business to know mine. I do things on my own accord. and no I'm not supposed to scare you. what I do next should though."
Dimitri tensed slightly and braced himself for a fight.
Nathalie viciously tugged at the ties around her wrists.
He heard rattling down the hall and smiled "very scared," lights flicked then went out. A minute he was there in frot of him, the next he was behind
"I told you not to mess with me or her."
Dimitri whipped around and gritted his teeth. "What are you doing?"
Nathalie strained and managed to free her right wrist. She grinned and her voices. "Gabriel?" Her voice was light and quiet.
"Knocking you out," he said simply before wacking him with his cane "Never touch her again," he growled in his ear before letting him slump to the ground.
Dimitri sagged on the floor.
Nathalie quickly freed her left wrist and both her ankles. She walked quickly over to the door, opened it, and stepped into the hallway.