forum Miraculous Ladybug - One-on-one (CLOSED)
Started by Deleted user

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"It's my job too," she replied quietly. After several moments, she succumbed to the need as well.

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Nathalie's dreams, however, were filled with terror. She twitched endlessly, her visions chilling her to the core. She awoke shaking fervently and her hand was clamped tightly over her mouth to hold in her screams.


"love? are you alright?" Gabriel woke sluggishly, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his lips, silently pulling her towards him "you're safe love, you're safe, I told you this before, and I will continue to until you are convinced."

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Nathalie recoiled before coming to her sense. "Mr. Agreste, did I wake you? I'm sorry," she apologized quickly, not meeting his gaze.

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"Yes, I… I'm fine," she replied quietly, the events from her nightmare burning into her memories. How could I have been so foolish? she reprimanded herself mentally.

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Nathalie steadied her breath, calmed her heart and closed her eyes, but was unable to fall asleep again. Hours passed by before she could see the first rays of dawn peeking through the gap in the dark curtains. She sat up and pressed her palm to her forehead. Her whole body felt weighted down with insurmountable fatigue.

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(What day is it in the rp? Is Adrien going to school? I have a plan… >:)

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(You'll see… ;D
Gabriel's not gonna like it… I'll post it tomorrow)

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Nathalie’s phone suddenly buzzed, alive with a text message notification. She jumped and reached for the device on the nightstand. Her fingers accidentally brushed against the TV remote and sent it toppling to the floor. The power button clicked against the carpet and the screen flashed on. Nathalie frowned as the bold voice of the news anchor filled the bedroom.
“Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news! I’m Nadja Chamack–“
Nathalie ignored the report – the woman was too peppy for such an early hour – and checked the text. Garan (just a name I picked for Adrien's bodyguard) was sick today. She would have to take Adrien to school.
“Our main story this morning is the footage taken from the Annual Agreste Family Gala, two nights ago,” Nadja began.
Nathalie looked up, her glasses reflecting the screen’s image. She froze.
“This security video was released to the public this morning for the first time since the event…”
Nathalie watched in subdued horror as she and Gabriel danced romantically in the center of the room. Her magnificent dress made her the jewel of everyone’s eye, and now all of Paris watched as Gabriel led her out onto the balcony, pinned her against the railing, and confessed his love for her. Thank goodness the wind was too snappy to pick up most of their words.
“It looks like the famed fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste, has found himself a new love interest! The woman in question? None other than his own personal assistant, Nathalie Sancoeur!” Nadja announced.
Nathalie’s heart sank as she watched the video recollect the awful scenes following. She was thankful that she had been able to stop Gabriel from murdering that man. That would’ve looked wonderful on the news. Nadja Chamack would’ve eaten it up so fast, she probably would’ve choked on it!
As the clip ended with their abrupt departure from the gala, the anchorwoman spoke up again.
“Look out Paris,” Nadja warned. “This man is crazy in love!”
Nathalie turned her head to look at Gabriel wide-eyed.
“Gabriel?” she asked, her voice sounding much unlike its regular tone. Her silver phone was clutched tightly in her hand, and her mouth hung slightly agape.

(Oof, that's long…)


Gabriel sat in silence as he watched the past two nights ravel in front of him on TV for all of Paris to see. He slid off the bed and found his phone, dialed a series of numbers and waited. "Yes? Is there Paris news station? Yes this is he, take that footage off. NOW. You have no right into my personal life or hers. ….ha you want to know if it's true?! Well to satisfy your hunger for news…yes yes it is true. Get out of my life now." With a few more words he hung up the phone and sat at the edge of his bed. "I'm sorry for that, for all of this," waving a hand to the TV. Sighing, he clicked it off and flopped back onto the bed "Gabriel needs a ride I'm guessing?" Glancing at the phone in her hand "I'll take him, you rest."

Deleted user

(Adrien? Lol)

"No, please. I need something to do. I'll take him," Nathalie replied quickly. She got out of the bed and hurried from the room. She paused in the threshold of the door and looked back at Gabriel. "Thank you for clearing things up."


(ah yeah not Gabriel)
He glanced up and smiled weakly "I'm not sure I cleared anything up love, I probably just made them worse." He sighed and got up "I'll come with you, I need to get out of the house."

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"No," she insisted. "You're still weak from the fight. Please, sir- Gabriel. I promise I'll come right home." She checked the time briefly. Adrien ought to be ready by now.


He glanced down "alright, if Adrien wants to be dropped off at his friends house it's fine." He hesitated for a bit "please, be home right after….I love you." He laid back on the bed

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Nathalie brushed her hair behind her ear and nodded quickly, turning slightly pink. "I love you too, Gabriel," she replied softly. It felt strange, saying it aloud. Was it just her? It probably was. She turned and went out into the foyer to wait for Adrien.

(Heads up, my next post is gonna be kinda really very long.)


(that's fine! It gives the story detail!)
He sighed, a bit surprised that she said it back to him. He was sure she would want nothing to do with him after their love outbreak on TV, maybe things would work out.