forum Miraculous Ladybug - One-on-one (CLOSED)
Started by Deleted user

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He shook his head "I wouldn't let you." He intertwined his fingers with hers "I would much rather die than see you waste your life for somone like me. I made that mistake once, I'm not doing it again."he looked into her eyes, wishing he could hold her closer, but not knowing if she wanted that. He looked down at their hands and smiled to himself

Deleted user

“What do you mean that you made that mistake once?” Nathalie asked, her thoughts immediately thinking of one person. She quickly cursed herself for asking and averted his gaze.


She saw her face change after she asked the question "it's ok, I've learned that even if…if she's not with us here," he gestured around the room "that she'll always be here." He pointed to his heart. "And I see her everyday in Adrien. That's all I need to know that it's ok to move on. She wouldnt want us to sulk for he sake, she'd want us to celebrate her and what she did for us." He smiled and sent a small prayer to his late wife in thanks and gratutude

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Nathalie nodded. She still felt slightly unsettled, thinking about Emilie. “I should go…” she whispered, shifting slightly. She felt herself blush intensely.


He instinctively tightened his grip on her hand "stay, I'm sorry for making this uncomfortable. I just don't want you to get hurt using Duuru." he looked at her pleadingly "please stay."

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Her eyes widened and her heart leapt. “A-Alright,” she stammered, taken aback by this. “I will.”


He released an unknown breath and laid back "why are you nervous?" he could feel her pulse as he idly stroked her wrist

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She tried to control her breathing. “I… I’m trying to figure out why it’s me that you love, when there are so many others you could choose. Why me?”


He looked at her, truly looked at her. "Because everyone else out there," pointing towards the window "they aren't you. they're fakes, imposters, non-genuine. They're like Audrey, fake, and utterly ridiculous." he smiled as he quoted the fashionista. "When you find someone that's not like them, you keep them close, as close as possible."

Deleted user

“But, I…” Words failed her once again. She just looked helplessly at him.

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”My dear…”
She gasped and jerked closer to him.
”A dance?”
Nathalie realized what she’d done and flushed instantly. “I-I’m sorry, sir. I mean, Gabriel. I…” she stammered.


Shock entered his face as she jerked towards him "No it's me who should apologize, I forgot you didn't like being called that, I'm sorry." He slipped his other hand around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. He won't hurt you again. I promise." he whispered

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Nathalie found herself safe in his arms again. She sighed and relaxed against him. You don’t know that. There’s so much about me that you don’t know. “Thank you, for everything, Gabriel,” she murmured quietly.


"He released a strained breath and relaxed "I haven't done anything. I don't deserve your thanks, love. Heck, I don't deserve you." He glanced down at her "You deserve better."

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Nathalie shook her head. “You deserve more of my thanks than I can possibly give,” she replied, looking up at him.


He stroked her arm, an all too familiar scene popped in his head "You don't happen to know where Andre is at this time do you?" He smiled lightly and kissed her head

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Nathalie remembered as well and blushed softly. “No…” she whispered.


"hm, maybe next time." he smiled again and closed his eyes, content and happy. Something he hasn't been in a while.

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Nathalie inched forward so she could rest her forehead on his. If anything, she was glad that she could make him happy.


he kissed her cheek and set his glasses on the night table "again, you're welcome to stay if you'd like." he dimmed the lights down

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“I thought that you didn’t want me to leave,” she mumbled.


"I don't, but I also don't want you to be uncomfortable." He layed his head on the pillow, not wanting to miss a second with her but giving into sleep

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"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," she assured him, smiling gently as she saw his eyes close for sleep.