forum Just craving a werewolf x human thing? (Closed)
Started by @gracehustle

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Sure.” Frankie gave a small shrug. ”I’d be glad to teach you. It's kind of a passive way of hunting, until you actually catch something. You any good at tying knots? That’s a pretty important part of making them.” he told her sitting up a little more.


She shook her head and laughed, "I'm not the best, though I haven't practiced tying knots since I learned how to tie my shoes." She did want to learn though and if she needed to learn how to tie knots to do that then she would.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”That’s fine. I can teach you that too.” Frankie smiled at her laugh, finding he liked the sound. ”I don’t have to teach you all of them, just the important ones if you want.” he offered. When he was younger he had tried to teach his sister some of the things he learned from being a scout but because she had a different passion then he did, not all of the lessons stuck.


Selina nodded, smiling as she replied, "I want to learn all I can, but if you only teach me the basics, that works too." It really did interest her just talking about it, plus it seemed like a useful skill to learn. She just hoped that Frankie would agree to want to spend time with her and teach her.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie's smile widened at her willingness to learn. ”We can start with the basics and see how things go from there.” he suggested. ”Ya know I heard this old saying; when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Is there anything else you’d like me to teach you?” he chuckled.


Her eyes lit up and her smile grew, having so many things she wanted to learn but knowing she shouldn't overwhelm him with questions, "I do, but lets stick to the snares and knots right now."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Alright.” Frankie nodded happily. Maybe he would stay the whole summer here. He really didn't mind the idea… especially if it meant spending more time with Selina. He could go to the main building and call home to let his family know about the change…


She nodded, thinking about everything she wanted to know and then about asking her Alpha about going to the city in a few day with Frankie. It would be a few more fun days if she was able to go with before Frankie would probably move to the next park.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Would she mind if he stayed that long? Technically he wasn't on pack territory anymore. But he didn't want to overstep his welcome or annoy her. At the same time he knew he should ask first… He just couldn't make the words come out. It might be a little much or a little soon. ”W-when do you want to start?” he asked a little hesitantly.


"Whenever you want to teach me," She replied, not really noticing his hesitation as she smiled, "I mean, I would say after we get back from the city, but you'll probably be onto the next park by then so whenever." Selina did want him to stay, but she didn't want to pester him and keep him from his plans all summer or even for a few more days.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

He matched her smile and nodded. ”I could teach you a little more about swimming now if you’d like. Since we’re already here.” he offered with a small shrug before he realized what she said. ”I don’t have to go anytime soon. When are we going to the city together?”


Her smile grew and she nodded, not going to turn down learning how to swim better. "But I don't want you to waste time here if you want to get to as many parks as you can this summer," She said, shrugging, "We're going to visit the city in a few days remember? I just have to ask Alpha if it would be alright."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”I don't think this would be a waste of time. I’d be happy to stay and teach you.” He smiled as he stood up. ”Besides Cora and even my dad, on occasion, say I need to spend more time with friends.” he told her, offering his hand to help her up. ”I hope your Alpha says yes. It'll be fun to show you around the sights of the city.”


"It's up to you whether you want to stay or not, just know that I'll always be here to bug you," She replied, taking his hand and getting to her feet as well with a smile, "He should say yes, we haven't had anything to worry about security wise around our territory so he'll probably let me take a break for a little while."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie smiled as she took his hand. ”Would you mind if I decided to stay longer?” he asked, figuring he should ask her permission since this was her home and she was in charge. ”That sounds great.” he smiled brighter. ”Is there anything you would like to see in the city first?”


She shook her head, her smile growing, "No, I wouldn't mind and as long as you're technically off pack lands, Alpha won't care either." If she was Alpha ever, she would immediately say he could stay for as long as he wanted on their land. It was unlikely that she would take over the position anytime soon though, which just meant he had to stay off the territory.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie couldn't stop smiling when she said that. He could stay! Granted, she already agreed to him staying another week but now he could stay longer. ”Thank you.” he nodded eagerly. ”I’ll do my best to stay off pack lands.” Words didn't do justice for how thankful he really was… So without thinking, he pulled her into a strong hug. Once he realized that she probably wouldn't appreciate it; he quickly let go, blushing furiously. ”Sorry.”


Selina just laughed and nodded, freezing slightly when he pulled her into a hug but quickly wrapping her arms around him and hugging him back tightly. Her cheeks flushed when he let go and she dropped her arms, though seemed reluctant as she stepped back, "It's ok, maybe warn me a little next time though."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

His blush darkened when he saw her own flushed face. How could he be so stupid? He didn't want to ruin a friendship like this. Especially not so soon, when they were still getting to know each other… Wait a minute… She hugged him back! Did that mean she didn't mind? ”I… I’ll try to remember that.” he nodded, still embarrassed by his impulsive act. Maybe… Maybe a swim will help them cool off. ”You… Uh. You wanna another swimming lesson?” he asked.


"Sure," She replied, smiling at Frankie and ignoring her impulse to hug him again. It had felt nice, but she wasn't sure how he felt about her even with his blush even darker than her own. Maybe he liked her too, but she didn't want to ruin her time with him just because she acted on her feelings. "What are you going to teach me this time/'

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Uhh… Well, let’s just do some basic swimming, so I can see how you normally swim, and I’ll give you a few tips as we go.” He offered, still a little embarrassed by earlier but his face was slowly returning to its normal tan color.


Selina nodded, starting towards the water and trying to brace herself for how cold it was going to feel again, "Like how I swam before you helped me or what you taught me a little while ago?" Her face was returning to it's normal color as well, though much slower than Frankie's was.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie shrugged as he followed her into the water. “Just whatever feels natural, I guess. If you’re use to swimming a certain way, you don’t really want to change your natural comfort in the water.” He told her, before his lips twitched into a brief smirk. “Besides, I can always show you those moves again.”

Wait! Hold the phone! … Was that… did that sound flirty? Was I flirting?


His flirty comment didn't go over her head and her cheeks immediately flushed again as she got deeper into the water, though she did smirk and answer with a slightly flirty comment of her own, "I'll have to take you up on that offer." She didn't really think about what she was saying, not realizing until after the fact that she actually had just maybe admitted she liked him.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie’s face immediately turned red as a stop sign as she replied. Even his ears were burning this time. He still wasn’t sure if he had meant to be flirty earlier or not but… Hoo, boy. Did that mean she liked him? He quickly ducked under the surface, in some hope that the cold water would clear his head.