Lucien wrapped his free arm around Aki, closing his eyes. "Okay." he said softly, holding onto Aki's hand like it was a lifeline.
Lucien wrapped his free arm around Aki, closing his eyes. "Okay." he said softly, holding onto Aki's hand like it was a lifeline.
(Do we want to cure Lucien or wait a little? To like, when he's on his death bed?)
(death bed would be more dramatic/angsty…so death bed lol)
(Lol, that works. And to make it even angstier, maybe it takes time for the cure to kick in so Aki thinks he's dead?And he says his feelings or something like that?)
(yesssss perfect)
Aki had perfected it. It was ready to try and he hoped to the cards that everything would work out. That this plague would finally be over with. He sighed as he hurried to Lucien's room, taking a deep, trembling breath.
(gonna assume it's been a few days)
Lucien had gone downhill rather quickly. He was coughing and throwing up a black substance, breath rattling a little in his chest. He lay on his back, panting for breath. He wasn't doing well.
Aki burst in, before starting a little. "My apologies, Lucien." He mutters softly before hurrying to the others side. His hand gently grasps Lucien's. "You're going to be okay." He mutters softly, his eyes gentle. "I just need you to drink this." He holds up a small bottle with steaming purple liquid in it.
Lucien dragged his eyes to Aki, blinking slowly. "Bury me with René." He mumbled, voice cracking and exhausted. He reached out for the bottle with a slightly shaky hand.
"You're not dying." He replies sternly before his voice cracked. "Not you too…" He whispers, gently pouring the contents down the princes throat. Once every drop was gone he pulled away, clutching tightly to Lucien's hands. "Please let it work…. please…"
Lucien's body was shaking a little. In just the short time since he had contracted the disease, he had gotten so much worse. He had lost weight from the constant vomiting, and his hair was tangled and uncombed. His breathing was shallow, and he stared at the ceiling.
Aki's breathing was labored, his eyes wide as he waited for the potion to take affect. "Please…" He whispered, his voice trembling. "I can't lose you…" He whispers. "The kingdom can't lose you."
Lucien stopped shaking, but his breathing turned even shallower, strained and rasping.
Aki's eyes widen before looking down. "Please…" He whispers, clutching tightly to Lucien's hands.
Lucien didn't move, his eyes now closed. His breathing turned even shallower, until it was hardly there. Until he wasn't hardly breathing.
Aki's eyes widen before he breathes out sharply, tears falling. "No-no please… Please… It had to work… Lucien please!"
Lucien didn't move. His chest remained only barely rising and falling with his shallow, nearly non-existent breaths.
Aki sobs, his head resting on the bed. "I'm so sorry…" He cries, the tears falling. "I failed you… I failed everyone…" He whimpered. "I-I love you…" He whispers, his eyes shutting. "If ever a time… I… I'm sorry…" He whispers, clutching tightly to his hand.
Lucien's hand twitched very slightly in Aki's, and his breathing slowly, slowly began to even out and deepen, so slowly that it was almost unnoticeable.
"I know… I know it won't ever be possible… But…" He sighed quietly, "I…" He looked down. "I…" He squeezed his hands and sobbed softly. "Please come back to me…" He whimpered.
Lucien opened his eyes a tiny bit, breathing deepening again. "A…ki?" He said slowly, soft as a breath. "Don't…cry." he squeezed the other male's hand gently.
Aki looked up, his eyes widening. "P-prince Lucien…" He bowed his head a little. "I-I'm sorry… You're alive! You're alive!" He looked happy. "I apologize for my behavior." He suddenly look downcast.
Lucien coughed softly, a faint smile twitching at his mouth. "No apologies… necessary." He said slowly, through labored, slow breaths.
He glances at the other. "You're… you're not mad…?" He whispers, clutching onto Lucien's hand tightly.
"At…?" Lucien trailed off, looking at him through bleary eyes. "What you said? I…I think I love you too." he mumbled.
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