(So it starts with the red eyes, rashes, soar throat, then it progresses to migraines, irritation, black throw up which has a consistency of watered down tar, and so on. It get's pretty gruesome. I used it in one of my stories)
Aki smiled in reply before standing slowly. "I'll get back to work." He smiled before looking up at the other. "Please rest… I'll be back soon."
(yikes. Okay thanks. I'm assuming a fever, too? Possibly a touch of delirium-ish?)
Lucien nodded, and picked up a book from his bedside table. "Okay." he said softly. "Good luck."
Aki bowed before hurrying off, wanting to find a cure as soon as possible. This time. It wasn't his master, it was the kingdom he had to save.
Lucien noticed the bow, and wondered what it meant. Had the kiss been overboard? Damn. It probably was. Probably the bow was meant to reinforce the fact that no matter what Lucien's feelings might or might not be, Aki wasn't interested. It was just professional, nothing more. Lucien knew that that was for the best.
Aki was always formal with people of higher rank then his own. He was always nervous that he would get yelled at. But that bow was a promise that he would work hard. He gingerly touched his forehead, smiling a little at the kiss. Maybe it meant nothing- maybe Lucien meant it as an assurance. He wasn't sure. But he knew that the prince wasn't allowed to marry a commoner, much less a man, like himself. It was against the kingdoms rules.
Lucien groaned softly. This is just going in circles. Just read your book, Lucien. He cracked open the book, and started to read again.
Aki got back to work, making sure to work harder this time. He was sure he was getting close. He was almost there. He just needed a few more things. Maybe try that there and take that out…
Lucien coughed again, but kept reading his book. He pulled the blanket up over himself, curling up.
He sighed as he worked, feeling exhausted but not willing to stop, and not willing to take a break. He needed more time. He needed to work harder.
Lucien shifted, and eventually put the book away and fell asleep.
(sure. Want me to do it, or do you want to?)
(Could you please? Possibly a few days later?)
It had been a few days, and Lucien's health was declining. He didn't leave his bed much anymore; he wasn't yet throwing up, but he was having headaches that were gradually getting worse, and a growing fever, along with irritation at pretty much everything.
Aki was still working, only taking short power naps to get him through the days. He barely ate, only needing the bare necessities. He tested the potion again and again, somehow always messing up. There must be something missing. But what? He was so desperate to find a cure… He sighed and stretched, going to Lucien's room. H needed to help the other with his medications.
Lucien was half-asleep, laying on his back. His father had only been to see him a few times; the king was being kept well away from his son so that the king wouldn't be infected too. Lucien knew that, but…he still wondered if he was going to die like this. Alone in his room.
Aki took a deep breath before relaxing. He knocks softly and enters. "Lucien?" He calls quietly. He walks to the Princes side. He took in the sleeping princes figure and sighed softly. Stupid Aki… You can't fall on love with the prince. He would never love you… Not when you're a commoner and you're… You're not a girl. He sighed. But still…
Lucien opened his eyes sleepily at Aki's voice, and rolled onto his side to look at the door. "Hey." he greeted. His voice was hoarse, and soft, from the constant soar throat and coughing. He rubbed a hand over his face. His hair was tangled and messy, the braids starting to fall out.
Aki starts when the other spoke and smiles a little bit. "Hey…" He sighed quietly and brushed his hair from his face. "Sleep well?" He asks gently before his hands wander to the loosening braids. He braids them again before glancing at Lucien. "How do you feel?"
Lucien blinked tiredly, looking up at him. "I slept fine." he replied. He shrugged, the corner of his mouth twitching in a tiny smile. "I feel like shit, but…" he shrugged again, shaking his head a little. He enjoyed the feeling of Aki's hands in his hair, braiding it, and wished he could ask the other male to stay. But he knew he shouldn't.
Aki smiled a little at the other. "That's good…" He muttered, his eyes concerned. "I… I think I found a cure… I'm waiting for it to finish. But it's almost there." He sighed and ran his hand through Lucien's hair. He felt his forehead before taking his pulse. "So… I think… I think it'll work."
Lucien nodded a little. "Alright." he replied quietly. "Thank you for everything. Whether or not you've got the cure right this time, thank you for everything." he coughed again, curling a little as he covered his mouth with his elbow, body shaking a little.
He nods slowly, his eyes soft. "Yes. Of course." He murmured. He looks at the other in concern, his eyes gentle and his hand going to gently take Lucien's. "Just hang on a little longer…" He muttered softly.
Lucien cleared his throat softly, looking up at Aki. He nodded a little. "I'll try…" he trailed off, looking around the room. "If i die, I don't want to die alone." he said suddenly, not looking at the other male. "I-I don't want to be alone."
Aki gently took Lucien's hand, his eyes soft. "Don't worry. You're not going to die. I promise." He whispered, clutching his hand tightly. "It's okay. It's okay." He soothed, his free hand going to smoothe down Lucien's hair. "You're going to live."