forum In Fair Verona // Modern Romeo and Juliet // Private RP - CLOSED
Started by @blue_topaz

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Marina raised a finger to her lips, eyes glittering with mischief as she took careful aim and launched a crumpled up piece of paper at the back of our teacher’s head. He whipped around, beady little eyes scanning for the offender, but by then, we’d all ducked our heads over worksheets and were protebeding to be productive. Quiet snickers rippled through the classroom, but besides that, we were silent.

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I was bored out of my mind, sitting next to Mercutio. I desperately wanted something— anything to happen to get out of this godforsaken class. It seemed at my whim the ancient loudspeaker cracked into life with a static flair.

“Romeo Montague, please come down to the office.”

I grinned, getting to my feet. “Good luck.” I grinned at Mercutio, swaggering our of the room.


Marina and I both lifted our heads the moment we heard the name ‘Romeo Montague’, though for vastly different reasons. Snickering quietly, my best friend leaned close to my ear. “I bet his daddy heard about his pining for you~”

I barely managed to plaster a vaguely amused expression onto my face, my hands balling themselves into fists. Shit.

“Yeah… tell you what, I’m going to see if I can get some footage,” I whispered back, lying through my teeth. “Stay here.”

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Okay, so things were going well. I figured coach had called me to the office, maybe asking me to do some attend type stuff for the next game. But instead my parents were sitting there, speaking in hushed tones with Benvolio. I’m so screwed.


Marina gave me a pointed look. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? What if they see you? Then you’re pretty much as good as dead.”

I lifted my shoulders, rising to my feet. “I’m already as good as dead. Might as well make it worse.”

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Fear made my hands clammy as I dragged myself into the office. “Romeo.” Benvolio clasped me on the shoulder, moving me in front of my parents.

“Is it true Juliet Capulet was the one who injured you?” I never hated Benvolio more than I did at this moment. His upturned nose and pompous tone made me want to deck him.


I slipped from the washroom under the pretense that I was ‘getting a drink’, hands shoved into the pockets of my sweater so that no one could see them tremble. There was a very convenient fountain right outside the front office, which I made a beeline for, tying to catch a glimpse of what was happening inside.

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“I mean… well, yeah.” I chewed my lip to shreds, making direct eye contact with my mother as her gaze bore into me. I self consciously traced the scar on the side of my head.


I couldn’t quite see anything from my current angle, so I shifted sideways a little and peered through my curtain of dark hair at the door to the office, still pretending to get a drink.

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“You let a Capulet get the best of you?” Rafael hissed, getting to his feet. I squirmed out of Benvolio’s grip, backing up nervously.

“Sir, it’s not as bad as you think! I…” I tried desperately to think of a way out of this situation.

Meanwhile… Mercutio’s POV

I left class to check on Romeo after five minutes, responding to my instincts telling me something was wrong. I spotted Juliet spying at the fountain and leaned against the wall next to her. “Back off Capulet.”


I straightened my back, raising an eyebrow at him. “From what? Jesus, I’m literally taking a drink.” Lying straight through my teeth, I brushing a stray long of hair from my eyes.

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“Good one.” I snorted, glaring at Juliet. “How about you leave right now before I eat you out to every Montague in that room?” I threatened, casually examining my nails. Romeo was now backed up against the wall, his eyes on his parents. I pitied him, but not enough to risk my life intervening.


“I’m drinking water. Jesus. I know you want me to die, but even this is a little much,” I scoffed, leaning back against the wall in order to sneak a glance at the office.

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“I’ll give you ten more seconds, Capulet.” My gaze hardened as Romeo suddenly yelped in pain. I looked up to see Benvolio gripping him by the cast, a red handprint on Romeo’s cheek. I bit my lip anxiously.


(I just saw a tumblr post on Instagram…

Mercutio: Romeo, mah Bromeo, I love you man, but no homeo

Romeo: Bruh)

My eyes cut straight to the office door, my breath catching in my throat as I took in the scene. For a split second, my true emotions were practically written across my face.


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(Lmao that sounds about right XD)

I froze. Seeing this happen to Romeo was the worst. But things continued to spiral downhill as Benvolio’s shrill yell could be heard through the door. “Mercutio! Get in here! Bring the girl with you!”


My blood turned to ice. For a moment, I was frozen to the spot, my round, terrified eyes seeking out Mercutio’s. I need to get out. But he was too close to me—if I tried to run, he’d catch me. So I raised my hands and began to take slow steps backwards, not daring to breathe.


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“This is your own fault.” I grumbled, grabbing Juliet by the arm. I forced myself to walk over to the door, Romeo’s whimpers becoming louder with each step.



(How’re you?)

Panic flooded my body, but the more I struggled, the tighter Mercutio’s grip became. Finally, I was forced into the office, only to hear the door shut and lock behind me.


Juliet hadn’t returned to class yet. With each passing minute she was absent, my anxiety only rose, until I was fearfully glancing up at the clock every few seconds.

A few minutes later, I gave up, caving in to temptation and leaving the classroom to ‘use the wahsroom’.

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((Good! I just woke up so half asleep still. How’re you today?))

Romeo’s POV

My heart stopped as Mercutio and Juliet entered the room. Benvolio has my broken arm twisted behind my back, sending sharp pains surging through me every second. I gave Mercutio the most betrayed look I could muster without collapsing, but he simply mouthed the words ”This is for your own good.”

“Well, if it isn’t the Capulet in question?” Rafael stood up, a sick look of amusement on his face.


(Same, oof
Anything exciting happening for you today?)

I finally managed to wrench my arm away from Mercutio’s iron grip and backed up against the door, instinctively raising my fists. My eyes darted across the room, bouncing from person to person, searching for a way out—until they clashed with Romeo’s.

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“You let her attack you?” Rafael’s voice dripped with venom. “That is nothing short of disgraceful.”

I frantically looked at Juliet, my vision hazy with pain. Her eyes locked with mine and I felt everything slow down for a moment. The pain ebbing away for a split second. I managed to mouth the words: ”I’m sorry.” before Benvolio, yanked my arm, eliciting another scream from my lips.

((Nothing really, but I’m excited to have a lazy day for once😁))


I almost cried out to him before remembering who I was with. Swallowing hard, I pushed my violently shaking hands through my hair, trying to calm down, trying to think as my heart hammered wildly in my chest, flooding my brain with terror.

My hand fumbled for the doorknob, tried to turn it, but it wouldn’t move, so I fixed my eyes on Mercutio, forcing them to burn and smoulder with all the rage I could muster.

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Rafael moved towards Juliet, something sinster sparkling in his eyes. I sunk to my knees, trying not to cry. She didn’t deserve this. It was all my fault. And now I had doomed ya both.