@Rvan group
“Excuse me? Nothing?” She narrowed her eyes little as she stared at Gabe, “If you’re in it for the sex I can point you towards a much better candidate than him.”
“Excuse me? Nothing?” She narrowed her eyes little as she stared at Gabe, “If you’re in it for the sex I can point you towards a much better candidate than him.”
"I don't need it, sorry," Gabe mumbled, turning and starting to walk down the stairs.
“Wait. I never said you could leave,” Angelica said coldly, walking after him and grabbing his shoulder. “Why are you living in Lucifer’s palace?” She asked, the icy tone not leaving her voice.
"I'm not," Gabe said, turning sharply. It wasn't a lie, after all, he was going to an apartment farther out just today. His anger was starting to grow, although he knew he could probably keep a cap on it.
Angelica paused for a second, before a smile appeared on her cherry red lips. “Oh, I see,” She spun around, beginning to walk away in the other direction, “I’ll see you later, little pet. We should go out for dinner sometime~” She waved her hand over her shoulder as she walked away.
((i am very much liking this drama with angelica and gabe lmao))
Gabe shook his head behind her back with a small sigh, and continued walking down the stairs, seeing Lucifer at the bottom and looking up at him.
(Ikr, I’m really excited for how this will play out)
Lucifer tapped his foot until Gabe finally came into view. He smiled, “I already got a cab. I’m sure you’ll like the apartment.” Lucifer moved to hold open the door for Gabe, which revealed a cab that looked more similar to a limousine.
((abby can wait until later so we always have something to keep the plot going))
"Thank you," Gabe said with a small smile, Angelica still taking up a small portion of his mind as he got in the limousine. He didn't want to think about her, he wanted to not even care. But he did care, and a lot. He didn't like her or anything of the sort, but she was like a mosquito that you could never quite catch.
(Oh yeah, I was curious when she would come into the plot lol (also let me know if I like take over the plot or anything cause sometimes I do that without realizing, big oof (I just always try to keep something interesting happening, you know?)))
Lucifer slid in the limousine next to Gabe and closed the door behind him. A demon was driving the limo, and Lucifer had already informed him of where to go so as soon and Lucifer and Gabe were buckled the demon started driving. Lucifer looked to Gabe, a bit of sadness hinted in his eyes as he said softly, “I wish you could stay in the palace with me.”
((oh no, you're doing amazing supplying ideas! keep it up! :))
"Me too," Gabe replied in the same soft tone, sighing a little bit. "But you're right. Angelica could get…bad."
(Aww thanks!)
“Yeah,” Lucifer frowned a little. Whenever Angelica came to the palace, it seemed she brought bad luck. Lucifer scooted a little closer to Gabe, “I’m sorry about her. She’ll probably be back to heaven soon, and then things can go back to normal.” Hopefully. Lucifer knew that she liked to stay in hell quite a bit so she could hide her ill intentions from God. He hoped one day Angelica would slip up, and the Lord would know the truth.
"She talked to me before I came down," Gabe admitted, looking out the window for a moment.
Lucifer didn’t realize what he was doing in time to put himself in check, but his hands flew to Gabe’s arms and grabbed him gently, “Are you okay? Did she hurt you?” He asked, a tiny hint of fear in his voice. Then he quickly sat back and let go of Gabe’s, mumbling, “I- Sorry.” He could help wanting to hold Gabe, to protect him. Especially with Angelica here.
"It's okay," Gabe said with a small smile, looking up at him. "She didn't hurt me at all." This was a sort of lie. Angelica hadn't actually hurt him, but he was still greatly bothered whenever he thought of her. "She asked me why I was living here with you, and I said I wasn't, and then she just walked away. She called me 'pet' though."
“Angelica likes to play a lot of mind games. Hopefully she won’t do you any harm,” Lucifer told him, a huge part of him wishing he could just hold Gabe against his chest but the other part of him thinking that probably wasn’t wanted. After what had happened… He didn’t quite know what Gabe thought of him anymore. “I’ll try to get her mind off you, maybe she’ll even forget about you.”
"She might…she might ask you about me," Gabe told him, brushing a curl out of his face. "I want you to send her to me instead of you having to deal with it."
“I- I couldn’t do that.” Just thinking about sending Angelica to Gabe caused a sick feeling in Lucifer’s stomach. “Angelica could- she can do horrible things that I don’t want her to do to you because-“ Lucifer bit his lip, worry in his eyes.
"Please. Just do it." Gabe sighed softly. "I don't want you to worry about her anymore." This is a bad idea. You hate her. Why are you doing this??
“I’ll always have to worry about her,” Lucifer sighed, “I don’t want her to hurt you, Gabe. That’s worse than whatever she can do to me.” He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. “Just- If I’m going to send her to you, you have to promise me one thing.”
"Yeah?" Gabe asked, fiddling with his fingers. "What is it?"
Lucifer took Gabe’s hand, sighing to himself. “Don’t ever let her corner you in a room alone. Please.” Lucifer could feel the car stopping, but he didn’t want to let go of Gabe even though he knew he had to.
Gabe lifted his head in agreement. "I won't. Promise." He didn't want to go either, although he knew he had to.
Lucifer looked into Gabe’s perfect eyes, a whisper escaping him before he could stop it, “Can I kiss you, before you go?”
Gabe nodded, his voice the same whisper. "Of course."
Lucifer gently wrapped his arms around Gabe, his lips meeting the mortal’s softly. It wasn’t even a second before Lucifer unbuckled himself so he could kiss Gabe better. If Lucifer was a drought, Gabe’s lips were rain.
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