forum I'm Sorry, It's Not Your Problem// O/O // gAy // OPen
Started by @bubblegum

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"Abby never liked me, though. I was stupid," Gabe told her in a tense voice, his eyes darting anywhere but her face. He wanted to end this conversation now.

@Rvan group

“Yet when I tell you Lucifer doesn’t like you, you don’t seem to believe me even though the parallels are impeccable.” Angelica picked at her nails, sighing, “Lucifer’s a lot more similar to Abby than you think, Gabriel. The only difference is this time you have someone trying to warn you.”


"I had myself to warn me last time," Gabe told her, eventually making eye contact for a couple of seconds. "I just didn't listen."

@Rvan group

“So are you going to listen this time? Or would you rather have another Abby just stab you through the chest again?” Angelica raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with something that could be called vigor.


"Lucifer isn't Abby. Nothing like her," Gabe told her, holding his head up. "I'm not going to listen. If I couldn't even listen to myself, how could I listen to you?"

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“Sure. And you’ve only known him for what, a couple weeks? I’ve known him since the beginning of time, I know what he likes to do to people. How he likes to use them,” Angelica responded to the first part before answering Gabe’s question, “Because maybe you changed. Isn’t that always what you hoped Abby would do? Change?” Angelica asked as a waiter came up, and she ordered a salad and a bloody mary.


Gabe simply ordered a salad, turning back to Angelina. There were marks on the bed of his thumb and and his palm from where he had dug his nails into them - to keep from lunging at Angelica. He really wanted to punch her. "Abby wasn't anything like me either. The opposite. Like you are to Lucifer."

@Rvan group

“Oh really? So Lucifer painted me as abusive?” Angelica laughed, waving a hand nonchalantly in the air, “Let me guess, he told you I’m holding his sister captive too?”

@Rvan group

“It’s a lie he says all the time, hon. He’s not very creative,” Angelica let out a light laugh, but she was getting bored with dancing around Gabe and spinning lies like spider’s spun webs.


And the thing was, Gabe knew they were lies. He might have believed one or two of them for a couple of seconds, Angelica's presence making his mind hazier than it already was, but he knew they were lies. Even in the couple weeks he'd been in hell, he had gotten to know Lucifer pretty well, and something in him knew that he wouldn't do what Angelica said he did.

@Rvan group

The waiter brought out their salads and Angelica’s bloody mary, and Angelica’s fake smile slowly turned into a frown. “So I suppose you’re still madly in love with Lucifer, hmm?”


"Madly - what? Yeah, I love him, but I'm not madly in love with him," Gabe told her, denouncing whatever mind game she had planned on the spot.

@Rvan group

“Madly in love, in love, whatever you want to call it,” Angelica rolled her eyes, “And I suppose you care for his well-being? Like you wouldn’t want him to die or get hurt or anything, right?”


"No. I wouldn't want anyone to die or get hurt without good reason," Gabe told her, raising an eyebrow. She was setting something up.

@Rvan group

“Well, games aside, I’d like to inform you that you happen to hold Lucifer’s fate in you hands. Poetic, isn’t it?” But even as she said that, Angelica’s former smile was now gone. She meant business. “Have you wondered what Lucifer’s been up to this past week? Even just a little bit?”


"I gathered. From what you usually do," Gabe answered, everything Lucifer told him about Angelica flashing through his mind.

@Rvan group

“Ah, so you know all about the basement? How pain is channeled into controlling hell, it gives the demons power—they’d riot if not.” Angelica shrugged, eating a bite of her salad. “I’ve been torturing Lucifer there day and night. I assume you’d want to stop that?”


Gabe raised an eyebrow, debating whether or not she was lying. Probably…but he didn't want to risk it either way. "I would. Why do you ask?"

@Rvan group

“Well, I’m here to make a deal with you,” Angelica looked him in the eyes, “And I don’t break deals. I want you to tell him you hate him, then move as far away from his palace again. Then I’ll stop torturing him. Or, of course, you could just stay here and continue on with your little fairytale. And I can keep hurting him.” Angelica waved her hand nonchalantly, taking another bite of her salad. “Up to you.”


Gabe's eyes widened, and he shook his head. "Absolutely not." It had to be a lie. He knew it. She had probably never told a single truth in her life.

@Rvan group

“Alright then. Just know that his bloodshed is on your hands, not mine.” Angelica shrugged, going back to eating her salad.

@Rvan group

“Eh.” Angelica shrugged, “It’s easier to give Lucifer emotional pain that way -much less work on my part- rather than my plan B, but both work just as well. But at least plan B lasts longer. ” She took another bite of her salad, smiling a little.