forum I'm Sorry, It's Not Your Problem// O/O // gAy // OPen
Started by @bubblegum

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Gabe did the same, unconciously leaning into him. He needed something to lean on, something that his heart (if not his brain) knew would be safe. He needed it.

@Rvan group

Lucfier’s hands slowly -cautiously- made their way to Gabe’s hair. He ran his finger over Gabe’s head, kissing him more. He didn’t know when the next time he’d see Gabe again, a with Angelica around… Lucifer wanted the moment to last.


Gabe let him, not wanting to pull away. He knew they were close to the house, and he would have to leave soon, but he didn't want to. He wanted to stay here, with Lucifer, forever.

@Rvan group

Lucifer’s kiss slowly became more desperate. He felt like the clock was ticking down for him and Gabe. What if they never saw each other again? What if Angelica finally went through with what she promised to do? As each thought swirl in his mind, Lucifer’s hands trailed over Gabe’s back and down to his waist.


Gabe could feel the car slowing, but didn't slow the kiss. His own self-confidence told him that he would see Lucifer again, no matter the cost, but he knew Lucifer didn't know that. So he kept kissing him, as if it was the last time he ever would.

@Rvan group

Lucifer reluctantly pulled his lips away, but froze for a moment to take Gabe in. To memorize his smell, memorize his warmth, memorize everything. “I love you,” He whispered, his voice weak as if he’d been crying even though he hadn’t.


"I love you too," Gabe whispered in the same tone, his eyes darting over Lucifer's face - he knew he would revisit the picture in his mind palace later on.

@Rvan group

The demon driver—who had since gotten out of the car when they stopped—opened the limo door for them as if he had sensed their moment coming to a close. Lucifer made himself pull away and look out the door, and upon noticing many people filling the streets he sighed. “I don’t think I should walk up with you since there are so many eyes out, but your room number is 32, it’s on the top floor. I’ll have him make sure you get there okay.” Lucifer jerked his head at the limo driver, who hardly reacted.

@Rvan group

Everything in Lucifer wanted him to just get out of the car and kiss Gabe one more time, but he forced himself to sit back down as the limo driver closed the door.
For the most part, the demon looked completely normal. Except for the grayish-blue horns peeking out from his skull. He had a name tag on that was written in a script unreadable to most humans. “Right this way, master Gabe,” The demon said in a low, gritty voice and he led Gabe into the clean-looking apartment complex.


Gabe nodded, following him down the hallway. He wasn't used to being called anything like 'master', but he didn't say anything either.

@Rvan group

The demon took Gabe to and elevator, then they arrived on the top floor. The hallway looked spotless and beautiful antique vases lined the hall next to every room. It wasn’t long before they came upon room 32, and the demon produced a key from his pocket and opened the door. Inside, it revealed a large sitting room, with doors that presumably branched of to the bathroom, the bedroom, the kitchen, et cetera. It was clear this apartment was made for the wealthier persons of hell, it seemed to be built for a prince. “Is there anything I shall acquire for you before I take his Majesty back to his palace?” The demon asked, also holding out the key for Gabe to take.

@Rvan group

The demon left Gabe to it, walking back to the elevator and returning to the limo to drive Lucifer back to the palace.


((A week seems about right))
Gabe was laying on his couch, his head resting against the arm and his feet just touching the other end. He was kind of bored - he had no reason to just waltz outside, and he couldn't contact Lucifer at any time.

@Rvan group

Angelica had been quite busy with Lucifer the past week, but she finally was getting a chance to visit someone she had been dying to get to know. Angelica was wearing a very short white dress that hung low on her chest, with her usual cherry red lipstick. She knocked on the door to room 32.


((literally the first thing I thought after reading that was 'angelica, you hoe'))
Gabe's eyes glanced up, and he swung himself off of the couch, walking over to the door. It was either Lucifer or Angelica. Lucifer or Angelica…And it's Angelica, he thought as he opened the door, a little part of him deflating.

@Rvan group

(XD lmao)
“Ah hello there, little pet,” She purred, not waiting for Gabe to invite her in as she strolled into the apartment, looking around. “It seems Lucifer wanted you pampered,” She said, examining the size of the apartment.

@Rvan group

Angelica perch herself on the arm of the chair, turning towards the mortal, “So how have you been, since Lucifer kicked you out of his palace?”

@Rvan group

“Oh I’ve been just lovely,” Angelica purred, a smile not unlike a cat’s appearing on her face, “Being down here with Lucifer has been quite entertaining.”


Gabe's face hardened, but not much and only for a second. It would take a lot more than that to get him angry. He didn't trust himself to say anything, though, so he simply remained silent.