Evan looked up and immediately he flipped them over, wrapped Fun's legs around his, and pulled him close. He began to pet his head, rub his back, and hum softly, having noticed the sick look on his face. "It's okay. Nothing is going to hurt you. I'm…sorry for the way my body reacted to you pinning me down. You're safe now. I love you, Master Fun, and I will never hurt you. Not intentionally and not without consent." He knew this was a very dom thing to say, but hey he was a switch. Who knew if Fun was too. "You are safe. In a loving home. You have a loving family, and me. A wonderful boyfriend who will try to give you the world on 10 golden platters if I have too." (He tends to only switch for other switches, so being a switch isn't a necessity)
Fun wrapped his arms tightly around Evan now, holding onto him tightly. He trembled a little, eyes squeezed shut.
"There… There was so many of them," he mumbled quietly. "They all… They all took turns…" Fun trembled even more, breaking down as the memories flooded his mind. He had tried so hard to fight them down these past two years, and now… They were all coming back at once.
"Shhh. But they aren't here now anymore. You're home. And safe,with me. Take some deep breaths Fun. Deeeep breaths." He began to sing softly as he rocked Fun back and fourth a bit, still rubbing his back and petting his hair. "Relax for me gaybe baby. It's okay."
Fun did his best to take deep breaths. It took a while, but eventually he started to calm down, to relax. He held Evan close, keeping his eyes closed. They weren't squeezed shut anymore, thankfully. He looked much more peaceful now.
"Thank you," he said softly.
"Don't thank me. I just want to help you be safe. That's all. It's okay now. You're alright." Luckily this mental breakdown had helped Evan's boner totally disappear, which made him pretty happy. He still continued to hold Fun tight, and pushed Fun's face into his neck. "Just breath me in and keep relaxing. Kiss me a bit too if you want. As long as you don't bite and keep the kisses light it won't turn me on."
Fun nodded a little when Evan pushed his head into Evan's neck. He continued to breathe deeply. He was hesitant to kiss Evan, even with the reassurances. He knew… He knew how easily someone could get turned on, even if they didn't want it. The body didn't know what the mind did, not when it came to that. Instead, he stayed close to Evan, just breathing. Just breathing.
"Could you warm me next time something like that happens? I… I know you can't control it, but… I just can't handle finding out like that."
Evan smiled softly as he held him close, happy to be here for Fun. Suddenly Mozart hopped off of the piano, got onto the couch, and sat right on Evan's head, and then. Farted. "OH MOZART YOU ASS! GET OFFFF!" He pushed his cat off and started coughing. "His are so baaaad. Rancid cat farts. Enough to kill a mouse, he doesn't even have to give chase."
Fun elected to keep his head buried in Evan's neck, his laughter muffled because of it.
"Mm, good thing I can't smell it from here," he mumbled. He wasn't going to let that stench get to his nose.
"It must be pretty bad." He finally pulled up, bringing Evan up with him away from the stench.
"MOZART COME BACK AND FART ON MY MASTER! Cmere kitty! I'll give you cheese for ultimate stinkage!" He crinkled a wrapper that was on the ground, hoping to lure his cat back. His cat, was having none of it as he headed downstairs to go use the litter box. Evan pouted and wiped at the tears in his eyes from the bad cat farts.
(funfact this is 100% A true actual thing that has happened to me because of my friend Shayna's cat. Never ever feed that cat turkey. It's worse than onions I swear.)
(god, it's just like my cat and donuts. Not a good mix 🤮)
"Hey!" Fun said, laughing quietly. "How dare you try to bribe your cat to fart on me." He shifted so he was the one holding Evan now, kissing his hand lightly. He wasn't going anywhere near Evan's head right at the moment.
"Absolute brat. Not that that a bad thing."
"I am not an absolute brat." He then grabbed Fun's face and kissed him, smiling slyly as he pulled away. "Haha deal with my stinky cat fart kisses!" He cried out with a wide grin, chuckling. He couldn't help himself, this was all just too fun for him.
Fun coughed, sputtering a little. He turned so he was pinning Evan again, holding his wrist.
"Well, now I've got the taste of cat ass in my mouth. And you could've fooled me, with that little stunt of yours. Brat." He growled the last word, a soft sound. It didn't seem angry, but that didn't mean it wasn't a little aggressive.
Evan flinched at Brat, as a memory flew through his mind. "L…let me go." H said quietly, beginning to make grabby hands for a hug. "I'm not a brat I'm a good boy." He was beginning to regress, as he whimpered and turned his face away, that confidence disappearing as quick as it had come.
Fun let go of Evan the moment he asked, giving him a hug. He sighed softly.
"You are a very good boy," he said softly, holding Evan close. "I'm sorry if I made you sad." He sat back up, Evan being gently pulled with him.
"You've been good, baby boy."
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to regress like that…" He said. It was just a brief moment, as he buried his face in. "I guess I hang around my sister too much. I'm normally not that…rude I don't know what came over me." He snuggled in, and grabbed his book, then handed Fun his.
"Hey, it's fine." Fun gratefully took the book, holding Evan close. "What happened happened, there's nothing rude about that." Fun opened his book, kissing Evan's cheek lightly as he started to read.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
(Gratefully too good book?) "No about my cat and…yeah I'm fine. Please be…careful. I've had a really rough sexual past as well…first 10 years of my life really…and so I have a lot of really sensitive triggers just like you." He said softly, as he put down the book.
(damnit. Fixed XD)
"Okay then. I'll be more careful, alright? And I'll make sure to keep note of anything that upsets you so it doesn't happen again." Fun put his book down as well, wrapped both arms lightly around Evan.
"I just want you to be safe."
"Safety is something easier said than done at this point,especially with my family." He sighed a bit and yawned,stretching a bit. "Naps are easier to get around here than safety." He nuzzled into Fun,and closed his eyes peacefully,entirely ready to fall asleep right then and there.
Fun was about to respond when he looked down and saw how close Evan was to falling asleep. He wrapped his arms a bit more around Evan, rubbing his back gently. Fun kissed Evan's head, keeping snuggled close. A nap sounded nice. He closed his eyes, close to sleep himself.
The pair passed out, and Evan woke up in little space to the sound of his siblings coming home. The door slammed open, making him jump and as they all took off their shoes and headed upstairs, he groaned and mumbled angrily about how "cute baby boys like me shouldn't be woken up from naps." His hair was messy and glasses askew as he continued to pout and hide in Fun's neck, letting out small whines of complaint.
Fun was startled awake by the door slamming open as well. He rubbed at one eye a little to wake up, rubbing Evan's back gently.
"Are you okay baby boy?" He asked. He reached up, running his fingers through Evan's hair to fix it up a little, fixing his glasses too.
"Uhuhs I'm okay." He said mumbling. "Jus' not happy…" He said in complaint. He rarely ever got good naps, since his family was so noisy, and someone was always up no matter the hour of night or day. "Can you carry me too my room? I need to be not toiny before I see my family." He said quietly.
"Okay then." Fun wrapped his arms around Evan, holding him close. He stood, carrying Evan with him. He kissed Evan's head again lightly, letting himself choose his eyes a moment before heading up to Evan's room.
"When you visit my house you'll be able to nap without being interrupted like this," he said quietly.