She was shaking slightly as her mind tried to calm itself.
She was shaking slightly as her mind tried to calm itself.
Rio wrapped an arm around her as they walked, trying to help her stay calm.
"You don't have to do this." She laid her head on his shoulder lightly.
"I want to do this." said Rio, smiling at her.
She smiled a little. "I don't deserve you in my life."
"Yes you do." said Rio, "And either way, I'm choosing to be here because I care about you. A lot."
"Which I don't really understand why."
"I don't understand it either to be honest."
"Then why bother caring?"
"Because I do?" said Rio.
"That's a terrible reason."
"It works for me" said Rio as they stepped onto the beach again.
"You need a better one."
"No I don't" said Rio, "Just accept it and give me a chance alright?"
"Fine, fine, whatever." She chuckled.
Rio smiled pulling her close and kissing her forehead impulsively.
She smiled a little, glancing up at him slowly.
Rio grinned, leading her along the seashore and up to his place.
She watched him quietly, just memorizing his features.
Rio lead her up to the deck, and inside. Rashi was still lying flat on the floor. Not moving.
"Um…is he okay?" She raised an eyebrow at the man on the floor.
"He's either meditating, sleeping, or ignoring everything." said Rio, watching him for a moment.`
"O…Kay then."
Rashi suddenly raised a hand and waved at them, before going back to how he was. "He's definitely ignoring everything." said Rio.
"Well at least he's alive. Which is more than I can say."
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