She just smiled to herself before slipping a small paper under the door. 'Hope this morning added a little light to your life.'
She just smiled to herself before slipping a small paper under the door. 'Hope this morning added a little light to your life.'
Rashi saw the paper, and used a small gust of wind to flick it up to his hand. Reading it he frowned grumpily. Be glad I'm a nice person Fiona, otherwise I could make your life horrible with my empathic powers.
Even if he is pissed, he can't make my life any worse than it already is. She shrugged slightly, turning her attention back to her work.
(Fiona is an idiot, just saying.)
Rashi was in a bad mood for the rest of the day, and Rio avoided him at every chance he could get, pitying the one who received his wrath. Which he knew would probably be him if he didn't disappear after work.
(Yeah I know)
She just watched him throughout the day, getting a sick sense of satisfaction and joy every time she did. It was fun to watch him in annoyance.
Rashi could sense the waves of satisfaction from her, and it took all he had to contain his own emotions. Rio could sense the emotional turmoil his brother was dealing with, and steered clear. He knew that he was the only one who could sense it, since they were twins. Frankly he was just thankful that they had no Acaries link.
(An Acaries link is something most twin (Or triplets) will have in my world. Skye's younger siblings, the triplets Alex, Arthur, and their sister Blaze, are an example of this.)
She couldn't exactly avoid him since he was now her section manager but she did her best even though his pissed off expression brought her such joy.
Rashi took a deep breath when he came out of the office to grab something he'd printed. Forcing his mental shields to become as thick as possible he focused on not lashing out. He just needed to get the papers and not be touched, talked to, or otherwise have any sort of human interaction, and they'd be fine.
She watched him march through the office and smiled. After yesterday, she felt he deserved the pain.
(She had better watch out. XD)
Rashi suppressed a quiet growl as he realized the printer had run out of paper. Refilling it he started back to his office to restart the process.
She suppressed her giggle when she saw his annoyance, choosing to reroute the power away from the printer so it wouldn't work. Just a tiny bit of teasing
Rashi went to his computer, restarted the process, then headed back out. It took all of his self control not to explode, especially since he could sense Fiona's glee. She must have powers over electricity… he thought, making his way back to the office one more time. I don't want to hurt her, but she's really pushing me…
"He's going to kill you." "Not in public, he won't." Fiona chuckled, turning to face her best friend and coworker, Jessie. "You're pushing it." "I know Jess, that's what makes it fun."
Rashi overheard his warning, sighing when he realized that someone actually had some sense to back off. Though hearing Fiona's response, he could feel himself starting to lose control. He saw Rio in the hall, meeting his eyes he nodded, giving Rio the signal to warn her off.
Rio slowly passed Rashi, giving him plenty of space. "Fiona." he kept his tone calm, "Whatever you're up to, you need to stop messing with Rashi. Mess with me if you have to, make my life hell, but not my twin." He sighed, "The last thing I want is you getting hurt. And I Really don't wanna live with the aftermath."
She turned back to face Rio with a smile. "Oh my dear Rio, I would listen but I also don't care. What's he gonna do? Nothing. At least nothing here at the office." She shrugged. "I'll be fine. And even if I'm not, whatever. I'm going through enough pain and suffering, adding some more won't make much of a difference."
"Fiona…" Rio facepalmed, "It's obvious you aren't gonna listen to me. So don't get mad if you make both our lives hell for the next week." he said turning to hide in his office, visibly paling when he saw how tense Rashi was.
She noticed too, but she just waved with a smile and turned back to her work. "You have a death wish." "Jess I've had one of those since I was 14, get with the program."
Rashi took a deep breath, doing his best to hold in, and not turn his fury on her. Carefully he set the printer up again, and went back to his computer, restarted the process, then came back out.
"See? I told you I'd be fine." Jessie just sighed. "You're insane." "I prefer to be called mentally unstable." "Fiona…" "Just saying!"
Rashi growled quietly, taking his papers and heading swiftly back into his office. One more…. just one more prank and I won't be able to hold back… he thought.
"You have something planned, don't you?" "Of course I do." "He's going to flip." "I would love to see that." "He's actually going to kill you." "You say that like I should care."
Rio could feel the bottled up fury from his brother 4 floors down. He had gone there to deliver papers. He was also really hoping that Rashi didn't explode, since he knew it would mean a nasty sparring match, and some very bad bruising.
"One of these days Fiona, you're going to push someone too far and end up dead in a back alley somewhere." "Yes, and it will be glorious." "Weirdo."
Rashi rustled through papers, then realized he needed a new pen. Swearing colorfully under his breath he left yet again to get a new one.
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