forum I Just Want A Cute Romance RP That Won't Die In A Week IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR??
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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She still felt bad though so she chose to sit next to him. "Is everything okay?" She kept her voice quiet and soft, knowing how it felt to go through a migraine.

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"My head just hurts…." he whispered softly, all but ignoring her.

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Rashi sighed, carefully getting to his feet and stumbling to the elevator. "I need air…."


She decided that it was her job to take care of him for now so she quickly caught up to him and grabbed his arm to keep him steady as he walked. "Careful now, don't fall."

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Rashi pulled his arm away from her as he slipped into the elevator, pressing the button to go to the roof.

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Rashi sighed, sitting down on the roof and letting the air swirl around him, breathing deeply as he let his head clear.

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Rio sighed, the lights were way to bright still, and his eyes hurt but he kept working.


She poked her head into the office. "Is it just me or is it really bright in here?" She squinted into the lights. "Nevermind, you might want to check on your brother. Just saying." She pulled her head back out, returning to her desk.

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Rio looked up, frowning at her. Getting up he went over to her desk, "If Rashi's still in a bad modd there's not much I can do about it." he said flatly.

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"What for?" asked Rio, his tone was a bit harsh, but he wasn't trying to be intentionally rude either.

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Rio rolled his eyes, "Let him fall off the roof then!" he said, "Probably do him good" he started walking back to his office, not seeming to care.

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(These two are the one set of twins I have who honestly don't give a crap about the other.)

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Rio rolled his eyes, "If he were in danger of dying then we'd have an issue," he said, "but falling off of a 40 story building ain't gonna kill him."

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"I'm just in a bad mood cause the light's in my office are really intense for some reason." he said.

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Rio rolled his eyes, heading back to his office. He stared up at the lights for a moment when he realized they had dimmed again. Why do I have a feeling Fiona might be behind this? he thought heading back to his and Rashi's work.

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Rashi eventually came back, not even glancing at Fiona as he slipped into his office and set to work. His head still hurt, but it was jo longer unbearable.