She barely glanced up from her cup. Everyone knew how much she'd wanted this promotion and how hard she'd worked for it so congratulating him on getting it was going to be an obvious lie. So she just stayed silent.
She barely glanced up from her cup. Everyone knew how much she'd wanted this promotion and how hard she'd worked for it so congratulating him on getting it was going to be an obvious lie. So she just stayed silent.
Rio said nothing as he poured himself a coffee, sipping it as it was. Watching her silently, "y'know you're lucky to have not gotten the promotion." he said, "Its absolutely boring."
"One, you only got it this morning, you don't know that. And two, spare me the fake pity." She downed the rest of her coffee and brushed past him back to her desk. She wasn't in the mood to deal with either one of them.
Rio blinked as she walked away, "feisty much" he commented, heading back to his office to deal with the rest of his new duties.
The day seemed to drag on until her shift finally ended. She stretched and grabbed her coat, ready to head out when she realized something. "Crap where are my keys?" She huffed quietly. She knew they had been in her jacket pocket that morning so where could they have gone?
Rashi came up behind her, "Looking for these?" He asked, holding her keys. "I found them on the floor by your desk."
She plucked them out of his hand quickly. "Thanks." She was still a little upset from the whole promotion thing so that's all she said before finally heading out. She was in a mood and it definitely wasn't a good one.
"What's her problem?" Asked Rio.
"Not a clue." Said Rashi heading outside with Rio at his heels.
(Ooo, going to do this because I can and I want to start the plot)
"Fi!" She smiled a little at the voice before the face came into focus. "Hey, Cole." Her boyfriend of two years now greeted her with a kiss. "So, how's my newly promoted girl?" Her smile faded. "I didn't get it." "Wait what?" "Yeah…but there's always next time, right?" When she looked up at him, she expected a smile but instead saw…disgust? "Cole?" "You seriously didn't get it?" "No, he gave it to these twins that work a couple of spaces away." He stepped back from her. "I've been going around telling everyone that my girlfriend was promoted and now you're telling me I'm a liar?" "Cole it's not that serious-" "It is that serious, Fiona!" She shrunk back a little when he yelled. He knew how she felt about it, too. "God you're stupid!"
Rio and Rashi came out the door, overhearing the commotion they stopped, looking at each other briefly. Neither had a weapon, but niether needed it. They were both debating on intervention.
"Cole, honey-" She tried to say something but was cut off by a violent backhand. "Shut up! I don't know why I stuck around with you. We're over." He spat before turning on his heel and walking off, muttering something under his breath. She held her cheek in pain for minute before regaining her composure and just walking away, scrubbing the tears that were now running down her face off.
Rio stared in slight shock, "I think she might be having a bad day." he said to his brother, who was not paying attention as he tried to block out the waves of emotion coming from her. "Don't tease her… She's had a very bad day…" he muttered.
She knew they had been there, she could feel their eyes on her the entire time. So why hadn't they bothered to do anything when they saw something going on? Why didn't they try to help? Because no one cares about you, that's why. She sighed heavily, not even trying to disagree with her thoughts.
"I think we should've intervened…" said Rio softly, taking his brother's arm and guiding him down the street.
"you think?!" said Rashi, ripping his arm away as her emotions started affecting his actions.
Rio watched him calmly, "Deep breaths." he said,
She eventually made it back to her apartment. She shut the front door behind her, rested against it, threw her head in her hands, and cried. Today had been awful in every way something could've been awful and now she was alone again.
Rashi was calm again as she got out of range, and they parted ways when they got to the beach, Rio going for his usual swim in the reefs off shore.
And that's where she stayed for hours, just sobbing into her hands. It felt better to cry everything out rather than keep it bottled up for everyone to deal with tomorrow.
Rashi sighed, settling into his meditation position at home. Reaching out mentally he sensed the puddle of angry, frustration, and pain that was Fiona. knowing that big well wouldn't just go away overnight he carefully, subtly pressed a feeling of warm peace over top of her anguish, focusing, and gently surrounding her in that cloud. Hoping to gods it would keep him from getting a headache tommorrow.
Slowly, the feelings faded, replaced by one that almost felt like a warm hug. She smiled a little, feeling slightly better. But why? It's not like she'd cried out all her feelings already. She shook it off though, choosing to just focus on the good feeling.
Rashi sighed, she was taking it. He was careful not to let his feelings of relief affect him as he continued the process, ignoring the sound of a door slamming as his twin came inside.
She leaned her head back against the door, conjuring a small beam of light to play with between her fingers so she could feel like she was less lonely.
Rashi finally broke the connection, sensing that she'd be ok. Flopping back he listened to his brother's footsteps as he trained in the basement.
And there she stayed against the door, just playing with a sunbeam until she felt asleep.
le timeskip
Rio lead the way into work that day, his usual smirk on his face as he led his grumpy twin into the office.
Fiona was already working at her desk, having been there early to get some things done.
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