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Rio rolled his eyes and shunted Rashi in the general direction of his office, heading to his own to get the work done.
Rashi scowled at his brother when he was shunted, but walked off. He was in a very grumpy mood today.
Rio rolled his eyes and shunted Rashi in the general direction of his office, heading to his own to get the work done.
Rashi scowled at his brother when he was shunted, but walked off. He was in a very grumpy mood today.
Fiona hummed to the empty air, just working and trying to keep herself happy and entertained.
Rio rolled his eyes at his brother's scowl, slipping down the hall.
Rashi huffed, heading to his office, all but slamming the door, wind picking up as he walked, a slight electricity in the air.
Fiona rolled her eyes at the sudden slam. "Hey, what did that door ever do to you?"
Rio sighed, "I highly suggest staying out of his way" he said leaning against the wall. "He's in another bad mood funk and you do not wanna mess with him when he's in a bad mood."
"He seems to have those rather often." She shrugged. "Oh, and if you think I'm just going to pretend yesterday didn't happen, you are so very wrong."
Rio winced, looking away. "We were gonna help.. but we weren't sure if you wanted help or…." he trailed off helplessly. "I'm sorry……."
She slammed her hands on the desk, standing up from her seat. "Are you kidding me?! I was being verbally abused and you two just stood there! I know you could see I was scared so why didn't you at least say something? Buy me a little time to get away?"
"We couldn't hear what was going on ok?" said Rio, "And from the way you acted I figured-" He was cut off by his brother's glare from across the room.
"We both figured the last thing you wanted was for us to interfere in your life." he said, Rio took a step back, clearly scared of his twin. "We would've intervened but it happened too fast for us to do anything."
She folded her arms over her chest with an unconvinced look. "Y'know, you two have always been so quiet but the one time I ask for you to speak up, you stay silent. And I can't say I'm surprised." She grabbed a stack of papers off her desk and pushed past them, going to make copies.
Rio watched her, wincing cause he knew Rashi was focusing his auras on him. and that he was picking up on Fiona's frustration. Slowly he approached his brother, carefully guiding him into his office, and forcing him to sit down. "You need to get under control before something happens." he said firmly before leaving again.
She took a deep breath, trying to relax as she copied the papers. It was only 10:00 and she was already worked up, this wasn't good.
Rashi sighed, slipping to the floor to meditate. He knew he was hurting Rio, and he wouldn't be getting any work done like this. Rio slumped at his desk in his own office, resisting the urge to throw something.
Was it just her or were the lights brighter than they were before? "Ah crap." She forgot about those powers. She quickly got her grasp back on the lights around her, bringing them down to normal so she wouldn't blind everyone.
Rashi slowly felt her emotions fall back under her control, and was able to take the pressure off of Rio.
Rio sighed, feeling the unfamiliar emotions fall away. Rubbing his temples a little he set to work, determined to cover for Rashi.
"Hmm…maybe…" She raised the power in their office, knowing at least one of them would notice. "Just to see…"
Rashi winced at the glaring lights, Either I'm more sensitive right now…. or they just got brighter… he winced again, sliding under his desk.
Rio watched the lights suspiciously, he was sure they weren't that bright…
She smiled to herself, she loved messing with her coworkers. So she brought it up just a tiny bit more. What would be enough to have them start asking questions?
Rashi groaned inwardly, burying his face in his knees to try and hide from the light. He knew it was stupid but they were getting brighter, and it made his head hurt.
"Okay now this is it, otherwise I could blow the lights out." She chuckled, bringing the power up one more time. That'd teach them to leave her the way they did.
Rashi moaned quietly, the light, even though he couldn't see it properly, was giving him a killer migraine, which resembled a bad hangover minus the nausea.
She stopped raising the power level but she didn't lower it either. She just hummed to herself as she worked, now slightly more content than she was before.
Rio ignored it, he found the light a bit intense, so he put on a baseball cap and kept working. Rashi on the other hand, felt the migraine growing worse by the second. A few minutes more and he couldn't take it, bursting from his office, sliding down against the wall trying not to cry because his head hurt so much.
She nearly laughed when he burst out of the room but felt kind of bad when she saw how much pain he was in. So she simply grabbed the bottle of painkillers she always had in her bag and set them down lightly next to him, lowering the power level in the room for when he was feeling better.
Rashi gratefully accepted them, not realizing she was the culprit. Taking a double dose he pulled his knees up to his chest, waiting for the meds to work.
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