Damian’s pout quickly turned into a grin when those lips met his own. “It’s okay… you already made it all better…” Damian mumbled like a sleepy child as he threw his arms around his boyfriend’s neck so he could steal another kiss. And another.
Rowan smiled, holding onto Damian as he kissed the other back, over and over and over, arms wrapped around the other male with a faint smile on his face.
Damian could never get enough of this. Every kiss was like a firework set off in his chest, light that washed away all the darkness. Damian eagerly kissed Rowan back, slowly shifting to straddle his abdomen and hold himself closer because he’d never get enough of leaching off of this male’s warmth.
Rowan smiled a little bit, tugging Damian even closer as he kissed him, eyes closed and arms wrapped around the smaller male.
“Mmmm…” Damian hummed softly, his heart feeling light and fuzzy, “Thank you for letting me stay over.” It felt good to be happy, even just a little bit, after such a rough night.
Rowan nodded. "Of course. Always." He replied with a smile, kissing Damian again. "I'll always be here for you if I can be." If the Reaper let him be. He breathed out softly, his hand resting gently on Damian's back.
Damian eagerly kissed Rowan back, a small smile on his face. “Thank you. Seriously,” Damian whispered, but not a moment later he added, “We should do something you want to do today.” Damian didn’t want to bore or tire Rowan of him, nor become toxic by throwing all his problems on him—he wanted to make Rowan just as happy as this male made him.
Rowan smiled faintly. "Are you sure you want to?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Because I don't really have anything I really want to do. I was just planning on lazing around the house, unless I've got to go to work or something."
Damian smiled and planted a confident kiss on Rowan’s cheek. “Of course I want to do what you want to do. I don’t care if we’re lazy or going a hundred miles a minutes, I just want to be with you. That’s all I need to make me happy,” Damian told him, a twinkly of happiness in his eyes.
Rowan nodded a little bit, smiling again as he brought Damian in for another kiss. "Hmm. Alright." he replied with a soft, happy smile. "Do you want breakfast now, or later, though?" he questioned.
Damian sunk into that kiss once again, savoring the feel of the male’s lips against his own. He shifted so he could lean his head against Rowan’s shoulder, his fingers moving to lazily doodle on Rowan’s chest. “Maybe wait just a bit longer?” He mumbled, snuggling closer, “I don’t wanna get out of bed.”
Rowan smiled, humming for a moment. "Sounds good." he replied, keeping an arm wrapped around Damian, his eyes drooping a little bit from sleepiness and from happiness. "I'd rather not get out of bed right now either, to tell the truth." he smiled again, kissing Damian's cheek.
Damian smiled, then he couldn’t stop himself from kissing Rowan’s neck. Once. Twice. Three times. His hands moved, running over the expanse of Rowan’s chest. He knew he probably felt cold—heck, he was cold, and was currently sapping off of Rowan’s heat—because of his magic, but he just couldn’t help it as his lips pressed against Rowan’s neck, occasionally nipping at him softly.
Rowan blinked as he felt Damian's cold hands running over his body, but smiled, tipping his head back to allow his boyfriend more room, his hands still resting lightly on the other male's back. After a moment, he started movving his hands, gently tracing over DAmian's back.
Damian’s lips slowly moved, leaving a trail of kisses from his neck to his collarbone. His hands started dancing over Rowan’s sides and abdomen, admiring the male with his hands and lips. “I love you,” He whispered against Rowan’s skin, tugging at the male’s shirt a little bit.
Rowan blinked again at the admission, eyes flashing down to meet Damian's. "You…" he trailed off. Half of him wanted to believe that so, so badly, but the other half…knew that no one could, or should, love someone like him. Someone who had done the things he did. "You shouldn't." he replied quietly.
Damian picked his head up so he could look Rowan in the eyes. “But I do. I think I’m in love with you, Rowan,” Damian whispered, lifting both hands for a moment so he could hold the sides of Rowan’s face. “We deserve this love. There’s too much bad in the world, you and I deserve this little bit of light.”
"But, Damian…I'm the bad in the world." Rowan said quietly. "You deserve it, but…I don't." he bit his lip a little bit, leaning into Damian's hands. "I don't deserve it, not…not after the things I've done to people, I…" he shook his head.
Damian slowly pressed his lips to the corner of Rowan’s. “You deserve every bit of it and more,” He whispered, his hands moving down to running up and down Rowan’s chest. “Everyone deserves love, Rowan. Even if you think your a horrible person… you deserve more love than I could ever give you.”
Rowan shook his head a little bit. "I'm not, Mitch, I…I don't deserve it. Please. I don't deserve that. I'm not a good person." He looked at Damian and wished he could accept the other's love, because he did reciprocate it, he did. But he knew he didn't deserve it.
“You do,” Damian protested softly, “And you are a good person. Bad people don’t worry about these things. Bad people don’t come to their boyfriend’s house when his dog died, bad people don’t take him home to bury the body. Bad people don’t get any love to begin with, Rowan,” Damian told him, both arms wrapping around him as he nuzzled his face in his shoulder. “I didn’t fall in love with a bad person.”
"But I'm not a good person." Rowan replied, his arms still around Damian. "I'm…I'm really not. I…there are so many people dead because of what I've done, how can you know that and say that I'm a good person?" he knew that what the Reaper did wasn't his fault, he knew that…but he still felt responsible, because he hadn't ended it when he should have. If he could just die, the Reaper wouldn't be around to terrorize anyone anymore.
Damian frowned. “Rowan… I could never believe you are a bad person, because if you were- if you were there wouldn’t be any hope that one day I-“ Damian shut his mouth before he could make a very bad decision, instead letting out a sigh through his nose. “Rowan, how can I show you what I see when I look at you? How can I prove to you my love belongs to you and you alone? Rowan, I look into your eyes and see a man who- who has his flaws. But I don’t see a bad man, because of how you treated me. Because of how you treat your family.”
Rowan let out a faint, incredulous sound. "Flaws? Damian, I've killed people. You can't just call that a flaw. Just because I treat my family well doesn't…doesn't make me a good person." He looked at Damian, his eyes searching the other man's, unsure what to say.
((Should I have Damian confess about his magic now or should we save that for later/do you have any specific plans in relation to that?))
Damian didn’t know what he could say to express how he felt. “Rowan- Rowan- I don’t care. I don’t care if you’ve killed hundreds of people, don’t you see? I- I dance with death nearly once every week, and I don’t care because I love you!” Damian clenched and unclenched his fists in Rowan’s shirt. “I love you, and yes I know what you do and sometimes I doubt myself because of it, but if I truly thought you were a bad guy I wouldn’t come back,” Damian told him hopelessly, wishing he could make Rowan understand that none of it mattered to him when it came down to it. He loved Rowan, no matter what.