Sebastian brought a hand up to touch his flushed cheeks, biting his lip. When flustered, he had the tendency to look incredibly endearing without realizing, and now more than ever. "That's– good. Yeah."
Sebastian brought a hand up to touch his flushed cheeks, biting his lip. When flustered, he had the tendency to look incredibly endearing without realizing, and now more than ever. "That's– good. Yeah."
Gosh, why does he have to be so cute? Devon wondered to herself as she glanced away, felling her own cheeks heating up at the thought. She cleared her throat and blinked, glancing around. It was a pretty nice day out for February, though the cold still nipped at her nose and cheeks. Maybe that would help disguise her slight blush…
Sebastian swallowed again. "You know…. you look really pretty when your cheeks and nose are red from the cold."
Devon quickly blinked a few times, her blush deepening. "O-oh? Um… Well, thanks… You too… Not– Not pretty. Gosh… Cute? I guess? Um…"
"Thanks– I didn't mean that– Obviously, you look pretty all the time I just meant that– You know, with the–" Sebastian gave up before he melted into a small (and very cold) flustered puddle on the sidewalk.
(You two are so awkward, it’s almost painful.)
“I figured,” Devon said with a soft, still flustered chuckle. “But thank you.”
(I'm not sure if you're talking to me and Sebastian [Sebastian and I?] or Devon and Sebastian, but either way, I agree)
"No problem." Finished with his bagel, Sebastian dared to reach for her hand again.
(Lol. Not you. 😂 Devastian.)
Devon glanced down at popped the last bite of her muffin into her mouth before taking his hand. She looked over at him with a smile and gave his hand a small squeeze.
(lmao either one works)
Sebastian's heart fluttered, a shy smile softening his expression. He squeezed back, too busy exploring the depths of her beautiful eyes to speak aloud.
(You're not awkward to me, but sure. Lol.)
Devon felt her breath catch in her throat as he looked into her eyes, giving her the chance to examine his amber ones. They sparkled in the soft light coming through the clouds, and her smile grew slightly as she noticed it.
(it's easier to be non-awkward online XD)
And, god, did Sebastian want to kiss her right then and there. But of course he would never do so unless she expressed explicit consent, and he knew it was much too early in their delicate relationship. "What're you thinking about?" he asked instead, mumbling slightly.
(Lol. And yet I still manage it! 😂)
Devon tilted her head slightly as she continued to observe the way the light danced across his eyes.
"You have really nice eyes," she said softly, hardly thinking about what she was saying.
but you're not really awkward online from my point of view)
"I—" He choked on whatever he was going to say next, the blush returning full-force to his cheeks. "I was just thinking the same thing about you.."
(Oh. Lol. Well, I feel awkward sometimes.)
Devon blinked at his words as if they shook her out of her thoughts. Heat rushed to her cheeks, turning them a bright pink once more. "Oh… Um, thank you," she said quietly.
Sebastian couldn’t hold back his smile, however large and ridiculous. “No need to thank me for stating facts.”
Devon gave him a small, flustered smile before finally tearing her gaze away from his eyes. She looked over his shoulder and took a sip of her drink, then turned her eyes back to him.
"So. Where should we walk to?" she asked once she was sure her voice wouldn't break.
(I… have no idea
Where should they walk to?)
(Lol. Um… I think I may have mentioned earlier that there's a small lake behind the coffee shop? Otherwise, I think the park is nearby…)
Yeah sure
Are they just going to talk or should something happen?)
(Hm… That depends. I don't really want to do anything with Devon right now, but something could happen with Sebastian?)
(Sure, unless you want to skip
If not, one of his parents could show up on the scene…? I have no other ideas lol)
(Lol. It's up to you. I'm good with whatever.)
(Sure then
Uh want me to start?)
(Lol. Would you, please? I should really work on my paper… sigh)
(Sure lol)
As they were walking through the park, conversing amiably with one another, Sebastian caught sight of a head of stringy, ash-blonde hair. Frowning at the odd familiarity, he strained to get a good look at the woman, barely twenty metres away—— and the blood drained from his face.
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