(Ah screw it I'll give little peeks)
A tall figure seemingly appeared from the darkness of the forest, dressed in a black suit and overcoat. They reached out a clawed hand and their claws scrapped against an invisible force that rippled gold across the 'barrier'
"i-m not sure… did you hear a voice??" he looked up at her looking for a sign he wasn't crazy.
(Rainbow could help with the creature, if that's alright with you)
(yeah jake this is the Daniel's Villain.
Marcus Zerack
age: Unknown
Gender: fluid
is the source of the feral 'infection')
(so umm…I even said before that this was my villan…)
(and they literally were outside of the shields Ember put up…not really a threat at this time, but feel free to fight them right now, just don't expect to do much to them right now.)
(Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!)
(no it's not you. Jake gets a little carried away)
(okay Jake got a LOT carried away, I just read back)
(Should we clean up this mess?)
(I can't really delete his posts)
(I know, I mean we should talk it out with him)
(oh course when he gets back that is)
(posted a wip character sheet for Marcus until you guys uncover more info too)
(AHG- I'm so sorry…. I just kinda rped along)
(it's okay we can fix it and just remind Jake that well…the rp is gonna have to center around all of us and while personal storylines are okay Jake needs to chill out)
(sorry man..i did just get carried away..my minds ideas got the best of me i apologize).
(it's okay we make mistakes just calm yourself next time. I would prefer if the posts were removed up until Marcus scratching at the barrier if you would. We can include your creatures, just not quite at this moment. We gotta build up the action, give little hints of each others problems/enemies until we're all settled)
(Exactly, it honestly felt a little too soon. But if you want plot I can introduce Tiger)
(Currently deleting my posts)
(Probably, as they told Jake to do so)