@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!
(sorry we gotta wait for Jake to remove his posts ;-;)
(Yeah- we could always just kinda leave it until he gets back.)(and you know start?)
(Coward! XD)
(yeah I'm good with that. It left off with the figure [Marcus] scratching at the barrier in an almost teasing manner)
(While we wait do you want to go to my chat? We can RP there if necessary)
(what's your chat?)
("RP anyone from anything" just gonna' warn you, it was made to be a fun but chaotic experience)
(there i deleted as much as my computer could handle.)
(thank you)
The figure chuckled a bit at the barrier, not minding when it started to burn their claws and hand "soon…soon it will be time" they said, their voice both male and female. "the world will be pure after you fall Haven" they told themselves "Miss Williams is the only problem I can think of…she must be taken care of earlier…before she learns to control her abilities better." then their head tilted "and these new members…they must be as well." They then raised a clawed hand to the partly burned hand and swung down, lopping the limb off. The hand crawled under a gap in the barrier and hid in the shadows by a tree
(Well- where should I catch up at?)
Jake then went to try and find a place to sleep, hoping to find tempest.
Jake would be able to hear piano music leaking from a cracked door. It was labeled as Tempest and a sticky note was also on the door Don't forget Anna's pop-tarts
(piano tune: https://www.soundtrap.com/play/Bx3aoIa6Sy_OBjgSamSW6A/sweet-hopes/ )
Mallory walked around mindlessly looking for people in the deserted halls. She whistled a gentle tune and half skipped.
Jake followed the noise of a piano, having flashbacks of his past, then knocked on the door.
"Come in Jake." It was Tempest's voice that went over the sounds of the piano, but he didn't cease the playing
Jake came in and looked around. " what is that song you're playing?
"Sweet Hopes…it's not a real song…just made it up." Tempest responds as he lets the final notes play then looks to Jake as he had finished "What can I do for you?"
"I was wondering, if you could, help me figure something out.." He said with some hesitation in his voice.
"Oh course, lay it one me." He responded with a smile "I'm here to help."
Jake pulled out a picture of a girl. " Have you seen someone like this?.. she's my….my ….sister's daughter…"
"She…looks familiar, but I see about three hundred eight people per day…I can have Josh check the database. I can tell who's close by in here but…one out of that many would be difficult to find…Josh is your best bet. He's the Haven AI I put in a synthetic body. You can find him at the front desk."
"thanks…" Jake walked towards the door then said.." Do, you think…i could join you guys?… until i find her…"
"Yeah…welcome to the family Jake." Tempest smiled as he put his hand written sheet music away
Rainbow was sitting silently by herself, her back leaned against the wall and her arms crossed, looking down blankly, likely thinking about something.
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