forum Haven: A Torch in the Night (may get heavy and violence is a possible occurrence)
Started by @Hybrid-Is-tired

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Anna felt a new consciousness begin to wake and excitedly rushed from her bed, still in her pjs. She jerked her head a bit and Tempest's and Ember's door opened. She came in to each in turn and shook them awake "Rainbow's friend's waking up!" she told them and went back out to watch. Both founders got out of bed, Ember having the sense to pull on some clothes while Tempest rushed right out in a flash shirt and boxers.

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Jake looked around , almost scared but then realized, why would rainbow have an actual tiger?

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Jake nodded, then looked down at the stone, then gripping at his pocket.

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Jake looked over at rainbow and watched the glowing stone carefully.

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

A tall figure appeared around the gemstone, encased in light that hid its face. Rainbow smiled as it floated down and the silhouette faded to reveal the details of her friend. They had a lanky figure, long straight hair with umber and gold strips that fell below their waist, amber skin that was decorated with almost curling stripes of oak. Their clothing was simple at most; a tank top that easily allowed movement, and boxing shorts. They suddenly opened their golden eyes and yelped and quickly cowered into the corner as soon as their gaze landed on the group.


"Hey there, it's okay. You're friend here got you to a safe place. You're so lucky that Rainbow cares so much for you." Tempest said to what he assumed to be Tiger. His voice had not an ounce of magic in it, but still held a natural caring tone, like that that one person in the group that brought others together. "This is a safehaven." He explained, Anna peeking from behind Tempest, her eyes full of wonder at the new Gem.

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Jake looked at the gem girl, then lets go of the grip on his pocket.

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

Rainbow went over to her and gave Tiger a hug, "It's okay, they're not going to hurt you, they're friends." She smiled.
"Are you sure?" The yellow Gem asked, looking to her, then to Tempest.
"Positive." Rainbow smiled, releasing Tiger and helping her up. "Everyone, meet Tiger's Eye." She said as her friend gripped onto her hand.


"Tempest Daniels." Temp said with a smile
"Ember Daniels." Em looked at the Gem and managed a thin smile
"And I'm Annabeth Williams." Anna chirped, her crimson eyes a pale almost pink shade


"We are…well most of us at least…Ember and I are hybrids." Tempest explained "We founded this place to keep others that are like all of us safe."

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

Rainbow's face went a little green when she looked at Tiger's reaction.
"You seem genuinely intelligent, I'm actually kind of shocked. Especially after what I was taught about humans." Tiger remarked, looking down at them.

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Jake tried shaking his arm away. " Tiger is awake…Rainbow's friend."