@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"My, my, quite a lot isn't there." She laughed carrying over two cups of tea. "How old are you again?"
"My, my, quite a lot isn't there." She laughed carrying over two cups of tea. "How old are you again?"
"Hello!" Tiger chirped to him, playing with her hair.
"Twelve." Her eyes shifted to the tea "That stuff smells so good!"
"I agree, it smells amazing." She laughed holding out a mug to Anna.
(Feel free to ask Tiger anything, she’s a talker)
Back in the hall Joshua gave a polite smile "Hello I'm Joshua, a synth created by Haven to serve its members, so if there is ever anything you need ma'am don't hesitate to ask" He told Tiger
Back at the girls only sleepover Anna took a mug of tea and blew on it a bit before taking a sip "minty. I love it!"
"Yay- I'm glad." She smiled and patted her head. "So what to talk about…?"
"andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)…he's fourteen and to be completely honest…he's kinda cute and before you laugh I see how you look at Jake." Anna grinned
Jake went to bed with this deep gut feeling something bad is going to happen…or something good…or both…
"Stop it- I don't even know how old he is." She chuckled with a soft blush. "But tell me about this andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)."
"well he's little bit taller than me, he has a lot of freckles, his hair is dark brown and covers his eyes most the time. He never raises his voice…oh his voice." Anna was glad she had fur covering her face so it hid the blush she was getting now.
"Oooh~ Someone's got a crush.~" She giggled poking her nose:
"Okay so maybe I do." She admitted "I just wanna give him the biggest hug get him something but I have no clue what…or is that what the guy is supposed to do?"
She giggled. "I wouldn't know, I've never dated a guy ever." She shrugged petting her head. "But since you can't hug the guy how about me?"
(They're not the only ones)
Anna smiled as she was pet and hugged Mal, yawning as she held onto her
"You ready for bed?" She asked softly.
She slowly nods her head, looking up at Mal
"Then let's go do that." She smiled and led her to the bed.
(Gotta go! Night y'all!)
Annabeth climbed into the bed and slipped under the covers, sliding over to give Mallory the space she needed
Mallory smiled and slid in next to Annabeth. "Night kiddo."
As everyone was finally getting their sleep the two were left alone. It was very clear how Rainbow felt about Tiger, seeing as she was sitting in her room, covering her face.
Jake woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, and he heard a soft voice Help me…..
As Anna, Tempest, and Mal slept, Jake heard voices, and the two Gems kept awake, there was a soft piano melody coming from room seven, the only room Tempest wanted people to stay out of.
Tiger had heard the music, but she didn't bother to go check who was playing, as she just suspected one of the residents was having trouble sleeping. After a small while, she went to join Rainbow, who had composed herself, luckily.
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