forum gay-thic lit anyone? (o/o)
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Deleted user

(Honestly I'm just pushing the gay agenda onto classical literature here and living for it.)

@HighPockets group

(Frankenstein and multiple Shakespeare plays and classics. As well as my general "if no one else will give me the representation I need, I'll do it myself" thing.)

Deleted user

(Honestly I love how we're all so happy just chatting about classic lit to each other that we have more pages of chat than roleplay. There's what, seven or eight roleplay replies at most? But so much of just us enjoying each others opinions! And it's amazing.)

Deleted user

(I would never laugh at you, for your knowledge. I like hearing about the things people like, even if I personally never have or never will understand them.)

Deleted user

(No problem dude! I just like hearing friends talk about stuff I assume is cool because they like it.)

Deleted user

(However, I refuse to read shakespeare. I'm sorry to everyone I know who likes shakespeare, I just can't get through all the words. I know it's better digested in play format because they're, ya know, plays, but I can't.)

Deleted user

(Yeah, I jsut can't do it. I envy people who can read his stuff though, like, youre vool if you can do that.)

Deleted user

(It is indeed unfortunate. Anyways, how have you been doing lately?)

Deleted user

(Book store book store! Those are always so fun! I wish I could spend all my money on books but like, I have no money.)

Deleted user

(I mean Robert was sailing for a while, he probably just didn't have time to cut it so we can just say we've cheated history on that one also Ice of course you can stalk just expect my Victor for this to a a bit nicer and twice as feral.)

Victor's frantic blue eyes darted around the area, and he began to tug on his hair, before getting into the carriage. "Robert, are we entirely safe here?" he asked quietly, while the creature ended up sitting up by the driver, the roof of the carriage too low for their stature. Even then, it was a tight squeeze, but now they finally had some time to read without Victor drawing too much attention to them.

They were reading Candide, ou l'Optimisme, in the original French since that was the language they'd learned originally and it was the language that would stay with them until their grave. How they'd managed to get a copy startled even them, people just had a habit of dropping books out in the woods around them, as far as they were concerned. Certainly, they were fluent in English, but had only become so by reading and listening.

"So, you're a scholar, eh?" the driver asked. This was a dangerous question, as the creature generally didn't like learned men on principle. I mean, look at Victor, the botched creation thought.

"I consider myself someone with a love of reading, but I'm no scholar." he returned, surprised at the generosity of the man's gentle demeanor towards him.

"Ah, like me wife. She en't a scholar due to the pricks at university rejecting her for bein' a woman, but I know she'll get there one day. My Laura is smarter than all'a 'em, with a big heart too."

"I'm glad to hear it. Your wife must be a very decent person." the creature said, not really knowing the social script for things.

"Oh she is, more'an anything. Say, do you have a lady love? I'm sure you due, what will all that height'n'all. Women love a tall man with brains, unlike me of course, who was lucky to get my Laura on accounting of my smaller stature and fickle intelligences." the question struck a note with the creature. He had never gotten a chance to love, owing it all to Victor for his misfortune.

(author's note: I'm genuinely sorry to call the creature such mean things.)

(also here is my latest response in case it got buried under our chats.)